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3 months, 3 weeks ago


Will Trump Truly Bring a Unified Reich?

Andrew Anglin May 21 2024 I don’t care about Trump news. But I am very interested in a unified reich. I didn’t read that news story, so I don’t know what it says. I just saw the headline and then took a screenshot. However, even if Trump is now claiming he…

Storm Crawler
3 months, 3 weeks ago


Brandon Calls ICC Arrest Warrant for Bibi "Outrageous," Confirms Eternal Allegiance to Baby-Killing Jews

Andrew Anglin May 21 2024 Brandon is between a rock and a hard Jewish cock. He keeps trying to say he’s against the genocide, because everyone on earth hates him because he supports the genocide. But then he comes out and supports the genocide again. The…

3 months, 3 weeks ago


New York City Now has Fewest Cops in Decades, Keeps Losing More

Snake Baker May 21 2024 What’s behind the ‘alarming’ rate of NYPD officers leaving the force? There’s no real reason for cops when it’s legal for blacks to do whatever they want. Washington Times: The number of police officers patrolling New York City is…

3 months, 3 weeks ago


Plastics Found Inside Every Human Testicle Examined in Study

Elvis Dunderhoff May 21 2024 At what point do humans become more plastic than man? The Guardian: Microplastics have been found in human testicles, with researchers saying the discovery might be linked to declining sperm counts in men. The scientists tested…

Storm Crawler
3 months, 3 weeks ago


UK: English Courtrooms Plan to Cancel Barristers' Wigs Because of Racism

Snake Baker May 21 2024 If this isn’t racist, how come it’s white? Oh no man, don’t take the wigs. This is the only thing I liked about British people. Breitbart: Courts in England are reportedly looking to scrap the requirement for barristers to wear traditional…

Storm Crawler
3 months, 3 weeks ago


48% of Americans Believe They'll Live to See Cow Farts Burn Entire Planet

Elvis Dunderhoff May 21 2024 I live in constant fear of cow farts destroying the earth. It’s a conundrum for me, because I love the smell of cow farts. New York Post: Half of Americans believe climate change will devastate the earth during their lifetime…

Storm Crawler
3 months, 3 weeks ago


Canada: Old People Having Psychotic Breakdowns Due to Legal Ultra-Weed

Andrew Anglin May 21 2024

Storm Crawler
3 months, 3 weeks ago


Experts Say World Not Prepared for AI Breakthroughs, Call for More Regulation

Elvis Dunderhoff May 21 2024 “AI regulation” is the most Jewish thing since condoms. Just let the robots do what they’re going to do. We will deal with the consequences. The consequences of dealing with the consequences are preferable to the consequences…

Storm Crawler
3 months, 3 weeks ago


Taiwan's Gay New Fake President Uses Inauguration Speech to Attack Mainland Common Sense

Andrew Anglin May 21 2024 Taiwan's new president calls on China to stop making threats Oh, okay, faggot. I’m sure everyone in your country wants to lose a lot of money so you can have gay anal parades. I’m sure that’s really a popular agenda, you faggot.…

3 months, 3 weeks ago


Volodomormoyrnyr Demands More and More and More for His Endless War

Andrew Anglin May 21 2024 Ukraine war news is getting both dumber and more boring. I can’t believe they’re still talking about “Volodymyr” and “Kyiv.” After the war is finally over, can we go back to spelling these words normally? When Zelensky finally flees…

Storm Crawler
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