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Sebastian Bieniek - conceptual Art
4 months ago
„Lovely Painting No. 28“ („The Unlovely …

„Lovely Painting No. 28“ („The Unlovely Lovely Painting) by Sebastian Bieniek, 2021, acrylic on canvas. From the „Lovely Paintings“ series. 40 x 50 cm. More:

4 months ago
„Lovely Painting No. 27“ by [Sebastian …

„Lovely Painting No. 27“ by Sebastian Bieniek, 2021, acrylic on canvas. From the „Lovely Paintings“ series. 40 x 50 cm. More:

4 months ago
„Lovely Painting No. 26“ by [Sebastian …

„Lovely Painting No. 26“ by Sebastian Bieniek, 2021, acrylic on canvas. From the „Lovely Paintings“ series. 40 x 50 cm. More:

4 months, 1 week ago
„Lovely Painting No. 21“ by [Sebastian …

„Lovely Painting No. 21“ by Sebastian Bieniek, 2021, acrylic on canvas. From the „Lovely Paintings“ series. 40 x 50 cm. More:

4 months, 1 week ago

Unbelievable! Must see!


The First Cut Is The Deepest! Opening! "Hand Without A Body" performance by Sebastian Bieniek 1999

First day! Opening (Vernissage) of the "Festival der jungen experimentellen Kunst", Berlin 1999, Postfuhramt and the beginning of the "Hand Without A Body" performance by Sebastian Bieniek. The First Cut is the Deepest" Official Website:…

4 months, 1 week ago
„Lovely Painting No. 20“ by [Sebastian …

„Lovely Painting No. 20“ by Sebastian Bieniek, 2021, acrylic on canvas. From the „Lovely Paintings“ series. 40 x 50 cm. More:

4 months, 1 week ago
„Lovely Painting No. 18“ by [Sebastian …

„Lovely Painting No. 18“ by Sebastian Bieniek, 2021, acrylic on canvas. From the „Lovely Paintings“ series. 40 x 50 cm. More:

4 months, 2 weeks ago
„Lovely Painting No. 17“ by [Sebastian …

„Lovely Painting No. 17“ by Sebastian Bieniek, 2021, acrylic on canvas. From the „Lovely Paintings“ series. 40 x 50 cm. More:

4 months, 2 weeks ago

The only performance that touched the core of people's hearts and existence!


"Hand Without A Body", Sebastian Bieniek 1999. Performance Festival der jungen experimentellen Kunst

After 16 days of "every day one cut" at the "Performance Festival der jungen experimentellen Kunst", Berlin 1999, Postfuhramt. "Hand Without A Body", Performance by Sebastian Bieniek. Follow @SBieniek Official Website: Der…

4 months, 2 weeks ago

The olympic trial has begun! See the accusation made by the court of Gods! The highest court in the world!


Sensation! The olympic court came since many years together!

Sensation! The olympic court came since many years together! The opening accusation is: "It was wrong. All of them knew that they did wrong, but they still did". Now you have the chance to defend yourself to the accusation!