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Last updated 1 week ago
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
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Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago
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Collaboration - @taping_Guru
Last updated 3 weeks, 1 day ago
I don’t know who needs to read this BUT....
Stop Doubting Yourself
Stop Procrastinating
Stop Being Negative
Stop Being Mean
Stop complaining
Stop wasting time
Stop Listening to Haters
Stop daydreaming about the future
Stop doing something just to fit in
Stop living to please others
Stop blaming other people
Stop dwelling on past mistakes
Stop giving empty promises
Stop lying to yourself.
Stop spending time with wrong people
Stop worrying too much.
Stop comparing yourself with anyone
Stop trying to be someone you’re not
Stop hating your body
Stop trying to impress others
Stop running from your problems
Stop being jealous of others.
Stop trying to make things perfect
Stop acting like everything is fine if it isn’t.
Stop blaming others for your troubles
Stop trying to be everything to everyone.
The sad reality
is this, not everyone is meant to stay in your life forever. So don’t lose yourself to others, it wasn’t really your fault that things went beyond your control. It’s okay to grieve for a time, cry and write it all out if you want to, there’s nothing wrong with what you’re feeling. But don’t let yourself slip away in the process. Gather yourself up and go redeem yourself. Life is not over yet. The pain you’re going through right now is just the beginning of your story - just one of those chapters. There’s a lot of reasons why you should just keep going, don’t let that one reason to discourage you and hold you down.
We tell you five proven practices for dealing with stress.
Living on a schedule
Wakefulness, sleep, appetite, hormone production, and digestive activity depend on the cyclical change of day and night.
Physical exertion.
We feel tension and pain due to lack of muscle tone and that needs to change. Now is a good time to go dancing or yoga, take up running or tennis.
Proper nutrition and vitamins
To withstand stress, the body needs a reserve to mobilize resources. That's why it's so important to eat right and get enough vitamins every day.
Supporting the body's natural purification, reviewing the principles of nutrition, normalizing the water balance helps the body to get in the right frame of mind.
It's important to find a place where you feel at ease. Get away. Change of scenery. Turn to yourself, understand what you really want, tune into a positive mood, to radiate confidence and energize others with positive energy.
8 smart tricks that will improve your memory
The torrents of information that are poured upon us every day in the twenty-first century no longer impress anyone. We learn to filter messages, to brush off everything unnecessary - no wonder our memory works the same way. But what do we do when we start to forget what we need as well?
The stages of the passage of love
At first there is infatuation, the first stage: hormonal surge, "butterflies in the stomach," "he is the best," lots of bodily pleasure. When the first need for intense contact is satisfied, satiety sets in. This includes the hormonal level.
Then follows a slight detachment, when you already want to be alone for a while. This is the second stage.
Then comes the cooling, the so-called disgust stage. This is where quarrels, nagging at each other, a decrease in sexual attraction are possible.
The fourth stage is the living of feelings, awareness of them.
The fifth stage is acceptance. Acceptance of own feelings, the partner as he or she is. There is patience with each other, there is friendship, affection, based not only on bodily attraction.
When all this has been passed and lived through, then the phase of falling in love comes again, already conscious.
When you open your mouth to judge a mother, bite your tongue first.
*Pregnancy hurts.
Birth hurts.
Breastfeeding hurts
Watching your baby cry hurts
Not sleeping well, it hurts.
Serving everyone and being the last hurts.
Not having time for yourself - hurts.
The mother needs help, not to be criticized,
she needs love and not to be judged,
she takes care of everyone, but she needs to take care of herself as well.
Motherhood is not as gentle as it seems, motherhood is beautiful, yes, but it is very difficult.
What's beautiful is the love that a mother has for her child, that love is capable of enduring everything!!*
Having someone
*Who texts you every day,
Motivates you every time,
Listens to your problems,
Genuinely cares for you, Reminds you to have your food
on time, and medicines when
you're sick, is a true blessing.
Everyone needs such a person in their life, and blessed are those who already have them. ❤️*
Share, please.
Happiness is the ability to be grateful
If you can't be thankful for a sunny day and a cup of coffee today, then buying a COAT tomorrow definitely won't make you happy. You should love what you already have??
"It would be good if" is the sign of emotional immaturity while "it is" is the reality. Happiness is something that is happening NOW. Cause there may be no tomorrow.
✔️Good relationships are meant to be created. It's never too late to hold hands. Saying "I love you" at least once a day. Don't go to bed fighting.
✔️The courtship shouldn't end with the honeymoon, it should last a lifetime.
✔️Walk through life together. Form a circle of love that brings the whole family together. Do things for each other not out of duty, but out of joy.
✔️It's not just about finding the right person. It's about being the right person.
Wouldn't you agree?
▫️Start each day with a kiss. Resolve to start the day with love.
▫️Wear your wedding ring at all times. Let it be a visual reminder of your fidelity and vows.
▫️Have a date with your spouse at least once a week. Devote some of your time to just the two of you.
▫️Accept your spouse's characteristics. Try to remember that once you have decided that your spouse's quirks and habits are sympathetic to you. Your ability to change them is limited, so accept them as they are.
▫️Be polite. Have you ever noticed that you are more polite to co-workers or salespeople than to someone you love? Practice good manners at home as well.
▫️Be gentle. Harsh words and actions have no place in your home anymore. Be kind to the one you love and who loves you.
Community chat:
Last updated 1 week ago
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
📱 App: @Blum
🤖 Trading Bot: @BlumCryptoTradingBot
🆘 Help: @BlumSupport
💬 Chat: @BlumCrypto_Chat
Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago
Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
Join @tapswap_bot
Collaboration - @taping_Guru
Last updated 3 weeks, 1 day ago