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Last updated 1 месяц, 2 недели назад

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1:1문의 : @xsizex / E-mail : xsizex@naver.com

◇ Community Building & Management

개설일 : 2019.12

Last updated 2 месяца назад

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Last updated 1 месяц, 3 недели назад

2 weeks, 4 days ago



Dermatology's Disastrous War Against The Sun

The forgotten side of skin health and the necessity of sunlight

Dr Alex
2 weeks, 6 days ago


PubMed Central (PMC)

A Review of Pterostilbene Antioxidant Activity and Disease Modification

Pterostilbene (trans-3,5-dimethoxy-4-hydroxystilbene) is a natural dietary compound and the primary antioxidant component of blueberries. It has increased bioavailability in comparison to other stilbene compounds, which may enhance its dietary benefit ...

Dr Alex
2 months ago


PubMed Central (PMC)

Chlorine dioxide is a more potent antiviral agent against SARS-CoV-2 than sodium hypochlorite

A new coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) abruptly emerged in Wuhan, China, in 2019 and rapidly spread globally to cause the COVID-19 pandemic.To examine the anti-SARS-CoV-2 activity of the potent disinfectant Cleverin, the major disinfecting component of which ...

Dr Alex
4 months, 1 week ago

Updated detox protocol from the jibs:
1) to clear the GO and remove toxins from the cells, especially the brain)
- cysteine or NAC 3-4 g/day

2) to bind the spike proteins
- dandelion leaf extract 1-2 tsp 2-3 times per day

3) to break down the spike proteins, which are prions/self-propagating
- protease enzymes (- take at least 1.5 hours away from food - 15 to 25 capsules twice a day - up to 20-40 capsules twice a day if vascular symptoms)

4) to restore the correct iron metabolism that has been disrupted & heal vasculature
- cilantro extract (1 tsp twice a day)
- copper (- 8-12 mg/day, take away from zinc, max 8 months on this dose - do NOT take copper or iron if you have cancer (iron feeds cancer & copper helps it do that) - instead use homeopathic cuprum sulfuricum 3X, 4X or 6X - 6 pellets twice a day)

5) for damage to the heart from the jibs - even those without symptoms are showing high troponin levels, indicating heart damage. This protocol helps the heart heal without increasing the energy or oxygen requirements of the cells, which is essential!
- hawthorn flower extract
- Taurine (1g 3x/d)
- vitamin E
- Freeze dried garlic

6) antiretroviral therapies
- Methyl donors like Lecithin/choline/DMG/TMG/methyl-folate/Sam-e/methyl-B-12 help silence the current retroviruses in your system that are being activated - NO B-vitamins if you have cancer!
- Baicalin or retroV powder from kiscience to prevent the mRNA from being incorporated into your genome - it has been found that these jabs are activating reverse transcriptase (stay on this for a year or 2)

7) if any parasites, Lyme, malaria, or other creepy-crawleys were introduced into your system from this

8 ) if morgellons is showing up
- boron (borax) 1 pinch in water three times a day.

9) if cancer is a concern, due to the suppression of CD8 cells, look into B-17 and Fucoidan Force capsules

10) if neurological problems arise, such as seizures and paralysis, it is appearing in clinical practice that Pepcid is working for these. I believe the dose is the same as that for covid 80 mg twice a day, though I don’t know if the standard 5 days has been sufficient.

11) if you’re vulnerable to catching every little or big bug going around, you need to boost your immune system with FucoidanForce.com

12) if you’re having brain fog or headaches, indicating microclotting in the brain, getting Rx Trental can make a huge difference. It doesn’t break down the clots, though, just opens up the microvasculature, so the SerraGold enzymes should still be used with it.

4 months, 2 weeks ago
RIGHT ON CUE: Marburg "Vaccine" (think …

RIGHT ON CUE: Marburg "Vaccine" (think Bioweapon) JUST tested...ON OUR MILITARY in Texas but... on its way for initial deployment to African countries.

4 months, 2 weeks ago
Dr Alex
5 months, 4 weeks ago
Dr Alex
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Building GameGPT by Prism for the next evolution of game development. Build Games in days, not weeks.

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Last updated 1 месяц, 2 недели назад

코인왕 SNS https://linktr.ee/block_ck

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Channel l https://t.me/Coin_AirdropKing/
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1:1문의 : @xsizex / E-mail : xsizex@naver.com

◇ Community Building & Management

개설일 : 2019.12

Last updated 2 месяца назад

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Last updated 1 месяц, 3 недели назад