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Continued from above How to think about . . . aging
- Rather than idealizing youthfulness, focus on all the things that you can gain from living a longer life – including experience, knowledge, and improved emotional regulation and decision making.
- Remember that many of the things that we typically associate with aging – such as physical weakness – are within your control and can be improved with a healthier lifestyle.
- Avoid attributing sickness to your age, since this will reinforce the idea of an inevitable decline. People with a positive view of aging tend to recover from illness more quickly than those with negative expectations.
- Look out for good role models ... who have challenged society’s expectations.
- Be aware of your media diet – many films and TV series will reinforce offensive stereotypes about older people. Try to watch stories or documentaries that deal with aging more sensitively – or at least engage more critically with what you do watch.
- If you are young or middle-aged, befriend people outside of your own age group – the research shows that doing so, alone, can improve expectations of aging.
Continued from above
How to think about . . . stress, happiness and sleep
- adopt an accepting attitude to unpleasant feelings, rather than actively suppressing them.
- When dealing with anxiety, consider the potential benefits of the physical feelings. Fast breathing and a racing heart, for instance, help to transmit oxygen and glucose to your body and brain, providing you with the energy you need to cope with the challenge, while sweating helps cool the body as it works hard to meet its goals.
- Can you relabel your feelings? Anxiety can feel much like excitement, for example, and reminding yourself of these similarities can help you to feel more energized.
- If you have an imaginative mind, visualizing the ways that anxiety could boost your own performance in specific situations can cement the message, leading to longer-term effects.
- Regularly reinforce your knowledge of these expectation effects. If you often feel stressed in the workplace, it might help to have notes or posters outlining the principles of this chapter around your desk, or to place reminders in an online calendar.
- If you struggle to fall asleep, try to accept the feeling of restlessness without judging it and remind yourself that you will still be able to function the next day, even if your sleep has been less than optimal.
Cont. below...
**Excerpts from the Expectation Effect
How to think about . . . eating**
- Avoid distraction while you eat, and be sure to savour each mouthful... eating slowly, taking care to chew your food, leaves you feeling more satisfied.
- Try to cultivate strong memories of the experience, which will help you to feel and stay sated. If you are trying to cut down on snacks, remind yourself what you ate for your last meal. You may find that recollection helps to curb hunger pangs.
- Pay particular attention to flavour, texture and presentation; anything that will heighten your enjoyment of the food and leave you feeling more satisfied afterwards.
- Avoid sweetened drinks. It is hard for the body to adapt its energy regulation to their high-calorie content.
- Enjoy the anticipation of food. This will prime your digestive response and help you to feel more satisfied afterwards.
Cont. below...
"Diseases" have their origin mainly in disturbances in the interaction between humans and the environment, i.e. in the way we process environmental stimuli. This processing process is highly dynamic and depends on numerous factors. This includes, among other things, the individual constitution of a person, but also the type of diet we eat.
The numerous daily life energy thieves also contribute to us dragging ourselves through everyday life chronically exhausted and suffering from premature aging of our bodies...
Translated excerpt from Raik Garve
So true ...
Excerpts from Making Sense of Suffering
"Making sense of suffering means resolving it. To do so, I believe, we have to seek and determine its causes today in order to prevent its recurring tomorrow."
- Unconscious fear is always the fruit of injury.
- Fear is transformed into personalized patterns of defensive behavior designed to guarantee survival.
- The unavoidable consequence of injury to our primal integrity is suffering.
- By becoming conscious of our initial vulnerability and the reactions that should have taken place in the primal scene, the suffering can be alleviated or even resolved.
- Resolving suffering means no longer being unconsciously compelled to follow, "love," or serve; not having to despair, hate, rage, or suffer. It means an end to tantrums and mournful feelings, resignation, and obedience. It means no longer being driven by fear or exhaustion.
What do you think caused this?
I think it was all by design, it wasn’t just our history that has been manipulated.
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How can our self-healing powers be activated? negative influences weaken the immune system, positive actions can activate the body's self-healing powers. Happy people promote the release of endorphins that make you happy. The best-known neurotransmitter is serotonin, which is also responsible for positive thinking. If you go through life happily, the production of killer cells is also stimulated, which also activates the body's own self-healing powers...
Relaxing exercises counteract negative stress and prevent the effects of stress. If you want to activate your body's own self-healing powers, you should try to be guided by positive thoughts. Have a quiet conversation with yourself and say out loud sentences like: "I'm staying healthy." or "I'm getting healthy."
Other suitable measures that strengthen the body's self-healing powers are:
• Tapping therapy
• Mind-body medicine
• Laughter therapy
• Homeopathy
• Healthy diet
• Sufficient, high-quality sleep
• Sports activities
• Activities that bring joy
A balanced diet is the most important prerequisite for supporting self-healing. Movements that work with feelings are the ideal complement. Exercises like Thai Chi or Qigong combine the mental, physical and spiritual. If you want to activate your mental self-healing powers, mental training is ideal. Keep a diary and write down what moves your soul... Let the situation pass before your inner eye and apologize in your mind.
Since self-healing is not dependent on external circumstances, it can happen spontaneously, but also intentionally if you become aware of how the processes in the body take place....
An illness is always a path to healing and back to a fulfilled life. On the path to self-healing, you will also encounter your own weaknesses. But if you accept yourself with all your flaws, self-love will arise. If you see your personality as valuable, regardless of your achievements, the full potential of your inner healing powers will unfold.
Translated from
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