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Here we share tips on Islamic Medicine according to authentic Islamic sources and advice from great Hakims and scholars in the field.

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7 months, 2 weeks ago

♥️ Health consultation and Hijamah program

?Date: From 20th July
? Location: Mumbai, India ??
? By: Sheikh Iman
? Queries: t.me/MahamAli
? +919804980472

8 months, 2 weeks ago

Dinner meal:

In Islamic teachings breakfast and dinner are the main mails recommended for people in oppose to some diet couches who recommend you to leave dinner to loose weight.
The holy Prophet Muhammad says: "Do not skip eating dinner, even if it is to eat a dried date. I am afraid for my nation that old age (premature aging) will come to them from leaving dinner. Because dinner is a source of strength for youth and elderlies."

But there some important points about dinner:
Time: evening meal should be at least 3 hrs before going to bed since full primary digestion takes 4 hrs.
Not following this tips results in bad breath, loss of appetite for breakfast, constipation and more important insomnia in long term.
Food: evening meal should not always be heavy. Sometimes if you no appetite just an apple can do the job or a cup of warm milk and honey. Especially if you want to wake up for Fajr/early morning easier, eat lighter for dinner.

Avoid: try to avoid yogurt, fish, orange, watermelon and cold drinks like Laban at nights especially if you're in cold climate or season. And to have a peaceful night try to avoid black tea and coffee and white sugar in the evening and instead consume lettuce with your dinner.

Right after Maqrib around 7pm is normally best time for dinner.


8 months, 3 weeks ago

? A common story:

A young lady came with severe eczema on her fingers.
All the fingers had wounds with a lot of itching and burning.

I did not find any reason for it in the initial question and answer:
- Do you eat too much spice? no
- Do you have constipation? No
- Do you have a lot of stress? No, I am calm
- Do you have an obsession or do you use a lot of detergents? -No

She suddenly said: It started when I stopped breastfeeding my baby!
I noticed a thin 5-month-old child in his father's arms

Why did you stop breastfeeding?
-Because my milk dried up
- Why did it dry?
-Because I went back to work. My workplace didn't give me more time off and I had to go to work, so we gave the baby formula milk!

And now another problem we have is that the baby does not drink formula milk even.

And she added: I was so much in peace when I was breastfeeding my baby.

? This instructive incident shows the relationship between our behaviors and health and illness.

If we are committed to the lifestyle that the Merciful creator has shown us, we live healthy.
Almighty God says in the Holy Quran, "breastfeed your child for two years."
Then we give priority to work outside our home and exchange the peace of parenting with work and more income.

And if we and our family become unwell, sometimes have to spend that extra salary for our health care.

Note: we don't say mothers should only stay at home and not to be active in the society, but it's about the priority. If there's contradiction between motherhood and job, what is our choice? Material needs of the child or emotional need.

"The toughest job belongs to mothers which is raising a human being"


10 months, 1 week ago

?Tabib Health Group clinic is now open in Dar es salam

?Islamic Health consultations,
?Hijamah & Fasd
??Islamic Massage and alignments
? Organic products

?With experts from Qom and Mashad

?Alykhan road, Upanga, Dar es salam, Tanzania

+255 683 133 746

?Tanzania WhatsApp channel:

10 months, 2 weeks ago

Deadly food combinations:

Foods have different temperament and different effects in our body.
According to Islamic teachings some combination can damage the liver and digestive system severely that can even result in serious issues, some in short term some in long term.

? So try to avoid below foods together:

eggs and fish (spleen damage)
wheat porridge and vinegar
Dairies with sour foods like citrus fruits
cheese and yogurt (excessive Balqam)
cheese and almond (walnut is the moderator)
vinegar and lentils
Vinegar and yogurt (excess coldness)
sweet melon and honey (chance of heart attack)
Sweet melon and mango
Pomegranate and wheat porridge
fish and yogurt/ water (excessive harmful Balqam)


1 year ago

Diagnose the issue yourself

If you are suffering from any digestive issues, these are the tips which can help you diagnose the cause of issue.

According to Islamic teachings, any of these items can be a reason for digestion discomfort:

? Do you drink water or any drinks in middle of your food? (like milk and breakfast, water or juice with lunch)
Make sure you drink it afterwards

? Do you chew your morsels enough? Try to chew properly

? Do you look at your food while eating? Avoid screens and focus on your food

? Do you consume black tea or soda after your meals?

? Do you usually consume yogurt with your food?

? Do you start your meals with saying بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم

? Do you usually do heavy activities like swimming or exercise after main meals?
If so, avoid these after your meals

? Do you start and end your meals with a pinch of natural salt? If no, try it from today

All above tips are Islamic advice for having a healthy digestive system.


1 year ago

??‍♂ Main reasons for white hair:

✔️ Excess Balqam (cold & wet temperament) in person
✔️ Sever constipation
✔️ Excess dry foods like cheese
✔️ Radioactive, mobile and WiFi rays
✔️ Excess marital relationships especially during autumn and winter
✔️ Stress, sorrow, fear

Therefore to begin the treatment first the above reasons should be rectified and then Islamic treatment starts.


1 year, 1 month ago
Importance of covering head:

Importance of covering head:

In Islamic teachings we are highly recommended to protect our head from whatever makes our brain weak.

So head covers are not only to keep the head warm but to protect it from excess heat as well.

Protecting the head from toxic steams is another use of hats in Islamic teachings. For example it is recommended to cover our head and nose when going to toilet.

So our head works like a two way gate which can absorb and also can release steams. That's why we are recommended to cover our head right before getting out of the shower and should keep it until our hair is dry.

Applying henna on the head, ointments on the head, using natural shampoos and soaps and all similar activities are there to detoxify our brain and help us to have a sharp memory.

Make sure your hat is made of natural materials like wool (for cold climate) or cotton fabric (for warm climate) to get the benefits raher than using synthetic materials like polyester which can cause headaches.

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