Brainy Quote™️

💯 Quotes That Can Express Your Feelings

【 @inourbadreams
@BrainyTherapist 】

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Last updated 1 day, 22 hours ago


Last updated 14 hours ago

🧊 @community_bot is a Telegram-native toolset for communities.

📝 Overview & beta access:

💬 Chat: @communitieschat

Last updated 14 hours ago

2 months ago

There was a blind girl who hated herself just because she's blind. She hated everyone, expect for her loving
boyfriend. He's always there for her. She said that if she could only see the world, she would marry her boyfriend. One day, someone donated a pair of eyes to her so she could see everything, including her boyfriend. Her boyfriend asked her, "now that you can see the world. will you marry me?" The girl was shocked when she saw that her boyfriend was blind too,...........READ MORE🤯

2 months ago


2 months, 1 week ago

The mining phase ends on the April, 1.

Filled with fun and joy, bugs and bots, rickroll and short diy films, potato servers overload and endless hackathon, frens and beautiful skins, leaderboards and battles, pepe-rockets and growth growth unstoppable growth.

But more importantly, the community. How many of you have just found new frens, talented authors, secret chats, maybe made your own otc for vouchers or just created some theories about morse code. Thousands. Hundreds of thousands. Millions. Impossible numbers.

Like Notcoin itself. “It’s almost not supposed to happen”. Probably nothing that became the largest crypto community ever.

Let’s celebrate it.
No drops, no shitty funny marketing. Let's just acknowledge what we've been up to these past few months.

The team built the app, but it is you who’ve seen something. Something that doesn't fit to what one might expect. Absurd, but makes sense. That’s you who got it. That’s all you guys. Me and all the contributors are thankful for every single day and night building it for you, with you.

Let’s celebrate the very last week of the mining phase, frens.

What do we feel now?

Probably nothing but love 💛
Start here



Probably nothing @notcoin

The mining phase ends on the April, 1.
2 months, 1 week ago
***This time last year…

This time last year…
Everything was so different

Brainy Quote ®

2 months, 2 weeks ago
***You're too good for someone

You're too good for someone
who isn't sure about you
Brainy Quote ®️

2 months, 2 weeks ago
**Murder in a dream**

Murder in a dream

This gruesome incident happened in 1985 in England. Colin Kemp, 33, went to bed with his wife, after which he had a nightmare. He was in the jungle, being chased by two Japanese soldiers. One had a knife and the other had a gun. When the man was caught up, a fight broke out: one of the soldiers jumped him, Kemp grabbed him by the throat with both hands and began strangling him. At the same time the second soldier shot Kemp, and the man woke up in a cold sweat.

To his surprise, he found his wife showing no signs of life. Kemp tried to wake her up and suddenly realized he had strangled her in her sleep.

The court found the man not guilty, explaining what happened by the term "night terror. In this state, a person who has a nightmare is able to move around the house, perform complicated actions and even kill someone if he is in danger in his dream.

Good night.
@BrainyTherapist ©️

2 months, 2 weeks ago

Take charge of your life 💖

2 months, 3 weeks ago
**How do you manage a liar?**

How do you manage a liar?

👉🏻 When a liar realizes that you completely believe his story, he feels incredibly relieved. As a result, his attention span is severely dulled.

👉🏻 Upon noticing the deception, you don't have to shout about it right away. It is better to carefully use your false naivety to disarm the enemy.

👉🏻 Pretend that you are gullible in the flesh. And then surreptitiously begin to bend your line, promoting your own interests.

4 months, 3 weeks ago

Channel for sell dm

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Last updated 1 day, 22 hours ago


Last updated 14 hours ago

🧊 @community_bot is a Telegram-native toolset for communities.

📝 Overview & beta access:

💬 Chat: @communitieschat

Last updated 14 hours ago