EASY 8.0

We recommend to visit

? Assalomu Aleykum, bu kanalda PUBG Akkaunt, Klan, TikTok, Youtube, Tg Kanal OLIB va SOTISH mumkin, malumot ?

⚜️ REKLAMA 15.000 so’m: @TonyYT


? Elon va Garant: @TonyYT

? Glavniy kanalimiz: @TonYOUTUBER

Asosiy Kanalga Kirish Uchun Ushbu Ssilkani Bosing ???


??? Barcha Akkauntlarni Sotib Olish Uchun Ushbu Kanalga Kiring ‼️


Eng So'ngi Xit Muzikalarni bizning kanalda tinglang!⚡️

? Birinchi bizda keyin boshqalarda. Hech qanday pechatsiz orginal taronalar joylab boramiz.

? Reklama: @Xojisaid

1 year, 3 months ago

**One woman said:

I was praying. My younger son came to me and called me several times. At that time, his older brother, who was two years older, came and let him go: "It's a shame to interrupt when two people are talking!" Don't you see, my mother is talking to God!"

My whole body trembled at this. I felt that I was a weak servant standing in front of the Great One.

After that, whenever I say takbir "Allah-u akbar" in prayer, my son's words ring in my ears and erase the heedlessness in my heart.*➡️ Share with your loved ones*

1 year, 3 months ago

Stones or problems that destroy you!Wear the most expensive running shoes, wear the most expensive clothes, have more motivation and desire than usual, but if stones of a certain weight are tied to your feet, it will be very difficult for you to reach the finish line, even you may not be able to go. You don't really want to attach those stones, and even if you want to, it's hard to get rid of them, it seems a little easier to get to your destination with stones. If you can overcome these challenges and reach the finish line, you will be in for a very big success, yes, bigger than you think.

There are problems or reasons in life that you are not responsible for, and they will fundamentally affect your actions. No matter how much you try, no matter how much desire you have, you cannot show your real potential.

Such situations are found in many people in different situations and in different forms. For example, someone really wants to learn a foreign language, but his parents can't afford the course, it's not his fault. Or if we look at this situation, a child's parents divorced and the child stayed with the father. No matter how much the child wants to live with his mother, his father will continue to fulfill the role of that stone.

With patience and constant effort (not to mention praying, you know this very well), even with these stones, with you, we can reach the finish line, we can succeed. As long as a person is alive and healthy, he can get out in any situation, in any situation, he can only help himself, only himself, no one else!


1 year, 3 months ago

*? Ухлаб ётганингизда хеч пастга қулаб уйғониб кетганмисиз?*Бу ходиса судоргалик қисқартма деб аталади, бу иш нафас олишингизни темпи пасайганида миянгиз сизни ўлди деб ўйлаб импулс бериб уйғотишга ҳаракат қилишидан юз беради

P.s: Menda tez tez uchrab turadi bu holat

1 year, 3 months ago

Kunni rejalashtirish!

Katta maqsadlarga rejasiz erishishning umuman iloji yo’q!

Har bir maqsad to’g’ri sarf qilingan kunlar, oylar va hatto yillarning natijasidir.

Agar siz bir kuningizni to’g’ri reja qilolmasangiz katta maqsadlarga erishishingiz qiyin bo'ladi.

1 year, 3 months ago
1 year, 3 months ago

Inson hech narsasiz dunyoga keladi. Keyin esa har narsaning ortidan quva boshlaydi. Oxir oqibat, baribir hech vaqosiz dunyoni tark etadi. Ammo hamma narsa uchun  javob beradi...

1 year, 3 months ago

Haqiqiy motivatsiya nimada?

Ko’pchilik motivatsiyani insonlar qo’llab quvvatlashida ko’radi.

Yoki bo’lmasam o’zlari havas qilgan insonlarning yutuqlarida ko’radi.

Kimdir esa ularni qo’llab-quvvatlashi va ularga ishonch bildirib, yelkama-yelka turishlari deb bilishadi.

Aslini olganda haqiqiy motivatsiya nima?

Motivatsiya bu - insonlar sizga kelib “Sen buni qila olmaysan” deyishlari.

Motivatsiya bu - do’stlaringiz sizni qo’llab quvvatlash o’rniga “Qo’lingdan hech nima kelmaydi, tayinli ish qilgin” deyishlari.

Motivatsiya bu - ishongan insonlaringiz “Senga emas biznes qilish, o’zingda bo’lgin” deyishlari.

Aslida haqiqiy motivatsiya bu sizga ishonishmagandadir.

Inson oldinga harakatlanishi uchun unga qarama-qarshi harakat bo’lishi kerak.

Hayot sizga zarba bersagina siz unga qarshi zarba berasiz.

Va doim yodingizda tuting, hamma narsa qo’lingizdan keladi.

1 year, 3 months ago

Har bir inson unique

Sizga o'xshagan inson bo'lmagan, hozir ham yo'q, keyin ham bo'lmaydi

We recommend to visit

? Assalomu Aleykum, bu kanalda PUBG Akkaunt, Klan, TikTok, Youtube, Tg Kanal OLIB va SOTISH mumkin, malumot ?

⚜️ REKLAMA 15.000 so’m: @TonyYT


? Elon va Garant: @TonyYT

? Glavniy kanalimiz: @TonYOUTUBER

Asosiy Kanalga Kirish Uchun Ushbu Ssilkani Bosing ???


??? Barcha Akkauntlarni Sotib Olish Uchun Ushbu Kanalga Kiring ‼️


Eng So'ngi Xit Muzikalarni bizning kanalda tinglang!⚡️

? Birinchi bizda keyin boshqalarda. Hech qanday pechatsiz orginal taronalar joylab boramiz.

? Reklama: @Xojisaid