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We are on the road back to The Netherlands, after enjoying a beautiful week in the mountains and nature of Austria.. ?☀️?
Gifted the mountains and waterfalls on our hikes with some Orgonite, and collected a bunch of stones to create some powerfull new ones with⚡️?
My personal OG dragon accompanied us to keep us safe and make sure we had beautiful weather with puffy clouds and sunshine ??
It's always difficult to say goodbye to this beautiful country, but I also cannot wait to get back to creating ???
We zijn onderweg terug naar Nederland, na te hebben genoten van een prachtige week in de bergen en de natuur van Oostenrijk.. ?☀️?
Ik heb de bergen en watervallen tijdens onze wandelingen voorzien van wat Orgonite, en een aantal stenen verzameld om weer krachtige nieuwe mee te maken⚡️?
Mijn persoonlijke OG dragon vergezelde ons om ons veilig te houden en ervoor te zorgen dat we prachtig weer hadden met puffy wolken en zonneschijn ??
Het is altijd lastig om afscheid te nemen van dit prachtige land, maar ik kan ook niet wachten om weer aan de slag te gaan met creëren ???
Love is the Key ❤️??✨️ @Lehsa22
Time to announce the winner of the Earth Pipes Give Away ??✨️✨️
My son thought this garden is beautiful but can also use some extra help ?
The 5 Earth Pipes will be going to Catalunya Spain ?? ⚡️
We hope you will find the perfect spots to hammer these powerhouses in the ground Nica!!
I will contact you privatly to arrange shipment so they will be with you asap ???
Tijd om de winnaar bekend te maken van de Earth Pipes Give Away ??✨️✨️
Mijn zoontje vind deze tuin prachtig maar denkt ook dat er wel wat extra hulp gebruikt kan worden ?
De 5 Earth Pipes gaan naar Catalunya, Spanje ?? ⚡️
We hopen dat je de perfecte plekken vindt om deze krachtpatsers in de grond te slaan Nica!!
Ik neem privé contact met je op om de verzending te regelen, zodat ze zo snel mogelijk bij je zijn ???
Love is the Key ❤️??✨️ @Lehsa22
My dearest and most loyal friend for 15 years.. my dear Joey... ❤️?
We will have to say goodbye to him this upcoming monday.. when he goes on his journey to whatever comes next. ✨️✨️
I'm so grateful for all the years we were able to spend with him.. eventhough he had this heart problem, which made the vets say he wouldn't reach an old age... well this tough boy showed them wrong ??
He will be missed but always remembered with a smile ??
This also means that the announcement of the winner of the Earth Pipes give away, that I planned this upcoming monday, needs to be postponed..
I will move it to Monday evening July 8th.
I hope you all understand ??*
Al 15 jaar mijn liefste en trouwste vriend.. mijn lieve Joey... ❤️?
Aanstaande maandag zullen we afscheid van hem moeten nemen.. wanneer hij op reis gaat naar wat het ook is dat hierna komt. ✨️✨️
Ik ben zo dankbaar voor alle jaren die we met hem hebben mogen doorbrengen.. ook al had hij een hartprobleem, waardoor de dierenartsen zeiden dat hij niet oud zou worden... nou, deze stoere jongen heeft het tegendeel bewezen ??
Hij zal worden gemist, maar altijd herinnerd worden met een glimlach ??
Dit betekent dat de bekendmaking van de winnaar van de Earth Pipes give away, die ik aanstaande maandag had gepland, moet worden uitgesteld..
Ik verplaats het naar maandagavond 8 juli.
Ik hoop op jullie begrip ??*
Love is the Key ❤️??✨️ @Lehsa22
?? OG Rodin Torus Coil Necklace 'Heart Coherence'
(4 cm)
Nederlands in de opmerkingen.
A Rodin Torus Coil is a “Scalar balanced toroidal vortex wave generator” that generates a large pulsating electromagnetic field (PEMF).
This energy promotes well-being for both body and mind, as it reflects the same energy pattern found in every living cell of our body and in nature. ??
We are influenced by beliefs, programming and energies that we experience and that are projected onto us in our daily lives, but also in other/previous lives.
As a result, we can carry unresolved issues embedded in our physical and emotional bodies, disrupting health and the ability to manifest properly.
In fact, we are continuously thrown out of balance by all the unnatural energies that are fired at us.
By consciously using and wearing a Rodin Torus Coil, these energies will be neutralized, blockages will be healed and it will provide more balance and attunement to higher, divine frequencies. ⚡️❤️
The magnetic field of the Rodin Torus Coil in a closed circuit has the capacity to synchronize with your personal energy field and heart frequency, thereby increasing and strengthening your personal magnetic field. ?✨️ This results, among other things, in better health, joy, compassion and love for all that is. ❤️?
The Rodin Torus Coil is Sacred Geometric technology, this combined with my Orgonite matrix ?⚡️and Rose Quartz and Amethyst as extra crystals ?? working together with the Clear Quartz inside, will generate an energy field that is almost impossible to describe in earthly words. ??
A piece of energetic jewelry to wear close to your heart. You will feel the connection with divine source and your higher self like never before. ⚡️⚡️
This first "prototype" is reserved by someone before I could post it here, but feel free to send me a private message for more info on these creations and also more will be created soon ??
Love is the key ❤️??✨️ @Lehsa22
? Eternal flow - Justin Jet Zorbas, Inum
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Tech: @pepe_sith
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