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External Vacancy Announcement
The Cooperative Bank of Oromia (Coopbank) is a prominent financial institution in Ethiopia, established to provide banking services that cater specifically to the needs of its members and the broader community. Founded in 2004, Coopbank operates under the principles of cooperative banking, which emphasizes mutual assistance and community development. The bank has positioned itself as a key player in promoting economic growth and social welfare across the country. Coopbank’s mission is to empower communities through financial inclusion, sustainable development, and innovative banking solutions. The bank envisions a future where all members of society have access to financial resources that enable them to improve their livelihoods and contribute positively to their communities. This aligns with its purpose: “Empowering Community Transforming Lives!”
To strengthen its work units, the bank is seeking qualified, motivated, and skilled applicants who fulfill the following requirements to fill its vacant positions.
Use the below links to apply the vacancies.
1. Job Title: - Surveillance and Anti-Theft System Operation Officer(Re-advertised)
• For Head Office
Registration link:
Interested applicants should submit their education credential and relevant work experience through the above link. The document should be PDF format and each file size shall not exceed 1MB.
2. Job Title: -Security Officer
• For Head Office
Requirements: -
Qualification: - BA Degree in Police and Defense, Business and Economics and related field of studies.
• Diploma in Police Science is Mandatory.
Experience: - Three years of experience as Physical Security officer, Police officer and other related experiences. Certificate of Service/Clearance is mandatory.
Place of Work: Head Office.
Registration Place: Head Office 13th Floor Located around Bole Japan.
Means of Application: In person
Interested applicants, who fulfill the above requirement, are invited to apply in person at Head Office, within 5 working days from the first date of this Vacancy announcement at normal working hour.
• Remuneration: As per the bank’s salary and benefits structure.
• Female applicants are strongly encouraged to apply.
• Language Proficiency: Proven proficiency in listening, speaking and writing command of Afaan Oromoo, Amharic, English and local Languages.
• Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted.
• Application deadline: February 26, 2025.
External Vacancy Announcement
The Cooperative Bank of Oromia (Coopbank) is a prominent financial institution in Ethiopia, established to provide banking services that cater specifically to the needs of its members and the broader community. Founded in 2004, Coopbank operates under the principles of cooperative banking, which emphasizes mutual assistance and community development. The bank has positioned itself as a key player in promoting economic growth and social welfare across the country.
Coopbank’s mission is to empower communities through financial inclusion, sustainable development, and innovative banking solutions. The bank envisions a future where all members of society have access to financial resources that enable them to improve their livelihoods and contribute positively to their communities. This aligns with its purpose: “Empowering Community Transforming Lives!”
To strength its work units, the bank is seeking qualified, motivated and skilled applicants who fulfil the following requirements to fill its vacant positions.
1. Job Title: Office Assistant I
1.1. Job Location: Head Office
1.2. Required Qualification and Work Experience
• BA/BSc degree in any fields of study with minimum of one year relevant work experience.
1.3. Place of Registration
• Head Office located near Bole Rwanda, 13th floor.
1.4. Term of Contract: Permanent
Interested applicants should submit their 8th grade certificate, education credential and work experience at specified location.
• Remuneration: As per the bank’s salary and benefits structure.
• Closing date: 5 working days from the date of the announcement
• Female applicants are strongly encouraged to apply.
• Language Fluency: Proven proficiency in listening, speaking and writing command of Amharic, Afaan Oromo and English.
• Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted.
• Application deadline: February 22, 2025.
Today's exchange rates from Cooperative Bank of Oromia that are applicable for December 21, 2024. Visit our website via the link.
#Coopbank #exchange_rate
Yaada ykn gaaffii tajaajila baankii keenyarratti qabdan kamiyyuu toora bilbila tolaa keenya 609 irratti bilbiluun nuun gahaa.
በባንካችን አገልግሎት ዙሪያ ማንኛውንም ጥያቄ ወይም አስተያየት ካልዎት በነጻ የስልክ መስመራችን 609 ላይ በመደወል ያድርሱን።
#Coopbank #CustomerService #TollFree609 #WeAreHereForYou
Karoora Hajjiifi Umraa keessan kan isiniif dhugoomsu, herrega Qusannoo Labbaayik Wadi’aa filannoo garaa garaan isiniif qopheessineerra. Niyyaan keessan haa milkaa’u!
Koopbaank Alhudaa, Shariika keessan haqaa!
Jumu’aa Mubaarak!
የሀጅና ኡምራ ዕቅድዎን እውን የሚያደርግልዎት፣ ለበይክ ወዲዓ የቁጠባ ሂሳብ በተለያዩ አማራጮች አዘጋጅተንልዎታል። ኒያዎት ይሳካ!
ኮፕባንክ አልሁዳ፣ እውነተኛ አጋርዎ!
ጁሙዓ ሙባረክ!
#CoopbankAlhuda #LabbaikWadia #Hajj #Umrah #DreamBig
Hojjetaa Mana Miidhagina Rifeensaa Biiliyeenara ta’e
Raameesh Baabuu, biyya Indiyaa magaalaa Baangaaluruutti bara 1973 ALA maatii jireenya galii gad aanaa qaban keessatti dhalate. Abbaan isaa ogummaa rifeensa sirreessuun maatii isaa bulchaa ture. Raameesh daa’imummaa isaatti abbaa isaa bira oolee, hojii kana shaakalaa ture. Fedhiin olaanaa barnootaaf qabus ta’e, qoosaan hiriyoonni isaa oolmaa isaan walqabsiisuun itti qoosuun ogummaa sana jibbisiisuuf dhiibbaan taasisan hojii kana irraa isa hin hambifne.
Umurii waggaa 13tti Raameesh dirqama hojii kanatti cichee akka hojjatu isa taasisutu isa quunname. Abbaan isaa du’aan boqotee, maatiin isaa rakkoof saaxilame. Haadha isaa fi obboleewwan isaa jiraachisuuf Raameesh itti gaafatamummaa fudhate.
Raameesh hojiilee garaa garaa hojjechuun galii argachuuf carraaqe, hojii humnaa hojjechuu, gaazexaa raabsuu fi konkolaataa dhiquunis umurii daa’imummaatti galii maatii isaa bulchu argachuuf dhama’e. Galiin argatu hagas mara quubsaa ta’ee maatii jiraachisuu didee jennaan, ogummaa abbaa isaatti deebi’ee cimee hojjachuun galii fooyya’aa argachuuf tattaafate.
Yeroo murtaa'e boodas, rakkoo geejjibaa naannoo isaa jiru kan hubate Raameesh, galii argatu irraa qusachuun, konkolaataa geejjibaa bituun tajaajila kennuu eegale. Waggoota muraasa booda galii isaa guddifachuun dhiyeessa tajaajila geejjibaa babal’isuun, naannoo isaatti maqaa guddaa horate. Ittuma fufuun, konkolaattota loojistikii gurguddoo gara hojiitti galchuunis seenaa biyyattii keessatti "Hojjetaa Mana Miidhagina Rifeensaa Biiliyeenara ta’e" jedhamuun Maqaa guddaa argateera.
Qabeenya argate irraas, hojii tola ooltummaa sekteroota barnootaa, fayyaafi geejjibaa keessatti hedduu gumaacheera.
Galma akeekkatte bira gahuuf qormaatilee hedduun yoo si mudatanillee gadi of qabuun cichoominaan yoo hojjette, mul’ata kee milkoomfachuu akka dandeessu seenaa Raameesh kanarraa barachuun ni dandaa’ama.
ፀጉር አስተካካዩ ቢሊየነር ሆነ
ራሜሽ ባቡ፣ እኤአ በ1973 በባንጋሎር፣ ሕንድ አነስተኛ ገቢ ካለው ቤተሰብ ተወለደ። አባቱ በፀጉር አስተካካይነት ሥራ ቤተሰቡን ያስተዳድር ነበር። ራሜሽ በልጅነቱ ከአባቱ ጋር ፀጉር ቤት እየዋለ ሙያውን ሲቀስም ቆየ። ለትምህርት የነበረው ከፍተኛ ፍላጎትም ሆነ ጓደኞቹ ፀጉር ቤት ውስጥ ጊዜውን በማሳለፉ እየተሳለቁባት ሙያውን እንዲጠላ ያደረጉበት ግፊት፣ ሥራውን ከመቀጠል አላገደውም።
የ13 ዓመት ልጅ ሳለ ይህን ሙያ ጸንቶ እንዲገፋበት የሚያስገድደው ነገር ተፈጠረ። አባቱ በሞት በመለየቱ ቤተሰቡ ለከፍተኛ ችግር ተጋለጠ። በዚህ ወቅት ራሜሽ እናቱንና ወንድም እህቶቹን የማስተዳደር ኃላፊነት ወሰደ።
ከዚያም ራሜሽ የተለያዩ ሥራዎችን በመሥራት ገቢ ለማግኘት ጣረ። በጨቅላ እድሜው የጉልበት ሥራዎችን በመሥራት፣ጋዜጣ በማዞር እና መኪና በማጠብ ቤተሰቡን የሚያስተዳድርበት ገንዘብ ለማግኘት ለፍቷል። የሚያገኘው ገቢ ይህን ያህል በቂ ሆኖ ቤተሰቡን ማኖር ስላልቻለ ወደ አባቱ የሥራ መስክ ተመልሶ በርትቶ በመሥራት የተሻለ ገቢ ላማግኘት ተፍጨረጨረ።
ከተወሰነ ጊዜ በኋላ በአካባቢው የነበረውን የትራንስፖርት ችግር የተረዳው ራሜሽ ከሚያገኘው ገቢ በመቆጠብ የህዝብ ማመላለሻ መኪና በመግዛት አገልግሎት መስጠት ጀመረ። ከጥቂት ዓመታት በኋላ ገቢውን በማሳደግና የትራንስፖርት አገልግሎቱን በማስፋት፣ በአካባቢው መልካም ስምና ዝና ተላበሰ። በመቀጠል ትላልቅ የሎጅስቲክ መኪኖችን ሥራ ላይ በማዋል በ ሀገሪቱ ታሪክ “ፀጉር አስተካካዩ ቢሊየነር ሆነ” በመባል ስሙ ገነነ።
ካፈራው ሀብት በትምህርት፣ በጤና እና በትራንስፖርት ዘርፎች በርካታ የበጎ አድራጎት ሥራዎችን ሠርቷል።
የራሜሽ ታሪክ እንደሚያስተምረን ወደ ግብህ ለመድረስ ብዙ ፈተናዎች ቢያጋጥሙህም ዝቅ በማለትና እና በትጋት ከሰራህ ራዕይህን ማሳካት ትችላለህ።
#Coopbank #MondayMotivation #HardWork #Perseverance
?External Vacancy ?
1.Branch Manager I (For Jinka Branch and Yelasawla Branch)
Education Qualification: BA/BSc in any Field of Study;
Experience: Six Years of relevant Banking Experience out of which Two Years in Supervisory roles.
Language: Proven proficiency in listening, speaking, and writing command of Amharic, English, or other local Languages.
Remuneration: As per the Bank’s salary scale and benefit scheme
Terms of Employment: Permanent after the probationary period
Registration Deadline: September 21, 2024
Place of Work: Jinka Branch and Yelasawla Branch
Registration Place: For Jinka Branch at Arbaminch Branch, Konso Branch, and Hosanna District Office
For Yela Sawla Branch at Wolaita Sodo Branch, Arbaminch Branch, and Hosanna District OfficeInterested applicants should submit their 8th grade certificate, Education credentials, and work experience at specified locations. Only those who fulfill the minimum requirements and shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
News and announcements of the library. No books here.
??Official Chinese channel:
Last updated 7 months, 1 week ago
Intel slava is a Russian News aggregator who covers Conflicts/Geopolitics and urgent news from around the world.
For paid promotions and feedback contact us at: @CEOofBelarus
Last updated 1 month ago
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