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Last updated 7 months, 1 week ago
It's easier to look without,
Than it is to see within,
So rather than blame, avoid, or deny,
I will do well to listen again.
Another thing about Lilith that I didn't go into but feel is important is that she is what I call a CHAMPION! She stirs us from deep down inside to make us aware of our hidden longings and nature. Wherever she falls in your chart, you may have trouble, BUT, through that trouble, you realize the importance of that aspect of life. And that realization can catapult you to champion the cause!
The other word that didn't come to me in the report was that there is both "form" and "function." Everything serves a function or wouldn't exist (even mosquitos, lol). The form things take certainly has something to do with the function, but sometimes, we can miss the function if we're not attracted to the form (outer appearance). So let's be watchful that we don't pass up the real gems just because they weren't polished!
The song is Don't Dream It's Over! https://youtu.be/J9gKyRmic20?si=v7fM5saNEkqUY9gF
Thumbnail and intro by Daniel Watts. Look for him on IG! @visionary_sea
So Much Love,
? Learn Astrology with Us! ? Want to make more sense from the Pele report, understand your own astrological chart, and grasp the fundamentals of astrology? Start your journey from scratch and deepen your understanding with us. Segment 2: “The Players: Planets & Houses” begins July 7th! Enroll here: https://bit.ly/newparadigmschool
? New Moon 14º Cancer ♋️ July 5, 2024 by KAYPACHA
〰️ So what are we going to do? Wait or create? 〰️
This month’s new Moon occurs at 14° Cancer 23. While she journeys through the twelve signs this month, the Sun and Venus move from Cancer to join Mercury in Leo, Mars leaves Taurus to join Jupiter in Gemini, and our friend, the wounded healer Chiron, stations and turns retrograde in Aries. This time of year can be likened to a small child getting ready to go on vacation! We can get all excited, with a bit of nervousness thrown in, as we pack our little bag with everything we think we’ll need, and by late July, we’ve set off on our journey.
Cancer and Leo are the two most personal signs in the zodiac, indicating this is the time of year to go within, discover our unique gifts, tap into our personal feelings and needs, and then put ourselves out there! Display our originality, show the world what we’re made of, leave the safety of our nest, and risk adventure outside the known and familiar. Take a gamble!
At this stage of the cyclic process, there are no guarantees or known results, we need to fly by the seat of our pants, live in the moment, and focus on ourselves, our projects, our hobbies, and our joy. “I’m sorry, but the world will have to wait until my show is done!” Sure, there are problems and challenges, and doomsday may be just around the corner, and there’s enough negativity floating around to bring anyone down. That makes it even more imperative that we focus ourselves within and on our own creative process.
Like an artist painting, an author writing, or a pianist playing, we need to focus on what is at hand. The waters of Cancer are disturbed by the large rock thrown into the middle of its pond. It sinks to the bottom but also sends circular waves from the center out, reaching ever farther, until everything on the surface of that pond has been disturbed, shaken up for a moment, and moved. We are here to sing and dance, shake it up, yell it out, and enjoy our bodies, each other, community, Gaia and her fruits, and the starry heavens above.
Yes, our frolicking may disturb the existing order. First, the warrior Mars consults with the rebel Uranus before Mercury, and then Venus squares him. Observing it all from a distance, our friend Pluto sits on the very edge between the old order (Capricorn) and the new paradigm (Aquarius), guarding the gate of the future. The future begins now, with every moment, and we are the creators of that future. So, what are we going to do? Wait or create?
Pluto challenges us to let go of our past wounds, failures, and successes and metamorphose ourselves into something/someone new. He dares us to break free, will we take his dare? This month’s full Moon is conjunct Pluto, so we may all feel the tension being exerted by the “forces that be” to conform, stay in line, wait your turn, do what you are told, be quiet, you’re not good enough, you’ll never make a difference, you don’t matter, and any other number of Self-denying/demeaning/limiting catchphrases.
Our job now is to ignore those voices from without and within and get on with the business of CREATING! Yes, the child may go on vacation and lose their wallet, fall from the tree and get hurt, or have the horse step on their toe. Anything can happen, loss is part of life. Will the possibility of harm/failure/embarrassment stop us from experiencing the fullness of ourselves and creation during our limited time here on Gaia? Hell no! So what? Let’s enter this month with the attitude of “Nothing ventured, nothing gained” or “better to have played and lost than not to have played at all.” Go get ’em, tiger!
So Much Love,
? Get Daily Lunar Reports by joining our School of Astrology.
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Never have we seen an enlightened human being with low self-esteem. The balance between being a server of life, aware of limitations, and having a feeling of a chosen destiny, being loved by God is hard for some to wrap their heads around, being brought up in a tradition of fake humility and fear of being too self-aggrandizing. No one likes a cocky know-it-all, but that is not the trademark of a spiritual human being. The ego has been tamed, and then what remains is a creative challenge and a play of consciousness. So this week, no one can shame us into the shadows again. This is life winning over death.
Sol W Jonassen
? Get Daily Lunar Reports by joining our School of Astrology.
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Healing is a process,
That requires going within,
Feeling my pain and embracing myself,
Before re-emerging again.
This is a good week for healing. Healing the past, our relationships, our bodies, our souls, you name it. Both Saturn and Neptune are pausing, holding still, opening space for the spirit beings of Pisces to descend into this dense 3D realm and lift us on high! Take some time off, relax, let go, and settle into the core of your being. You'll be glad you did!
It's been a real healing journey just trying to find a song for this week! There is so much beautiful music in this world, isn't there? Let me know your favorites in the comments section. For now, I will suggest this "Music of Angels and Archangels" https://www.youtube.com/live/iXkXit4iwkM?si=thnyNTi9OPmnYdY3
So Much Love,
? Wanna learn more? Join my SCHOOL OF ASTROLOGY! https://bit.ly/newparadigmschool
Our next live module, Segment 2: “The Players: Planets & Houses” begins on Sunday, July 7!
? Workbooks included! Follow along with the classes and test your knowledge as you go.
? Mark your calendar: Segment 2 kicks off on Sunday, July 7 ? Live classes every Sunday at 12 PM Pacific (with replays available)
? Register now and get instant access to the recordings of Segment 1! Enroll Here: https://bit.ly/newparadigmschool
We might believe that what we do and the conflicts we engage in support truth, love, and humanity, yet we find ourselves doing exactly what the enemy is doing, creating an us-vs-them paradigm. Is it helpful, or is it tainted with the bitter blood of unprocessed emotional wounds? This Full Moon is a calling to our personal responsibility in relation to our offering to the collective. That is the path of realignment to Spirit and Soul. We can’t ask others to own up if we are not willing to own up ourselves. Easy math. And very Capricorn! It is time to correct the balance and do what is right. For ourselves and for others.
Sol W Jonassen
? Get Daily Lunar Reports by joining our School of Astrology.
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Wanna know what turns a Leo on?? ?
The Sexual Expression of Leo & Virgo
Join us on the Sex & Astrology podcast as Kaypacha and I dive deep into the intimate archetypes of expressive Leo and thoughtful Virgo. This is the third episode of a 6-part series where we explore the sexual expressions of each zodiac sign. We discuss…
My focus now is on myself,
My body, my feelings, and needs.
For the door to my soul is closed and locked,
And they are my set of keys.
? Come learn astrology with me! The beginners’ course starts this Sunday! https://newparadigmastrology.com/
Taurus rules the body, among other things, and this Jupiter-Uranus conjunction is pulling us into our bodies for some deep listening. Let’s face it—our bodies are AMAZING! There’s nothing else as complex, mysterious, resilient yet delicate, strong yet sensitive, indeed, magical in existence. Our bodies are intricately involved with our needs, our feelings, and our soul. Penetrating these with our ego consciousness is an unending adventure!
This is such an amazing week with a Mercury/Venus/Chiron conjunction happening in tandem with the Jupiter/Uranus. As I said in the report, we’ll have Jupiter conjunct Uranus from early this month until May 26th when Jupiter moves into Gemini. It’s a time to be very awake! With eyes, minds, and hearts open, we can take full advantage of the brilliant flashes of insight this conjunction brings. While sometimes the truth hurts, in all cases, it is necessary, timely, and furthers our evolutionary growth. We can get the most out of knowing if we’re awake and ready. If we are asleep, we get jolted!
So, the healing continues with the emphasis on Chiron. We may also see some “healing crises” in the world and physical earth events. It does seem as if the wounds get bigger and more painful until we pay attention to them, find their origin, and apply large doses of forgiveness, compassion, and love. When we don’t, they fester, worsen, and create further crises. So, let’s focus on building peace and love, beginning with our relationship with ourselves, extending to those close to us, and letting it grow organically. Blessings on your week, and I hope to see you this Sunday!
I’m Still Willin!! https://youtu.be/RNqv85coyTw?si=etllaKm1BHcOxbmN
Tune into the Sexual Expression of Gemini/Cancer: https://youtu.be/cO4nDFnsr0U
So Much Love,
⚡️ Pele Report for April 17, 2024
Astrology for the Soul April 17, 2024
My focus now is on myself, My body, my feelings, and needs. For the door to my soul is closed and locked, And they are my set of keys. ***🌟*** Come learn astrology with me! The beginners' course starts this Sunday! https://newparadigmastrology.com/ Tune into…
So, while we are going about our business, a need to break out and break free from restrictions pulls on us. We will prevail in the face of darkness, and the end of the days isn’t here this time around either. This is facing death on a very deep level, and whatever is happening in our lives, these symbols guide us each step of the way. To listen is important, but it is also important to be aware of what we are actually listening to. Never before has it been more paramount to tune into the spiritual world and, maturely and responsibly, check in whether we need to surrender, let go, and wait, or if we are supposed to push beyond the symbolical canyons that block our true expression and our capacity to act according to nature and truth.
Expect some intensity and rest in the awareness that this, too, shall pass. While it is passing, you’ll find out just how capable you are. You could discover that you are more capable than you thought. Energy used correctly breeds more energy.
Sol W Jonassen
? Get Daily Lunar Reports by joining my School of Astrology.
? ACCESS NOW! https://bit.ly/newparadigmschool
@PonchKick_bot ?
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Building GameGPT by Prism for the next evolution of game development. Build Games in days, not weeks.
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Last updated 7 months, 1 week ago