Die Lichtung ✨💜✨

Surrender to your being

Herzgeführte Bewusstseinsräume,
energetische Öffnung, pures Sein.

Spirituelle Begleitung, Atemräume, Energy Satsang. Kollektive Traumaheilung, Feldklärung. Pflanzengeister 💐
Fragen, die uns im Mysterium verschmelzen lassen
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Das ist Markus Krall!
Trading Coach, Investor & Marketing Experte. Für großartige Krypto-Deals und Investitionsmöglichkeiten.

Last updated 1 month ago

Offizieller Kanal von Eva Herman



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Last updated 1 month ago

Dr. Michael Nehls Offizieller Kanal für YouTube-Videos, Anlagetipps, Kontoverwaltung.

Last updated 3 weeks, 6 days ago

1 month, 3 weeks ago
Danke Heike fürs Teilen, so ein …

Danke Heike fürs Teilen, so ein wertvoller Beitrag 🙏💓🕊️ ich hab das Gefühl, dass diese Ebenen jetzt gut offenliegen und da viel Heilung, Aufrichtung und Bewusstheit möglich sind. Lasst uns gerne hier in Austausch gehen, wenn es euch berührt oder interessiert


3 months, 3 weeks ago
‚Perhaps our “life's purpose” has nothing …

‚Perhaps our “life's purpose” has nothing to do with what job we will find, what new thing we will manifest or attract for ourselves, or what mythical awakening journey we will complete. Perhaps the purpose of our life is to fully live, finally, to touch each here and now moment with our presence and with the gift of our one, wild heart.

And to do whatever we can to help others, to hold them when they are hurting, to listen carefully to their stories and the ways they are attempting to make sense of a world that has gone a bit mad. To speak kind words and not forget the erupting miracle of the other as it appears in front of us. Perhaps this is the most radical gift that we can all give‘

~ Matt Licata ?️??

3 months, 3 weeks ago
Eine sehr schöne Frequenz, die den …


Eine sehr schöne Frequenz, die den Energiekörper entspannt ???

3 months, 4 weeks ago


‚If you think the Kingdom of God is above you, then birds will find it first.

If you think it is in the ocean, then fish will discover it before you do.

Look...the Kingdom of God
is within you and all around you‘

~ The Gospel of Thomas ~



4 months, 1 week ago


"We’re going to be okay,
aren't we Papa?"

"Yes. We are."

"And nothing bad is going
to happen to us."

"That’s right. Because we’re carrying the fire."

"Yes. Because we’re carrying the fire."

Cormac McCarthy, The Road


Carrying the fire means keeping hope alive, even if you are the only one left who does so. Carrying the fire means living through bad times without becoming a bad person. Carrying the fire means bringing light to the deepest darkness and love to the unlovable. As long as breath remains to you, the world needs you to carry your sacred fire.

Post von Angell Deer

Artist unknown

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Das ist Markus Krall!
Trading Coach, Investor & Marketing Experte. Für großartige Krypto-Deals und Investitionsmöglichkeiten.

Last updated 1 month ago

Offizieller Kanal von Eva Herman



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Last updated 1 month ago

Dr. Michael Nehls Offizieller Kanal für YouTube-Videos, Anlagetipps, Kontoverwaltung.

Last updated 3 weeks, 6 days ago