English & IT

©️ CEFR C1 holder.

Teacher at Asian University of Technologies.

Bachelor's degree in English Philology (KSU)
Master's degree in Applied Linguistics (MSLU)


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2 weeks, 2 days ago

✔️Oliy ta’lim, fan va innovatsiyalar vazirining tegishli buyrug‘iga ko‘ra 2024/2025-o‘quv yili:

oliy ta’lim muassasalarida – 9-sentyabr;
* akademik litseylarda *– 4-sentyabr;
* kasb-hunar maktablarida *– 4-sentyabr;
* kollej va texnikumlarning 2- va undan yuqori kurslari uchun – *4-sentyabr kunidan boshlanishi belgilandi.

😇Are you bored? Stay tuned with: @learnEnglishandIT🇬🇧🇺🇿

2 weeks, 2 days ago


10 Different ways to say " help me"

🤔1. Can you assist me?

🤔2. I need your help.

🤔3. Please lend me a hand.

🤔4. I'm in trouble, can you aid me?

🤔5. I require your assistance.

🤔6. Can you come to my aid?

🤔7. I'm struggling, can you help me?

🤔8. Please rescue me.

🤔9. I need some support, can you help?

🤔10. Can you give me a hand?

😇Are you bored? Stay tuned with: @learnEnglishandIT🇬🇧🇺🇿

2 weeks, 2 days ago

💡Some additional words and phrases you can use to express your likes and dislikes:

- I'm really passionate about
- I'm really fascinated by
- I'm really excited about
- I'm really interested in
- I find it (adjective) (e.g., I find it fascinating/inspiring)
- It's something that really captivates me
- It's something I can't get enough of
- It's something that brings me a lot of pleasure/enjoyment
- I have a real affinity for

- I strongly dislike
- I really can't stand
- I find it (adjective) (e.g., I find it boring/annoying)
- It's something that doesn't appeal to me at all
- It's something I find quite dull/uninspiring
- It's something that doesn't resonate with me
- It's something I have no interest in whatsoever
- It's something that doesn't grab my attention

😇Are you bored? Stay tuned with: @learnEnglishandIT🇬🇧🇺🇿

3 weeks, 2 days ago


𝗜𝗻𝗴𝗹𝗶𝘇 𝘁𝗶𝗹𝗶𝗱𝗮 𝘃𝗮𝗾𝘁𝗻𝗶 𝗮𝘆𝘁𝗶𝘀𝗵𝗻𝗶 𝗼'𝗿𝗴𝗮𝗻𝗮𝗺𝗶𝘇 🕒

📌 2.00 It is two o’clock.
- Soat roppa rosa 2 bo’ldi.

📌 2.05 It is five past two
- Soat 2dan 5 daqiqa o’tdi.

📌 2.15 It is quarter past two
- Soat 2 dan 15 (chorak) daqiqa o’tdi.

📌 2.30 It is half past 2
- Soat 2 dan 30 daqiqa o’tdi (ya’ni ikki yarim bo’ldi).

📌 2.35 It is twenty-five to three
- Soat 3 bo’lishiga 25 daqiqa qoldi.

📌 2.45 It is quarter to three
- Soat 3 bo’lishiga 15 daqiqa (chorak daqiqa) qoldi.

📎 Past - "o'tdi"
📎 To - "... bo'lishiga ... daqiqa qoldi"
📎 Half - "yarim"
📎 Quarter - "chorak"

3 weeks, 2 days ago

Osiyo texnologiyalar universitetida o'qish istagi borlar diqqatiga!

Batafsil ma'lumot uchun @Sukhrob4541 ga yozing yoki 91 464 45 41 raqamiga qo'ng'iroq qiling.

3 weeks, 3 days ago

📌 Common errors

Juda mazali

Very delicious
Very tasty

Xato qilmoq

Do a mistake
Make a mistake

Avtobusda sayohat qilmoq

Travel in a bus
Travel by bus

Kutubxonada kitob oʻqimoq

Study on a library
Study at a library


Feel boring
Feel bored

Proyekt ustida ishlamoq

Work a project
Work on a project

Piyoda yurmoq

Have a walk
Take a walk

4 weeks, 1 day ago
4 weeks, 1 day ago

▶️Listeningda ko'p uchraydigan sinonimlar

⭐️vary = charge = shift

⭐️departure = leave
jo'nab ketish

⭐️return = go back = come back
qaytmoq/qaytib kelmoq

⭐️reserve = book
joy band qilmoq

⭐️cancel = scrap
bekor qilmoq/qoldirmoq

⭐️refund = repay = pay back
to'lovni qaytarmoq

⭐️half an hour = thirty minutes
yarim soat

⭐️temporary = short-term

⭐️part of ... = proportion of ...
-ning qismi

4 weeks, 1 day ago

📌 Doim qoʻshimchalar bilan ishlatiladigan feʼllar

  1. Consist of... - ... dan tashkil topmoq

😀This book consists of 30 chapters.
(Bu kitob 30ta boʻlimdan tashkil topgan)

  1. Comply with - ... ga boʻysunmoq

🟢If you don't want to be fired you must comply with the company's regulations.
(Agar sen ishdan ketmoqchi boʻlmasang, kompaniya qonun qoidalariga boʻysunishing kerak)

  1. Depend on - ...ga bogʻliq boʻlmoq

🟢The company's success solely depends on you.
(Kompaniya muvaffaqiyati faqatgina senga bogʻliq)

  1. Object to - ...ga qarshi chiqmoq

😀My parents objected to my decision to study abroad.
(Mening ota-onam chet elda oʻqishimga qarshi)

1 month ago

Talking about Hot 🔥

🏜 Scorching/baking/roasting/broiling hot
used about weather that is very hot
📝 It has been baking hot this week.

🌞 Stifling/sweltering/unbearably hot
Very hot and uncomfortable weather
📝 The office often gets unbearably hot.

☕️ Boiling/scalding/steaming hot
used about liquid that is extremely hot
📝 The coffee was scalding hot.

🍜 Piping hot
used about food that is nice and hot
📝 They serve the soup piping hot.

💥 Red hot
an object or surface that is very hot
📝 The handle was red hot.

⚡️ White hot
metal that is extremely hot
📝 Knife became white hot in the flame

😇Are you bored? Stay tuned with: @learnEnglishandIT🇬🇧🇺🇿

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Bot: https://t.me/hamster_kombat_bot
Game: https://t.me/hamster_kombat_bot/st

Last updated hace 2 días, 1 hora

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