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Eng ishonchli AKKAUNT SAVDO 🇺🇿
Xalolik foydadan ustun ✅

‼️ Eslatma: Kanalimizga Joylanayotgan Akkauntlarning Barchasi Turnirda Yutilgan!


Last updated 7 months, 2 weeks ago

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Last updated 4 months, 2 weeks ago

QASHQADARYO24 - Қашқадарё вилоятида энг тезкор янгиликлар ва видеолар етказиб берувчи биринчи рақамли каналга хуш келибсиз!


⚡Реклама хизмат: @QashqadaryoReklama_admin

📩 Хабар юбориш: @zoirovs

Last updated 1 month, 4 weeks ago

1 month, 3 weeks ago

Aniq artikl bilan ishlatiladigan turg'un birikmalar

👉👉Quyidagi birikmalar ingliz tilida aniq artikl bilan ishlatiladi:

😀 all the same - baribir, qaramasdan 
😀 keep the house - uyni boshqarmoq
😀 by the time - borib, -guncha
😀 lay the table - dasturxon yozmoq
😀 by the way - aytgancha
😀 on the contrary - aksincha
😀 make the bed - yotoqni yig'ishtirmoq
😀 do the bed - yotoqni tayyorlamoq 
😀 do the cooking - ovqat tayyorlamoq 
😀 do the washing up - idishlarni yuvmoq
😀 on the whole - umuman olganda
😀 tell the time - vaqtni aytmoq
😀 tell the truth - haqiqatni aytmoq
😀 do the shopping - bozor qilmoq
😀 for the sake of - sharafiga
😀 the same - bir xil
😀 for the time being - hozircha
😀 the right side - toʻg’ri yoʻlda/tarafda
😀 the wrong side - notoʻg’ri yoʻlda/tarafda
😀 under the influence of - ta’sirida, ta’siri ostida
😀 under the impression - taassurot ostida
😀 in the distance - uzoqda
😀 in the daytime - kunduzi
😀 in the end - oxiri, niyohat
😀 in the long run - borib-borib, oxirida 
😀 in the sun - quyoshda
😀 in the dark - qorong’uda
😀 in the shade - soyada
😀 in the rain - yomg’ir ostida
😀 in the meantime - hozirda
😀 in the past - oʻtmishda
😀 in the original - o'z tilida
😀 on the phone - telefonda
😀 in the face of - biror sharoitga qaramasdan, natijasida

1 month, 4 weeks ago

Kimning imtihoni qachon bo'ladi ?

Imtihon sanalar bo'yicha taqsimoti :

👉 14-iyul - Huquq+Ingliz tili, Matematika+Fizika, Chet tili+Ona tili,  Biologiya+Kimyo (Avvalgi yil bitiruvchilari), Matematika+Ingliz tili, Tarix+Ona tili

👉 15- Iyul - Matematika+Ingliz tili, Huquq+Ingliz tili, Tarix+Ingliz tili, Matematika+Fizika, Tarix+Ona tili, Tarix+Geografiya, Geografiya+Matematika

👉 16-Iyul - Biologiya+Kimyo, Biologiya+Ona tili,

👉 17-Iyul - Biologiya+Kimyo (Ru Joriy yilgi bitiruvchilar), Biologiya+Ona tili,

👉 18-iyul - Biologiya+Ona tili, Matematika+Fizika, Biologiya+Kimyo,

👉 19-Iyul - Matematika+Fizika, Matematika+Ingliz tili, Biologiya-Kimyo

👉 20-Iyul - Matematika+Ingliz tili, Biologiya+Kimyo, Matematika+Fizika

👉 21- Iyul - Ona tili+Ingliz tili, Ingliz tili+Ona tili, Matematika+Ingliz tili

👉 22- Iyul - Ingliz tili+Ona tili, Matematika+Ingliz tili

👉 23- Iyul - Ingliz tili+Ona tili, Matematika+Fizika, Rus tili+Ona tili, Ona tili+Matematika

👉 24- Iyul - Ingliz tili+Ona tili, Matematika+Fizika

👉 25- Iyul - Ingliz tili+Ona tili
(Sertifikati bor o‘quvchilar uchun)


2 months ago

👉👉Speaking uchun foydali iboralar

  1. "Bite the bullet": Accepting a difficult situation and facing it bravely.

Example: "I had to bite the bullet and confront my fear of public speaking."

  1. "Break the ice": To initiate a conversation in a social setting.

Example: "I always try to break the ice with a joke when meeting new people."

  1. "Hit the nail on the head": To describe exactly what is causing a situation or problem.

Example: "She hit the nail on the head when she identified the main issue with the project."

  1. "Cost an arm and a leg": Something very expensive.

Example: "Living in the city can cost an arm and a leg, especially for rent."

  1. "Piece of cake": Something very easy to do.

Example: "Don't worry, the exam was a piece of cake."

  1. "The ball is in your court": It's your turn to make a decision or take action.

Example: "I've given you all the information you need; now the ball is in your court."

  1. "A blessing in disguise": Something that seems bad at first but turns out to be good.

Example: "Losing my job turned out to be a blessing in disguise because it pushed me to pursue my passion."

  1. "Once in a blue moon": Something that happens very rarely.

Example: "I only see my old friends once in a blue moon since we all live in different cities."

  1. "Burn the midnight oil": Working late into the night.

Example: "I had to burn the midnight oil to finish my assignment on time."

  1. "Jump on the bandwagon": To join a popular trend or activity.

Example: "Everyone seems to be jumping on the bandwagon of sustainable living these days."


4 months, 1 week ago

Useful vocabulary

Environment, weather, climate change and pollution

  1. Littering - chiqindilarni yerga tashlash.
    People destroy the beauty of the beach through littering.

  2. Diminish - kamaymoq, pasaymoq.
    After he took the aspirin, the pain was diminished.

  3. Waste treatment - chiqindilarni qayta ishlash.
    Cleaner technologies in waste treatment and recycling.

  4. Throw something out - biror narsani uloqtirish.
    She threw out all her old clothes to make some space in her wardrobe.

  5. Emit - taratmoq, chiqarmoq, tarqalmoq.
    When the volcano exploded, it emitted clouds of gases and smoke into the air.

  6. To be spoiled by - barbod qilmoq/boʻlmoq, chippakka chiqarmoq.
    Our camping trip was spoiled by bad weather.

  7. Contamination - iflos boʻlish.
    People are suffering from the contamination of the weather supply.

  8. Devastate - vayron qilmoq, xarob qilmoq.
    An entire town was devastated by an earthquake.

  9. Boiling hot - juda issiq.
    The sun was boiling hot, the average temperature reached 42 degrees.

  10. Endangered species - yoʻqolib ketishi xavfida boʻlgan hayvon yoki oʻsimlik turlari.
    The giant panda is an endangered species.


4 months, 1 week ago

Daily Idioms !!!🔸Lend an earListen carefully🔸On cloud nineVery happy🔸Hard feelingsUpset / offended🔸Next to nothingTo cost very little🔸Down on earthRealistic🔸Throw in the towelGive up on something🔸Call it a dayStop working🔸Fit as a fiddle — Being in good health


4 months, 1 week ago

🔥Writing yoki Speakingda biror vaziyatning natijasini ko'rsatishda ishlatiladigan frazalar!

🎗 As a result , ......

🎗 As a consequence , ......

🎗 Thus,  ......

🎗 Therefore,  ......

🎗 So,  ......

🎗Hence, ......

🎗Accordingly, .....

🎗Thereupon, .....

🎗In consequence, ....

✈️ Sharing is caring!


4 months, 1 week ago

Task 1:
You will transfer your work place to another and you should write a letter to your boss.
- explain why you would like to move;
- request your documents;
- explain your transfer date.

Writing task 2 Some people think that children keeping pets dangerous but others believe that keeping pets useful for children

4 months, 2 weeks ago

Writing Task 1

You  have recently attended friend wedding, write a letter you friend :

-Thank you for invitation
-Share memorable moments

Thank you Letter

4 months, 2 weeks ago


Free time (part 1)

  1. Drop in - tushib o'tmoq
    My uncle dropped in at my house yesterday.

  2. Hang out - birga yaxshi vaqt o'tkazmoq
    We used to hang out at school.

  3. Take it easy - dam olmoq
    The doctor told him to take it easy for a while until he felt better.

  4. Get into the habit of... - odat chiqarmoq.
    He got into the habit of smoking and drinking soon after he quit his job.

  5. Go sightseeing - diqqatga sazovor joylarga bormoq.
    We are planning to go sightseeing in Rome next week.

  6. To embark on - boshlamoq.
    We embarked on our trip to America with passion.

  7. Have a whale of time - yaxshi vaqt o'tkazmoq.
    We all had a whale of time at the party.

  8. Do a good deed - yaxshi ish qilmoq,yaxshilik qilmoq.
    He thought he was doing a good deed when he saved her.

  9. Take a nap = have a nap - uxlab olmoq,mizg'ib olmoq.
    I take a nap almost every day after lunch.

  10. Take an interest in ... - qiziqib qolmoq.
    He took an interest in politics and education.


6 months, 2 weeks ago

"I'm ready" deyishning 5 ta usuli

I'm all set...
   I'm good to go...
   I stand ready....
   I'm prepared....
   I'm ready to roll....

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Eng ishonchli AKKAUNT SAVDO 🇺🇿
Xalolik foydadan ustun ✅

‼️ Eslatma: Kanalimizga Joylanayotgan Akkauntlarning Barchasi Turnirda Yutilgan!


Last updated 7 months, 2 weeks ago

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Last updated 4 months, 2 weeks ago

QASHQADARYO24 - Қашқадарё вилоятида энг тезкор янгиликлар ва видеолар етказиб берувчи биринчи рақамли каналга хуш келибсиз!


⚡Реклама хизмат: @QashqadaryoReklama_admin

📩 Хабар юбориш: @zoirovs

Last updated 1 month, 4 weeks ago