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منبع والپیپرای 3D و 4K 💜

Last updated 3 weeks, 6 days ago

📥 Pengaduan @NgadminJajanBOT

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9 months, 3 weeks ago
9 months, 3 weeks ago
10 months ago

@Amaztalks@amazhealing Promotion/ workshop : @Blesssing13 **Day 18


When you make a mistake, learn from it, resolve not to repeat it and then forget about it. You will feel better again.

Do the same with others, instead of making their mistakes bigger, dissolve them in your mind and help them also to forget about them.

A sensible person does not criticize the mistakes of others, instead, he learns from them for the future.

Expand your awareness a little and mistakes no longer need to make you feel guilty. For example, if you saw your life as an Actor does his play, you would see one scene unfolding after another.

Each passing scene, having passed is now over. Wisdom says: “This is how to see it” Letting bygones be bygones is easier if you remember you cannot change the past but you can definitely change the future.**https://anchor.fm/vin--ann-journey/episodes/Magic-of-Mistake-e17e3p4#Day18

Spotify for Podcasters

Magic of Mistake by Independent Soul💫

Mistake are lesson to be learn and grow

[**@Amaztalks**](https://t.me/Amaztalks)[**@amazhealing**](https://t.me/amazhealing) **Promotion/ workshop :** [**@Blesssing13**](https://t.me/Blesssing13) **Day 18
10 months ago



Promotion/ workshop : @Blesssing13


Criticism, Comparison, Complaints ... Avoid The 3 C's: Part 2: Subtitles English: BK Shivani

Books: Being Love: https://www.amazon.in/dp/938914387X/ref=cm\_sw\_r\_cp\_apa\_i\_6nspFb1Z2M2W1 Happiness Unlimited (English, Hindi, Marathi): https://www.amazon.in/dp/9388241894/ref=cm\_sw\_r\_cp\_apa\_i\_QmspFbMNERCPQ Join BK Shivani who explains how punishment,…

10 months ago

**Day 17

Today notice and be alert about your complain, what do you complain about and how many times in a day you complain it can be anything work, health, mind, pain, hungry, frds, family & world.

Can u replace your complain with Thankyou instead and not complain about it just observe practice not to complain.

If you approach life complaining about what’s missing then you’ll be dissatisfied.
Satisfaction comes from knowing that things can always be improved but at the same time appreciating what is right in your life, right now.#Day17@Amaztalks@amazhealing Promotion/ workshop :** @Blesssing13

10 months ago

15min meditation connect with divine#Day16@Amaztalks@amazhealing Promotion/ workshop : @Blesssing13

10 months ago

**Day 16

Make into habit of getting up at 5am challenges yourself for 21days and see what all changes u felt on each single day write down in your journal. After you wake up take cold water bath first pour onto ur head then the rest of your body. Wear new clothes any light colour but no black color.

Sit for 15min meditation to connect with divine will share the link for guided meditation.

Do ur other daily task gratitude and go out into nature park near u walk and go if its near by. Otherwise do some light exercise for yourself indoor.

Sunbathing in the morning 🌄 😌 for charging yourself with sun light .

When u see sun say it within your mind Thankyou sun
When u see bird say it within your mind
Thankyou bird
And keep on going with what u see, hear, smell and use around the house.#Day16@Amaztalks@amazhealing Promotion/ workshop :** @Blesssing13

10 months, 1 week ago

**Day 15 - I Accept

The mantra for Compassionate Seeing is very simple: I accept everything I see.

Unconditionally accept whatever presents itself.

♡ When looking at myself in the mirror, especially if I am feeling insecure about my appearance. I accept everything I see.

♡ When looking at my spouse, especially if we are having some kind of conflict. I accept everything I see.

♡ When looking at my children, especially when I am having a hard time recognizing the difference between myself and them. I accept everything I see.

♡ Anytime I notice someone’s behavior is causing me discomfort or I start crafting a story in my head. I accept everything I see.

I invite you to try using this mantra several times a day for a week, repeating it silently in your mind or out loud to yourself. As you say the words, pay attention to what shows up. You are announcing your intention to accept whatever enters your field of awareness.

As you practice using this mantra, you may find yourself resisting. I know I certainly did, You might hear a voice in your head objecting that you can’t possibly accept everything, Here are a few answers I came up with for myself:

● The job won’t get done.

● The house will always be a mess.

● My needs in this relationship won’t get met.

● People will walk all over me.

Whatever answers you come up with, I invite you to consider them. Remember, acceptance is not synonymous with approval. Accepting something doesn’t mean I have to like it, nor does it mean I have to think it is good or right; in fact, “good” and “right” are just as much judgments as “bad” and “wrong.”#Day15@Amaztalks@amazhealing Promotion/ workshop :** @Blesssing13

10 months, 2 weeks ago

D**ay 14

Seeing with compassionate

Compassionate Seeing is a moment-by-moment commitment to viewing ourselves and others with complete and unconditional acceptance—no exceptions. Here are the basic steps:

  1. Notice your discomfort. Pay attention whenever something makes you feel uncomfortable, or seems painful, ugly, boring, or annoying. Don’t try to fix or change anything. Just notice it.

  2. Suspend your judgments. Resist the inclination to immediately decide whether something is right or wrong, or whether you like or dislike it. Don’t assign blame, and don’t shame yourself or anyone else.

  3. Become curious about your experiences. Start to wonder about yourself and others. For example, try asking, “I wonder why that bothers me so much?” or “I wonder what this is like for you?”

  4. Look deeply with the intention to understand. Approach your experiences with a flexible mindset, and try to remain open to new information and alternative explanations. The

Two Movements of Compassionate Seeing

♡ Seeing is recognizing the difference between ourselves and other people. This means seeing others as truly other—they are distinct individuals with their own unique experiences, preferences, and ambitions.

Golden Rule: treat others as you would want to be treated in their place.

As a parent, I constantly struggle not to impose my desires and goals on my children. It’s so easy for me to over-identify with them and make their success or failure about me. Parents don’t recognize the difference between themselves and their children. It’s important to remember always that our children have their own aspirations and life-trajectory—and they might be very different from our own.

The Second Movement: The Imaginative Leap

♡ We recognize and accept the difference between ourselves and others, this naturally gives rise to curiosity about their experiences.

Golden Rules: Curiosity and wonder are fundamentally non-judgmental approaches to the world.

Instead of imposing my values and beliefs on someone else, I begin to wonder about that person’s motivations, desires, and emotions. I put myself in the other person’s place, asking the question, “If I were this person in this situation, what would I think, how would I feel, and how would I want to be treated?”#Day14@Amaztalks@amazhealing Promotion/ workshop :** @Blesssing13

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منبع والپیپرای 3D و 4K 💜

Last updated 3 weeks, 6 days ago

📥 Pengaduan @NgadminJajanBOT

🎗 Channel Lapak • @LapakBasejajan
📚 KamusJajan @KamusJajan

‼️ BlackList • @BJReport

Last updated 3 weeks, 4 days ago

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Last updated 3 weeks, 4 days ago