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2 years, 9 months ago

Warren Buffett explained the role that interest rates play in asset prices: "If interest rates are 0%, the value of assets can be theoretically infinite." This is because the value of an asset is the future cash flow discounted at an interest rate. The higher the interest rate, the lower the present value of this flow. The lower the interest rate, the higher the value of the asset. Interest rates are like gravity to asset prices and the wealth of the rich.

Yes, in a pure capitalism there would still be inequality (after all, there will always be inequality because we are not equal), but not in the proportions that exist today.

So, contrary to what the technocrats in Davos are saying, all the poverty and inequality that exists today is the fault of central banks and governments (which they themselves run or manipulate), not capitalism. In capitalism there would be no central banks, we would have money backed by gold (not fiat money) and taxes would be minimal.

If Davos were really discussing how to end poverty and inequality in the world, and how to promote genuine economic growth that benefits all, they would be discussing these proposals:

1 - Return to a gold standard. This would eliminate once and for all and forever the problem of inflation. Everyone knows that inflation is a regressive tax created by the government that affects the most vulnerable people the hardest.

2 - Eliminate central banks. Let interest rates be determined by the free market. The United States was the most prosperous country in history and went through the industrial revolution WITHOUT a central bank.

3 - Eliminate income tax for the rich, poor, middle class and corporations. The government should limit itself to financing its expenses with what it collects from small consumption taxes, modest tariffs and VAT on non-essential items. This is how the United States was financed for more than 100 years. It managed to be the richest country in history and go through the industrial revolution without a federal income tax.

But in Davos they will never discuss these proposals, because the technocrats who attend these meetings seek to increase the power they have over our lives, not decrease it. In fact, many of them would not be billionaires were it not for this system of fiat money, central banks, and statism.

4 years, 4 months ago

A New York Times report states that Trump has paid nothing for income tax for many years, and in 2016 and 2017 paid as little as $750. The reason for this is that the debt for which Donald Trump ($450 million) is personally responsible counteracts his taxes.
We've been saying it for a while: the rich pay little or no tax.
Why? For two main reasons:
Donald Trump doesn't pay taxes because his passive losses from the depreciation of his real estate outweigh his income. This causes Trump's ledgers to show a "loss." This loss, of course, is only on paper. In reality Trump makes millions every year.
Is this legal? Yes.
Does this apply in all countries? Yes.
Can anyone do it? No. Only financially educated investors and entrepreneurs and competent advisors can do this. People who have a job, save money, have no debts and don't invest can't do this and are doomed to pay high taxes forever (or evade taxes, which is illegal).
Let's remember Donald Trump's two most famous phrases that explain his success:
"I am the king of debt."
"I don't pay taxes because I'm smart."
A president who knows how not to pay any taxes legally is the kind of president I like. I'd rather Donald Trump keep all his money to reinvest before he sent it to Washington for a handful of bureaucrats to waste or deliver on cheap subsidies.

4 years, 5 months ago

Federal Reserve: "We have infinite money."

Bank of England: "We have unlimited amounts of money."

European Central Bank: "There are no limits to the money we can create."

Those are phrases said literally by three of the world's largest central banks. And for those phrases it is that gold and bitcoin do not stop rising.

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4 years, 6 months ago

You need two types of education:

  1. The education they give you (school, university, etc.).
  2. The education you give yourself (books, courses, mentors, podcasts, real experiences, etc.).

The last one is the most important.

What others teach you does not have as great an impact as what you teach yourself.

Traditional education will give you a life.
Self-education will give you a fortune.

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4 years, 6 months ago

Teach your kids financial literacy fast, instead of letting them make the same mistakes we do.

Teach them about debt, banks, real estate, business, stocks, gold, accounting, sales, and asset protection before school conditions them to look for a job paying well with benefits.

The first thing they learn will define much of their future and what they do with their lives.

Don't buy your kids the things you never had.
Teach them the things that no one bothered to teach you but that determine success in the real world.

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4 years, 6 months ago


  1. Accept what people tell you as absolute truth.
  2. Don't question authority.
  3. Go to college because you are supposed to, not because you want to learn something.
  4. Sit at a desk 40 hours a week.
  5. Have a mediocre week or two of vacation a year.
  6. Get the largest mortgage you can so that you spend 30 years of your life paying off the debt.
  7. Don't try to learn any other language.
  8. Think about writing a book but never do it.
  9. Think about starting your own business but never do it.
  10. Don't try to get attention or excel.
  11. Teach your children to do the same.

What if I told you that you have become a participant in a compulsory game, a victim in a dream genocide, an institutionally pawn led by the indoctrination that every human must go to college, get a job, get married, have children, using credit cards, financing a car, mortgaging a house, paying a lot of taxes (further strengthening their obedience), saving and trusting the little that remains of their salary to Wall Street or a pension fund, all while continuing to lie to themselves himself every morning saying that he is leading a "normal" life?

You don't have to live your life the way society expects you to live it.

Break the paradigm.

Rewrite the script of your life.

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⚠️ Disclaimer :- All The Content in this Channel is Either forwarded From Other Channels Or Taken From the Internet, we Don't Own Any
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Last updated 1 year, 3 months ago

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Last updated 8 months ago