IELTS with Isojon| 8.0

The channel is targetted at helping students to learn English.

Owner: @Sukhrobzoda_I
*Teacher at @everestofficial
* IELTS 8.0 (2x)
*Listening&Reading 9.0?
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Last updated 5 months ago

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2 months, 1 week ago

The traffic congestion is a common problem across the world. How can this be solved ? #tasktwo

2 months, 1 week ago

The traffic congestion is a common problem across the world.
How can this be solved ?


2 months, 1 week ago
2 months, 2 weeks ago
2 months, 2 weeks ago

*?Listening Test ?***

Keys are in the comment

2 months, 2 weeks ago


Photos taken by professional photographers are great ??

2 months, 2 weeks ago

Emotional readiness is the starting point for groundbreaking results ?

2 months, 2 weeks ago

***The two maps show the transformation of a coastal land into a coastal park.

In general, the place has become more entertainment-friendly after the development, with the introduction of a new café, woods, and car park. The only untouched part of the area was cliffs near the sea.

According to the pre-development map of the land, two farm buildings were accessible with a narrow way from the main road. To the right, agricultural lands occupied the main area, while the other side was used for animal farming ,and less than half was still unused.

During the development, a brand-new café has been erected alongside the main road, whereas the agricultural land has been replaced by trees, which were planted around a circular footpath and linked to the car park. The car park is also a part of plan, as it has been opened in the place of former farm buildings. Another circular footpath has been laid around the new mand-made lake with its kayaks. Moreover, five more trees have been planted to the west of parking lot in order to add some greenery to the overall image of the place. Lastly, a set of steps have been introduced over cliffs, making it possible for park visitors to engage in beach activities and games.***

213 words

Just for fun :) 2.0

2 months, 2 weeks ago
2 months, 2 weeks ago

***The two maps illustrate the transformations happened to a museum and areas surrounding it in 1990 and 2010.

In general, between the given years, the area and museum experienced some considerable changes becoming more visitor-friendly with the introduction of a new park, café and enlarged shop. These alterations came at the expense of previous cottage and small garden.

In 1990, coming from the main road, a cottage occupied the left side of the narrow road to the car park. On the other side, a large garden was located, which was distinctly separated from the car park. As for the museum, it had an entrance facing the car park. To the right hand of the entrance, two separate smaller exhibition rooms were situated, next to which a restaurant alongside the main room for exhibitions occupied the main part of the museum. At the left corner, an indoor shop was serving the museum visitors. Lastly, a larger garden covered the far line of the place.

After 20 years, albeit to the sizeable garden, restaurant and car park, all other facilities saw a type of transformation. For example, the cottage was repurposed for a brand-new café, while the smaller garden by the main road had been flattened to add more parking spaces. Regarding the museum-related nuances, the shop was expanded, which resulted in the rectangular shape of the main exhibition room. Finally, a minor change of removing the wall between two rather small exhibition halls had been undertaken by 2010.***

**246 words

just for fun :)**

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