Natural Women’s Council

The Natural Women's Council, a grassroots non-profit in Ireland, is dedicated to protecting the well-being of children, women, & families. We work tirelessly to champion for their rights and ensure their voices are heard in communities across the country.
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hace 6 meses, 1 semana

Are third parties going in to schools to teach your kids things like porn, masturbation and gender politics?
we have evidence!


Keep Undesirable Third Parties Out of Irish Schools

In this video we take a look at third party groups that may come into your school to either teach RSE or SPHE as well as activist groups such as BelongTo and ShoutOut who will look to have access to your child's school for talks and training (to both teachers…

hace 6 meses, 1 semana

X (formerly Twitter)

Natural Womens Council (@NaturalWomensIE) on X

ARE THIRD PARTIES INVADING YOUR CHILD’s SCHOOL TO DO THE “DIRTY WORK?” We have evidence! (Video link in comments) In this video we take a look at third party groups that may come into your school to either teach RSE or SPHE, as well as activist groups…

Natural Women’s Council
hace 8 meses, 4 semanas

How about a reading?

hace 8 meses, 4 semanas

We have drafted a detailed submission from approx 300 hours of research a teacher group completed.

?The letter is on our website and there’s a short video and longer video outlining concerns.
?We pressured them and deadline was quietly extended to tomorrow!
?We also pressured them to accept emails and ask public to copy us on them so they cannot hide public feedback

Letter to NCCA

Video (shorter)

Video (more detail)


Campaigns | NaturalWomensCouncil

Through our campaigns, we aim to raise awareness and champion the rights of parents to determine their children's education, ensuring a safe and supportive environment for all. We collaborate with communities, educators, and policymakers to promote informed…

hace 9 meses
hace 9 meses

X (formerly Twitter)

James Esses (@JamesEsses) on X

This ‘Wheel of Privilege’ is being used in schools. It splits everyone into buckets of ‘power’ or ‘marginalised’. It tells children that if they are white or male or ‘cis’ or Christian or European or they speak English or live in an urban city, that they…

Natural Women’s Council
hace 9 meses
hace 9 meses
The War on Children 2024 Documentary

The War on Children 2024 Documentary
"The War On Children" exposes the ongoing battle for control of the next generation and their minds. This film reveals the battle plan being used to control the future. To win this war you have to understand the tactics of your enemy.

hace 9 meses, 2 semanas

(URL victoryireland)

OPINION PIECE: It’s June again so welcome to ‘pride’. Welcome to having every dysfunctional fetish pushed at you whether you want it or not. The simple phrase ‘I am not interested’ is enough to label you as a homophobe and every effort will be made to shame you, to restrict your advancement and force an apology out of you which of course will not be accepted. These are all or nothing fanatics who don’t discuss or debate, their monologues are repetitive, boring and obsessionally narcissistic. They wish to be offended and are utterly disinterested if you are the one that is offended. If you are you are simply a lesser evolved homo sapien, a homophobe and an intellectual member of the stone age.

Well pal, I am going to go further, not only am I not interested in your sexual dysfunction, I am positively bored by it because I heard all about it last June and the June before. If you haven’t convinced me by now you never will so get real and cut your losses. Leave me and everybody else alone. But it is not really about trying to convince me, it’s about normalising the abnormal, about replacing families with ‘modern families’, about replacing values with a new code of behaviour that is pawned off as a value system, about undermining tradition and long held and cherished Christian beliefs.

Inclusiveness is their buzz word except the homosexual advocate promotes the most exclusive of socio political wokery. You are either in or out, you either are on side or off side, there is no middle ground, what is inclusive about that. I have lost count of my red cards at this point. Have they not understood that people are fed up having the same personal sexual details pushed at them and supported by high pressured salesmanship. When Jack Chambers TD ‘came out’ the general consensus of ‘so what’ must have been disappointing. His five minutes of fame evaporated except in Dáil Éireann where his ‘courage’ was obsequiously praised across all parties. Forgive me but I saw no courage, only idiocy.

Pride is backed by big money. The total annual budget for LGBQT advocacy is approximately $424 million and money talks. Perhaps this is why people may believe the mantra ‘one in ten’ implying that 10% of humanity is homosexual. The 2021 UK census form asked about sexuality and 1•5% identified as homosexual. 1•3% identified as bisexual and 0•5% stated that their perceived sex and birth sex did not align. This is a grand total of 3•3% and while I would deplore anybody being discriminated against due to their sexual ideation I would politely ask what about the rest of us, the 96•7% of non LGBQT ordinary decent people who have to put up with haranguing, shaming and bullying every time a contrarian view is expressed.

The ‘pride’ bandwagon was unstoppable at least until now. But they have overstepped the tolerance and pity of the normal 96•7% majority. When you come after the children it us time to confront this ideology and examine its agenda forensically. Organisation like ‘Belong To’ and ‘TENI’, a transgender advocacy group have near unlimited access to schools. They are funded by government and are seen by many as the homosexual advocacy branch of government. They vet schools as being ‘gay friendly’, organise ‘pride’ flag raising ceremonies, run a ‘gay week’ in schools and give ongoing mentoring and support to school staff who wish their school to achieve a ‘quality mark’ awarded by Belong To.

This is seen by many as an attempt by gay advocacy groups to foster sexual and gender confusion in children and undermine parenting. This is the red line for many. It is time to fight back against this ideology, to oppose it and call out those who sponsor it by displaying posters or participating in events. Boycott ‘pride’, boycott those who sponsor ‘pride’, boycott those who politically support ‘pride’, say NO to ‘pride’ and be proud of normality. Let’s reclaim June.

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