In The Name Of God
تبلیغات? :
Last updated 2 months, 2 weeks ago
☑️ Collection of MTProto Proxies
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پینک پروکسی قدیمی ترین تیم پروکسی ایران
Last updated 2 months ago
Official Channel for HA Tunnel - www.hatunnel.com
Last updated 6 months ago
✋Ladies and Gentelmen
?And my dear followers
✈️Proxygram team has been working on a new project, thats why we couldn't answer all of your questions some times.
?Here are some answers on your questions :
1️⃣- Why does your team not rolling out new update?
- Actually there are 2 reasons:
-first one is because of new Google play policies. New rules requires to update your app up to 64 bit version. But for some reason Google doesn't allow us to do it. So we are working on it.
-The second reason is that we have been working on a NEW PROJECT which surely you will enjoy. Soon we are going to release it and we hope you will SUPPORT us. Proxygram team has been working hard on this project.
2️⃣-Why are there so many ads on Proxygram?
-first of all, we are really sorry that our ads has been annoying you and brought some discomforts for you.
-We had to enable ads in order to support Proxygram team and gain some resourses for a new project
-As soon as we publish new App , we are going to disable ADS so you can enjoy Proxygram as you have been doint it before.
-New Browser app✅
-New highly protected call app❇️
-New updates for Proxygram Plus✳️
Thank You for you patient and loality and stay tuned! It really means a lot for me??❣️?
Sincerely your Team Lazyfire ?
?Contacts: @hmz_aa
[email protected]
Okay,The settings has been changed, and proxygram works in many devices , but the connection is a bit slow, and not all of the users can connect so far
@proxy_socks5_bot try this bot out if it's not working, or the site
⭐️Thank you for voting⭐️
Please note that Proxygram Plus is more secured than Telegram.
Our team worked hard for a long time creating this app, and goverment blocked Proxygram Plus's proxy-servers as well.And some users say that they cant download from Play Store , so We made some changes in setting of Proxygram plus (proxy) , and you just need to download VPN for Android and it will work perfectly, so start using Proxygram:
Here are some good and free VPNs that i recommend for android:
Psiphon is good vpn that has been tested by time:
Hotspot shield VPN is a veteran in VPN market:
VPN Proxy master - some say that it is good vpn, but i havnt tested it yet:
VPN Melon - really good vpn as well:
Cyber ghost is exellent VPN that i recommend :
Hideman free vpn is fast vpn but sometimes not safe:
Hola free VPN is veteran of VPNs as well:
Thats it, if you have some questions and troubles , contact me @Lazyfire
Share with your friends to help them
Subscribe to our channel to be informed for latest news : @ProxygramPlus
Are you using Proxy/socks5?
Allright lets make a quick vote , it can help us a lot!
Are you using vpn?
Please, share with your friends with this app! #DigitalResistanse
Okay , here are the things! Apperantly , Iranian goverment trying to block Proxygram as well,because it was the only messenger that worked a couple days, so i'm trying to find a solution and by the god's will, Proxygram/Telegram will work today! Thanks for your patient )
Скоро будут еще гайды по обходу блокировки и чтобы это не повлияло на скорость?
Soon, we publish more instruction on how to bypass and avoid the lock or blocking so it wont affect to the speed ?
? Avoiding Blocking of Telegram with Proxygram?
Some people text me that , Proxygram is not working. Here are some solutions to keep in touch with everybody and continue reading channels.
? With this links , you can easily avoid any blocking
?Or use these links to bypass the lock in one click.
The use of any VPN is also suitable. Just enter that word in the App Store or Google Play.
? Bots that help bypass the lock
@socks5_bot(or website socks5.one, if its already blocked in your country)
If there are any problems - try to open the link in the browser, it will work.
Have tried everything? Here is a working link, a 1-click proxy
If you do not want to stay here alone - discard the instructions to friends, family and colleagues. Cancel the lock in three clicks!
If you have any questions , please text me @LazyFire
In The Name Of God
تبلیغات? :
Last updated 2 months, 2 weeks ago
☑️ Collection of MTProto Proxies
? تبليغات بنرى
? تبليغات اسپانسری
پینک پروکسی قدیمی ترین تیم پروکسی ایران
Last updated 2 months ago
Official Channel for HA Tunnel - www.hatunnel.com
Last updated 6 months ago