The Lanterns of Guidance

بسم رب الشهداء و الصدیقین

And never think of those who have been killed in the cause of Allah as dead. Rather, they are alive with their Lord, receiving provision.

This channel is dedicated to the Martyrs and the Resistance.
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2 months, 3 weeks ago


Palestinian, international doctors demand evacuation of 25,000 wounded, sick people from Gaza for treatment

Walla News quotes former Israeli Chief of Staff Gadi Eisenkot: A government that continues to weaken the law is not trustworthy

Syrian air force strike gatherings of terrorists around Khan Sheikhoun in the southern Idlib countryside

2 months, 3 weeks ago
2 months, 3 weeks ago
**Hezbollah's Liaison Office in Beqaa Valley …

Hezbollah's Liaison Office in Beqaa Valley Region:

Announces that the party will be dispatching 114 teams of engineers, technicians, and officials to every city, town and village, to assess the damage from the war.

Each family that lost their house will receive $12,000 USD in compensation from the party, and Hezbollah will also pay their rent until they have moved back in.

Families of homes that were lightly damaged will receive checks from Qard al-Hassan bank to cover a percentage of the repair costs.

Hezbollah is not just a resistance movement, but a socio-political movement that actually takes care of its people and its supporters.

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3 months ago

With steadfast hearts and unyielding faith, we honour the words of Sayyid Muhammad Mahdi N, the son of Shaheed Sayyid Hasan (ra), a reminder of resilience, sacrifice, and the enduring spirit of resistance. For decades, the wonderful Party of God, Lebanese Resistance, has stood as a beacon of hope, facing an enemy that sought to break them but failed at every turn.

The Zionist occupation waged war with goals of disarming the resistance, breaking Lebanon's unity, and securing their so-called 'safety.' Yet, every plan was thwarted. Lebanon's sons and daughters returned to their land victorious, heads held high, while their enemy retreated in fear. The global image of the occupier is shattered, their strength a mirage, while the voices of the oppressed grow louder across the world.

This victory is not just Lebanon's... it belongs to every martyr, every family displaced, and every soul who stood resilient. This means that resistance, rooted in faith and justice, will always prevail.

Gaza, too, has never been alone. The blood of the martyrs binds us together, across borders and struggles. To the Zionist entity: your crimes will never be forgotten, and the resistance will never rest.

Congratulations to the Lebanese people, the martyrs, and the steadfast Resistance for this triumph. Soon, Insha'Allah, the same victory will be written for Palestine. Ameen.

Glory to the martyrs, who paved the path with their blood.

3 months ago


Hezbollah Political Council Deputy Chief Mahmoud Komati: We achieved victory today after two months of unwavering jihad, resilience, and determination, thwarting the enemy’s attempts to accomplish any of its objectives

Hezbollah’s Mahmoud Komati: The steadfast resistance in the south has successfully thwarted the enemy’s plans, curbed aggression across the Middle East

Hezbollah’s Mahmoud Komati: We will continue to address the issue of prisoners alongside the reconstruction efforts

Hezbollah’s Mahmoud Komati: The funeral of the martyrs, Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah and Sayyed Hashem Safieddine, is being organized as a significant popular and political referendum reaffirming commitment to the path of resistance

3 months ago


Hamas: We appreciate the steadfastness of the brotherly Lebanese people and their solidarity with the Palestinian people in face of the Zionist occupation and its brutal aggression

Hamas: The Israeli enemy’s decision to agree to the ceasefire deal with Lebanon without fulfilling its conditions is an important step in shattering Netanyahu’s illusions of changing the map of the Middle East

6 months ago

I asked him why he spent so much time working on the students books. He said it is important for me that children became familiar with Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Martyr Bahonar said. He did whatever he could for the growth of the organization. One of his most important activities was establishing the Refah School. Political activities were the main purpose of those schools. Martyr Bahonar was responsible for the cultural affairs.
Martyr Bahonar had a cultural character and he also was successful in this field. He endured many hardships during his campaigns. Most of the nights we found him sad and depressed after the meetings. I asked him the reason. He told us about his sister and that Savak arrested her and kept her at the mortuary. They tried to torture martyr Bahonar by these actions.
He never gave up and stood against the cruel regime. He was the symbol of patience. When he was elected as the prime minister our relatives congratulated us. why do you congratulate us? The higher his rank, the closer he is to death, I said. Martyr Bahonar usually reminded me to visit martyr's families.

6 months ago

Who was Martyr Bahonar? Martyr Bahonar was the symbol of patience.
Savak arrested his sister many times but martyr Bahonar never gave up. He really was the symbol of patience.

8th of shahrivar (the lunar date) is the martyrdom anniversary of "Dr. Mohammad Javad Bahonar". Here is a narration by "Zahra Einakian" martyr Bahonar's wife:

We were introduced to each other by his sister.
At first I did not know him very well, I knew that he was a clergy, educated man and a writer. They came to our house with his mother, finally we were married in 1965. Our marriage was very simple and low – cost.
He joined the ministry of education and most of the time he worked on the books of his students.

6 months ago

The museum of martyr Rajai:
The Tehran Municipality has converted the old home of Martyr Rajai into a museum. The opening ceremony of this museum was held on the 2nd May 2008 which coincided with the teacher’s day and was conducted with the presence of Mohammad Bagher Ghalibaf, the mayor of Tehran and Mrs. `Ateqe Sadiqui’ the wife of Martyr Rajai.
In this museum a number of the personal belongings of Martyr Rajai such as the teeth of the Martyr as the only sign of his identification after the explosion of the republic presidential office, a trip suitcase, the study room along with the table and the stationary, simple décor and the intimate home along with the clothes, home equipments and many more were exhibited. This museum is located on the Islam Mujahedin road, Martyr Ajanlu road, Mirzaei Street.

6 months, 1 week ago

A beautiful story from the life of Martyr Ayman al-Fakih (ra), a Lebanese secular Sunni Muslim who converted to Shi'a Islam, taken from our upcoming book The Firmest Handle: Converts to Islam Who Became Martyrs, according to stories relayed to us by his wife:

"After a period of hesitation, and despite his [Martyr Ayman's] young age, he told her directly that he admired her and hoped that she would be his future wife because she shared with him the same values and principles. After some time of thinking and confusion about whether to accept or not, she stated to him that she accepted and admired his religiosity, his open-mindedness, his lofty morals, his observance of legal limits and controls, and him being a follower of Hezbollah. This was what she had hoped for in her life partner, so her heart was attached to him, just as he was attached to her as well."

The Holy Prophet Muhammad (S) said "When someone comes to you with a proposal [for marriage] and you are well pleased with his faith and his integrity, then accept him in marriage, for if you do not, discord and corruption will prevail in the land." (Source: Bihar al-Anwar, v. 103, p. 372, no. 3)

Just based on this short story, their love was pure, simple, and based on lofty goals rather than materialism, certainly putting it in line with this instruction from the Holy Prophet. Yet, nowadays, many people who have Muslim as their nametag seem to abandon the Islamic lifestyle advocated by the Prophet and practiced by those such as the martyr and his wife by placing all kinds of materialistic obstacles in the way of marriage, such as demands for luxury wedding halls and other things which do not make a life sweet nor in dedication to serving the Creator. Rarely is the character or ideology of the spouse considered in today's times, so is it any surprise that marriages are more unhappy and divorce rates are high?

We help the enemies of humanity through such short-sighted materialism, as it is the powerful Satanic elites who wish for the human population to decline, thus encouraging people to not get married, and if they do, have little to no children.

We are nearing completion of the book and will post links for pre-orders soon, inshaAllah. Will be able to be shipped worldwide.

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