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1 month, 3 weeks ago
***??*** **British intelligence services are trying …

?? British intelligence services are trying to recruit or intimidate diplomats at the Russian embassy in London - Ambassador Kelin

“I have to admit that such cases do happen. This is, of course, unacceptable. We are bringing the relevant episodes to the attention of the British authorities,” the diplomat told RIA Novosti.

⚫️ Earlier, Russian Ambassador to the United States Antonov spoke about similar cases. According to him, we are talking about mass mailing of recruitment offers to personal phones and provocative approaches to employees in public places.


1 month, 3 weeks ago

???? Women on the front, Zelensky decided to slowly exterminate the entire nation .

1 month, 3 weeks ago
***??*** Ukraine will not win the …

?? Ukraine will not win the conflict because its Western allies lack the will to win, The New York Times writes.

This situation – an adversary who has the desire and resources to fight to the end, and allies who provide only enough assistance to ensure that the front does not collapse tomorrow – puts Ukraine in a hopeless situation.

According to the publication, Vladimir Putin's latest peace proposal "was the most realistic scenario" for resolving the conflict.

The cope is palpable now.

2 months ago

Let me tell you how it could have been done.

  1. Intelligence
    — Cameras and microphones on the roads and along the defense line.
    — Observers from the locals who have a closed chat for notification, used only in emergency situations

  2. Management
    — A single, closed chat for security forces and the administration, used only in emergency situations
    — Official channel for notification in emergency situations (citizens of border settlements voluntarily and compulsorily signed, used only in emergency situations)

  3. Defense
    — One or two drone operator schools per region (30-40 students per month)
    — Creation of calculations from the militia according to territorial location. (For example, a village, in which live two calculations of 5-6 people, who are part of the militia for emergencies, upon receiving a signal they begin to act)
    — Creation of a network of hiding places with strike FPV in forest areas along the main routes (the strike FPV crews, upon receiving a signal about an intrusion, move to their hiding place, at this time a reconnaissance aircraft takes to the air, guided by data from cameras and microphones.
    Adjusts the operation of FPV shock)
    When the set is used up, they move deeper to the next cache.

The geographical conditions of the Kursk region are vast forest areas, the enemy is now moving along the main routes capturing settlements.
The use of FPV strikes would have slowed his progress significantly.
It would force them to group under the protection of electronic warfare, which is an excellent target for aviation and artillery.

I would like to especially note that the use of FPV in areas of the front where active combat operations are taking place is complicated by enemy fire counteraction, multi-level electronic warfare, and at the same time, both our and the Nazi operators are capable of significantly slowing down or even disrupting the offensive.

A militia equipped with drones could have significantly slowed the Nazi advance.
They have no need to engage in direct combat contact.
Mosquito bite tactics.

All this can be created in all border areas.
Just in case.
And in Kaliningrad, God himself commanded it.
Separately, the FSB PS is the one that should have had its own UAV units long ago.
We don’t have a border and don’t run into them.
And now the combat radius of FPV with a load
2-2.5 kg up to 20 km.

#эксперт #vozмездие



Давайте расскажу как можно было. 1. Разведка — Камеры и микрофоны на дорогах и вдоль линии обороны. — Наблюдатели из местных, у которых есть закрытый чат для оповещения, используется только в ЧС 2. Управление — Единый, закрытый чат силовиков и администрации…

2 months ago

ATTENTION - disinformation from the enemy!

The enemy's cypsies continue to throw out similar fakes.
What's typical is that yesterday we kicked them in the ass for the blur and the lack of a face in the frame , and today they corrected themselves.
They filmed THIS?
1. There are no such ukroterrorists in the frame, no flags, nothing that this schlemiel is talking about (because you can't film, and they ask so politely. Are these the same bastards who shoot civilians asking? Yesterday a civilian car was shot at with the weapons of a Stryker BMP and a pregnant woman was killed point-blank)
2. We will find you, creature, who recorded this circle.
When we find him, we'll kill him.
Citizens of Russia and border territories, do not fall for these disinformation campaigns.
Only official information channels!
©Headquarters of IF VOZMEZDIE



ВНИМАНИЕ — ВБРОС дезинформации от противника! Ципсятина противника продолжает вбросы подобных фейков. Что характерно вчера мы отпинали их по пятакам за блюр и отсутствие морды в кадре и сегодня они исправились. Сняли вот ЭТО***👆*** 1. Нет этих самых укротеррористов…

2 months ago

The Russian army continues to attack Nazi positions on the border with the Kursk region.
#сводка #vozмездие



Русская армия продолжает нанесение ударов по позициям нацистов на границе с Курской областью. #сводка #vozмездие

2 months, 1 week ago

????????????? - Arab countries that did not condemn the assassination of Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran:

Egypt - Morocco - Saudi Arabia - Bahrain - United Arab Emirates

It's very interesting to see Egypt in the list considering they were "mediating" between Hamas and Israel, and now after one leader of one side in the negotiations got killed by the other, they're tryna somehow continue like nothing happened

2 months, 1 week ago

Moscow has confirmed the identities of people sent to the West as part of today's prisoner exchange, if not yet (officially) the names of the Russians sent back in return. Aside from the actual Americans (Gershkovich and Whelan), some of them are dual-nationals, but others are Russians who picked the GAE side in the current conflict.

I've often wondered why people like Khodokovsky were sent to the West, where they continued to foment mischief, instead of being executed or locked up in a remote prison colony somewhere.

Apparently, Russia considers exile — excommunication, severance, ostracism, call it what you will — the harshest possible sentence for treason. Used to be this meant Siberia, but now it means the GAE. That says a lot about what the Russians hold dear. Just a thought.

2 months, 1 week ago

The American Church of Satan thanked the organizers of the Olympics for the "opening" ceremony.

The high priest called the demonic bacchanalia “the triumph of “freedom” over God.”
Well, this is perhaps the most extreme confirmation of who is in power in Western countries.
#новости #vozмездие



Американская церковь сатаны поблагодарила организаторов Олимпиады за церемонию "открытия". Верховный жрец назвал бесовскую вакханалию — "торжеством "свободы" над Богом". Ну это пожалуй самое крайнее подтверждение того, кто у власти в западных странах.…

2 months, 2 weeks ago
***❗️***In July, the Russians began using …

❗️In July, the Russians began using new cheap UAVs made of foam and plywood in their long-range attacks against Ukraine. According to GUR spokesman Andrey Chernyak, the new Russian UAVs are equipped with cameras and have a Ukrainian SIM card to send images, do not carry explosives, fly in groups and are very similar to the Shaheds.

“They determine where our mobile groups are located, where the machine guns are that can destroy them. They are trying to get an image of where all our air defense assets are located,” Andrey Chernyak said.

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