Danny Scavino Freedom News

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6 months, 1 week ago

President Trump zegt dat hij, als hij gekozen wordt, "geen probleem" zal hebben met het vrijgeven van Epsteins cliëntenlijst.


6 months, 1 week ago

Nog exakt twee maanden en we komen op het kantelpunt. Stay strong ?

6 months, 1 week ago



Ep. 3442b - [KH] Polls Are Fake, Russia Is Going To Interfere In The 2024 Election,Right On Schedule

Find Out Which Olive Oil Is The Best For Your Health Watch the Short Video Go To https://GetOlive1.com/X22 The [DS] is now losing it's grip, the poll numbers that they faked are falling apart, her pol

Danny Scavino Freedom News
9 months ago

The battle for Volchansk continues. Neither side wants to back down. Now both Russians and Ukrainians are not fighting for the cities themselves, the battles are for more advantageous positions before the start of peace negotiations.

The Russians Captured The Aggregate Plant | The AFU Entered Hlyboke. Military Summary And Analysis For 2024.06.17

PREMIRE: 12:15 PM GMT +3

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9 months ago
9 months ago

13 juni 2024, 22.57 uur: Laatste uitzending OP1: Zo werkt censuur..

Na 4,5 jaar wordt OP1 van de buis gehaald en de presentatoren leggen zelf in het bovenste fragment goed uit waarom de stekker eruit wordt getrokken.

Volgens deze marionetten, want journalisten kun je ze al niet meer noemen, zou 20% van de Nederlanders hun gezwets niet meer geloven. Ook hier wordt niet de waarheid verteld. Het werkelijke percentage is namelijk veel hoger en dit is natuurlijk de werkelijke reden dat ze moeten stoppen. Mensen keren zich massaal af van deze manipulatieve indoctrinatie programma's.

Natuurlijk wordt het programma in stijl afgesloten met Ab Osterhaus die als laatste het woord mag nemen: "Zo goedenavond, waar gaan we het vanavond eens over hebben?" (fragment rechtsboven)

De hele uitzending kun je rechtstonder bekijken.


9 months, 1 week ago

Macron loses big. Snap elections in France

9 months, 1 week ago

The Russians have opened a new front along the Russian-Ukrainian border in northern Ukraine. A village in the border area has been secured by the Russians, as confirmed visually. The Russian Ministry of Defense announced today that Russian forces have captured the village of Staromaiorsk. According to Ukrainian and Russian sources, the village of Novoaleksandriivka, west of Avdiivka, has been almost completely taken. Military bloggers report that the Russians have also secured trenches in the direction of Verkhnikamianske. South of Miami, a ship capable of launching Zircon hypersonic missiles was spotted during a Russian naval exercise.

The Heat | The Wagners Are Back In Sumy | Novooleksandrivka Breakthrough. Military Summary And Analysis For 2024.06.10

PREMIRE: 10:30 PM GMT +3

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9 months, 1 week ago

Russische troepen hebben Ryzhivka bevrijdt.| Novooleksandrivka staat op het punt te vallen.

Russische bronnen melden dat het dorp Ryzhevka in de regio Sumy, dat pal aan de grens met de Russische Federatie ligt, onder controle is genomen.
De Oekraïense autoriteiten hebben onmiddellijk de elektriciteitsvoorziening naar bijna de hele Sumy-regio afgesloten om het lekken van informatie te voorkomen...



The Russians Captured Ryzhivka | Novooleksandrivka Is About To Fall. Military Summary For 2024.06.01

This video describes the military situation in Ukraine on the 10th of June 2024 THE MAP: https://dev.militarysummary.com Store: https://www.militarysummary.store/ Google doc: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/18WfJv1\_DOlFOzvjh6iT1N8ltDvaCeWu1cPK\_eaH…

9 months, 2 weeks ago

The Ukrainians are very active in attacking Russian equipment around Belgorod, with at least one S-400 battery destroyed. In the direction of Kupiansk, activities remain high. West of Avdiivka, the Russians have broken through in Sokil, though the extent of their progress is currently unclear. In Chasiv Yar, the Kanal district is already encircled, and the situation is worsening following the Russian breakthrough to the north. East of Robotyne, the Russians have captured and secured more fields. Additionally, parts of the village of Karlovka have been secured after a Russian ground offensive.

The Heat | Ukraine Strengthens Kharkiv | Russians Are Advancing On Donbass. Military Summary And Analysis For 2024.06.03

PREMIRE: 10:30 PM GMT +3

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