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3 weeks, 6 days ago

Wanna know what turns a Leo on?? 🌶


The Sexual Expression of Leo & Virgo

Join us on the Sex & Astrology podcast as Kaypacha and I dive deep into the intimate archetypes of expressive Leo and thoughtful Virgo. This is the third episode of a 6-part series where we explore the sexual expressions of each zodiac sign. We discuss…

4 weeks, 1 day ago

My focus now is on myself,
My body, my feelings, and needs.
For the door to my soul is closed and locked,
And they are my set of keys.

🌟 Come learn astrology with me! The beginners’ course starts this Sunday!

Taurus rules the body, among other things, and this Jupiter-Uranus conjunction is pulling us into our bodies for some deep listening. Let’s face it—our bodies are AMAZING! There’s nothing else as complex, mysterious, resilient yet delicate, strong yet sensitive, indeed, magical in existence. Our bodies are intricately involved with our needs, our feelings, and our soul. Penetrating these with our ego consciousness is an unending adventure!

This is such an amazing week with a Mercury/Venus/Chiron conjunction happening in tandem with the Jupiter/Uranus. As I said in the report, we’ll have Jupiter conjunct Uranus from early this month until May 26th when Jupiter moves into Gemini. It’s a time to be very awake! With eyes, minds, and hearts open, we can take full advantage of the brilliant flashes of insight this conjunction brings. While sometimes the truth hurts, in all cases, it is necessary, timely, and furthers our evolutionary growth. We can get the most out of knowing if we’re awake and ready. If we are asleep, we get jolted!

So, the healing continues with the emphasis on Chiron. We may also see some “healing crises” in the world and physical earth events. It does seem as if the wounds get bigger and more painful until we pay attention to them, find their origin, and apply large doses of forgiveness, compassion, and love. When we don’t, they fester, worsen, and create further crises. So, let’s focus on building peace and love, beginning with our relationship with ourselves, extending to those close to us, and letting it grow organically. Blessings on your week, and I hope to see you this Sunday!

I’m Still Willin!!

Tune into the Sexual Expression of Gemini/Cancer: 

So Much Love,

4 weeks, 1 day ago

⚡️ Pele Report for April 17, 2024


Astrology for the Soul April 17, 2024

My focus now is on myself, My body, my feelings, and needs. For the door to my soul is closed and locked, And they are my set of keys. ***🌟*** Come learn astrology with me! The beginners' course starts this Sunday! Tune into…

1 month ago

So, while we are going about our business, a need to break out and break free from restrictions pulls on us. We will prevail in the face of darkness, and the end of the days isn’t here this time around either. This is facing death on a very deep level, and whatever is happening in our lives, these symbols guide us each step of the way. To listen is important, but it is also important to be aware of what we are actually listening to. Never before has it been more paramount to tune into the spiritual world and, maturely and responsibly, check in whether we need to surrender, let go, and wait, or if we are supposed to push beyond the symbolical canyons that block our true expression and our capacity to act according to nature and truth.

Expect some intensity and rest in the awareness that this, too, shall pass. While it is passing, you’ll find out just how capable you are. You could discover that you are more capable than you thought. Energy used correctly breeds more energy.

Sol W Jonassen
🌙 Get Daily Lunar Reports by joining my School of Astrology. 

1 month ago

🌓 1st Quarter Moon 26º Cancer ♋️︎  Apr 15, 2024 by SOL W JONASSEN

〰️ Commitment to life 〰️

This first quarter phase after the Great Eclipse is now in the womb stage of Cancer. We are developing a willpower that will not sit quietly, and even though Mercury is still driving backward, not even that will be enough to stop the locomotive now in motion.

The feeling of being able to prevail and win even if a mountain of obstacles is always getting in the way could make us realize that it isn’t what happens to us that matters. It is how we end up taking it that counts. The distinction between giving up and surrendering is crucial to understand. There are those forces that are stronger than our personal will, and once we’ve sparred the walls that won’t come down, we realize that surrender is the right course of action. However, if we see that this obstacle is one we are supposed to fight, then there is an evolutionary need to use willpower correctly and not give up. To see this difference means we will find out what burns us out and what makes us stronger. We then consolidate our commitment to life, chanting our deepest intentions as truth over and over again.

Mars is in Pisces, and herein is a little proof in the pudding as to why it is so. Pisces is the collective. Ruled by Neptune, we are exposed to nature in its raw form in Pisces. Those waters are so massive that one person alone could drown in it. The question then is what is the right course of action. To surrender and retreat to the mainland, or to test one’s faith and strength and continue, taking one wave at a time. As each situation is different, each answer would also differ. In Pisces Land, there is no such thing as one size fits all. Truth is relative to the moment, and thus, this becomes a daily practice of checking in on ourselves to see if we are tempted by illusion or driven by truth.

In this scenario, it helps that Mercury is waltzing backward. Evolutionary speaking, Mercury retrograde is the evolution of the free mind. To think independently, sift and sort out what is irrelevant, examine through introspection what lies we tell ourselves, and be awake and conscious of the pressures from our surroundings, like culture and family. It is said that people born with Mercury retrograde are not always listening. Well, they might not be listening to the constant chatter of their surroundings, but they are listening to the inner realities, so they are listening, just not to our advice.

As this Mercury retrograde phase is in Aries, a sign of authenticity and honesty, it strengthens this retrograde urge to think independently. Headstrong might not be the worst thing we could be right now. Relentlessly strengthening our commitment to life and fighting for our right to be seen, heard, and respected. This is individual leadership against all odds.

The Sabian Symbol for the Moon in Cancer: «A storm in a canyon» shows another layer of breaking free. There is something incredibly intense about this image that could suggest that things are heating up, at least inside the canyon. The sizzling electric fire, which is a thunderous storm, is manifested astrologically as the magnificent Jupiter-Uranus conjunction, which is exact on 21°49 Taurus the 20th. The Sabian Symbol for this degree, «White doves flying over troubled waters,» brings in the eclipse message of listening to the Spirit. Again, we have birds entering the symbolical realm, and they bring a peaceful message that allows us not to fret while the storms are dancing their ever-so-dramatic dance around us and inside us.

1 month ago

I know deep down that what's blocking my light,
Is my fear of what lies ahead.
So I promise to do what needs to be done,
And say what needs to be said.

So, the major talking points of today's report are, first, that the eclipse has set the tone for the next six months, so we'll be working with these same themes for a while. Second, two things are happening simultaneously: 1. We're beginning a new cycle, so it's time to charge ahead (sail away), and 2. Mars/Saturn in Pisces is like an anchor of karma that needs to be cleared before we can! Put these two together and we have a bit of a confusing time of "Should I stay or should I go?"

Fortunately, astrology is also telling us, with Mercury retrograde, that there is no hurry. We can contemplate, meditate, and most of all, feel. The Sabian symbol also had the commander leading a "simulated assault" or practice session just to run through a couple of different scenarios to see what feels best (Moon in Cancer and Chiron, wherever), so feel away!

Close to the Edge? (lyrics below the video): 

The Sexual Expression of Aries/Taurus: 
Explore the New Paradigm School of Astrology!

So Much Love,

1 month, 1 week ago

Ceres is also part of this eclipse. She sits at a square distance from the trio in Aries in Capricorn, and her story is a story of loss. She lost her daughter, the innocent light in her life. Pluto snatched her, and it devastated Ceres, causing terrible grief, rage, and feelings of despair. But Pluto reminds us that life is change, something Ceres eventually had to accept. All things change all the time. Loss is terrible. Letting go feels impossible. Yet, our whole perception and understanding can change in a moment of enlightenment. We see that there is no separation. That the cycles of nature aren’t personal. They just are. Ceres and Chiron, in this eclipse mix, might take us through some layers of grief, but after that, innocence returns. We realize it is what it is, and maybe we even end up arriving at a peaceful acceptance of that.

If you believe that enlightenment is a permanent state and that you're far from reaching it, you might miss the opportunity to appreciate that you have more enlightened moments than you realize. They are subtle. Tiny specks of light. An eclipse. A nanosecond. A flash where the veils disappear, and you suddenly go, «A-ha!» Those moments of initiation, although passing so quickly, can change a life. All it takes is a vision. A vision that most likely will appear when you feed the birds in a moment of just being. You might realize then who you are, that you are more than what you thought you were, and that your identity is yours to define. It is not up to others. You sit with the bird in your hand now, speaking with Spirit. Tune in and listen!

Sol W Jonassen
🌙 Get Daily Lunar Reports by joining my School of Astrology. 

1 month, 1 week ago

🌑🔥 New Moon / Total Solar Eclipse 19º Aries ♈️︎  Apr 8, 2024 by SOL W JONASSEN

〰️ The Great Eclipse 〰️

This eclipse is epic. It will begin in the South Pacific and cast a shadow from Mexico to Canada. People will flock from all over the world to see it. Earth will have no sun for four minutes, at least along the path of the Moon. The stars will come through in clear daylight, and the truth of where we are in space will be visible. We are circling ’round and ’round, moving constantly, held inside the heliosphere, the womb of the Sun. And the Moon comes and cuts off that protective light for a short amount of time, rebooting our understanding of all and everything. Many astrologers would say it is a portal, but this begs the question: A portal into what?

The foundation rock of astrology is the multiverse, multiple dimensions that are alive everywhere. To become aware of these requires access, and access can only happen when there is silence. When we stop for a minute and sit. When nothing happens, nothingness happens. We can’t get there by always searching, looking, fixing, thinking, organizing, analyzing, working, or moving. We have to make time to find realignment and return to the essence. It would be very good for humanity to realize that life is more than materialism and that there are spiritual dimensions that belong to no religion and are available to us all. It is simply nature. It is who we are.

This particular eclipse is, without doubt, interesting in that sense. Chiron, the tiny centaur whose myth is beyond relevant for the whole experience of being human, sits at the very same degree and minute as the Sun and the Moon. According to astrologer Melanie Reinhart, Chiron is the shaman who travels between worlds. When we add the Sabian Symbol for the eclipse degree: «A young girl feeding birds in winter» the picture is painted even more clearly. Birds are recognized as symbols of Spirit. They travel the space between earth and heaven, and according to ancient lore, they are messengers of the heavens. This eclipse could very well remind us that in times of «winter,» a metaphor for darkness and scarcity, we need to feed our souls and listen to our spirits if we want to do more than merely survive. The essence of the Aries North Node is to recognize our authentic selves and rekindle the fire that can thaw the winter cold.

Life on earth is harsh and tough. We get conditioned into beliefs that are not aligned with nature and are run by instincts to defensively protect what is ours, yet the innocent part of us still finds time to feed the birds. To take care of nature. To love. To be generous and kind. The young girl symbolizes the most precious in us all: the innocent heart. We all have a heart, and if we pluck away the harshness that suffering created, what comes through is this heart. The heart connects with others in a trusting and loving way. There are no buts. The heart knows no past nor any future, only this moment. That is the redeeming quality of love.

When we find a moment of silence, truth appears. We have seen it happen many times in our own lives. When we finally sit down and let it all be. Then, the very thing we have been running from catches up with us, and we reconnect with the core of who we actually are.

1 month, 1 week ago

I now see just how my wounds,
Have been stopping and blocking my light.
Whether with myself or someone else,
It’s time to make it right.

How about that thumbnail? Yup, that is one tenacious dandelion pushing itself up through the crack in the asphalt driveway. Sometimes, like during these times, we need to have the same push as the dandelion and push ourselves through the stops and the blocks to our highest self-expression.

Now, that is not to say that the midnight point of any cycle is any worse or less than the 12 o’clock noon high point! There is gold to be had and lessons to be learned in, with, and through all the seasons of the cycle. Right now, as the Moon wanes toward the Sun, preparing to eclipse him totally on Sunday, we are at a point in the cycle of “the darkest hour is just before the dawn.” Time for all the ghosts to come up and out.

We have a couple-hour window at the eclipse, which is pretty spooky if you haven’t seen one. There is an eerie silence and feeling in the air as the Sun’s rays are blocked. As the mantra says, we block our own light from fully shining when we are afraid, and we are afraid because our wounds make us vulnerable. So we can take this time as a blessing that brings us face to face with our fears, vulnerabilities, and failures so they can be integrated fully, enabling us to MOVE ON!! Happy New Moon!

The first song for this week is Nessi Gomes's "These Walls"
Then, for a picker-upper, Sunny Days by Rising Appalachia!

So Much Love,

🪐 Wanna learn more? Join my SCHOOL OF ASTROLOGY!

1 month, 2 weeks ago

I'm going to take an inventory,
Of what I've said and done to date,
Asking others and listening to,
All that they have to say.

Okay, everybody, playtime is over. All the planets have been in direct motion for months now, but Mercury is going retrograde! It's been full steam ahead, but now is a time to chill out a bit, hang, and contemplate the mysteries of the universe, yourself, and love, particularly in partnership.

I didn't talk about Lilith opposing the Sun from Libra. She's going to be swinging through Libra until May 2025 and then hang out in Scorpio for a while after that. These are the two signs that have the most to do with partnership. Lilith is a powerful, independent, feminine archetype (the first wife of Adam who left him) that brings up what we have stuffed down into the cellar. 

She'll be stirring up some of our "unwanted needs" over the next couple of years so we can become whole and complete, however uncomfortable the process. The way she works in these two signs is through relationships, where we "hire" other people to point out what we're hiding and are unable to acknowledge/accept about ourselves. Often, there is resistance, or 'non-listening," as we've repressed these parts of ourselves since childhood when parents and external authorities, whom we depended on to survive, didn't want us to demonstrate those traits. Hence, shame enters the picture... the beat goes on! 

This week's song is Golden Slumbers!

So Much Love,

🪐 Wanna learn more? Join my SCHOOL OF ASTROLOGY!

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Last updated 1 месяц, 2 недели назад

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◇ Community Building & Management

개설일 : 2019.12

Last updated 2 месяца назад

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Last updated 1 месяц, 3 недели назад