Pemburu yang diburu.
Last updated hace 2 meses, 2 semanas
Memaparkan maklumat awal dan kemaskini terkini berkaitan kemalangan, bencana, jenayah dan isu-isu semasa dalam dan luar negara setiap hari.
Last updated hace 3 semanas, 4 días
Rakyat Malaysia tunggal di Palestin. Berkongsi kehidupan seharian di Gaza.
Last updated hace 1 mes, 1 semana
siapa yg mau jadi admin buat bantu comeback bandjor tgl 23 des? acungkan jari virtual kalian! ??
ditunggu ya!
salam dari ibunda helena ?
✅ Liked by @OFCBACHATA and 990.987.283 others
Big thanks for participation to all squad! This is our first collaboration, we hope that this collaboration can strengthen the relationship between all of us, success is always for all squads.
★☆ ??????? ???'? ✅:
@viuscars @ofcbandjor @thewalky @tracox @remanofc @Pauloxareas @bropodzwashere @jasdeisz @patsarea @struickwild @ofccibaye @ofcardo @offcbronge @ofcdesissy @ofclokstard @predamage @ofcwerscho @OFCPRUGAL @p4boysofc @forgethesheild @offcpahay @usbalak @sampoerna6milds @masexiest @SANTALIEZ @mamcdsley @theCoolermange @predamage @kopdarpride
Thanks for participating to join our collaboration ✅
✅ view all 992.991.450 and 1.938.928 coments 15 minute ago
? ⌨️ ❤ㅤㅤ
Liked by @OFCLOKSTARD ✅and 26.077.127 others
Big thanks for participation to all squad! This is our first collaboration, we hope that this collaboration can strengthen the relationship between all of us, success is always for all squads - ?
★☆ ??????? ???'? :
@remanofc @savethelaz @Pauloxareas @ofcdesissy @ofcbandjor @ohsoker @lilholex @ofcinfinite @OFCTHEMADAME @jabierofc @ofccas @offcmohay @PornCyster @OFCTHEBITCHES @bertyies @untoldrpw @ofcwerscho @kobrekk @ofcbossquad @p4boysofc @ofclazerax @sampoerna6milds @loskonbys @PHANTDEROFC @braderboys @offderioz @ofcescalo @urbanofduty @OFCDOPPLER @ofcgorvez @officialnofear @thewalky @ofcmodiex @smoceast @bropasex @offcbronge @bracies @ofclefboy @ofcsensus @ofcskindaz @ofcwossquad @offcolmar @viusgirls @ofcjaskor @viuscars @ofcpandhewa @viusboys @edglos @stacrank @ofcbachata @Thelawaltz @OFCBAJINGANMUDA @OFCAPOLLOSQ @SANTALIEZ @SigmaOfc @weastroworld @mosleycracker
?Thank you for participating to join the big collab with lokstard #lokstardcollaboration
? view all 30.764.004 comments
1 minutes ago Lihat Terjemah
Pemburu yang diburu.
Last updated hace 2 meses, 2 semanas
Memaparkan maklumat awal dan kemaskini terkini berkaitan kemalangan, bencana, jenayah dan isu-isu semasa dalam dan luar negara setiap hari.
Last updated hace 3 semanas, 4 días
Rakyat Malaysia tunggal di Palestin. Berkongsi kehidupan seharian di Gaza.
Last updated hace 1 mes, 1 semana