Devdan Chaudhuri

Author, poet and essayist on politics and culture. Kolkata, India, Asia, Global South.
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7 months, 2 weeks ago
Wall Street billionaires AND their Masters …

Wall Street billionaires AND their Masters ( feudal banking families and Northern European royalty / aristocrats ) to be more precise.

7 months, 2 weeks ago
Watch her short video message here:

Watch her short video message here:

7 months, 2 weeks ago

Keir Starmer says ‘Ukraine is, and always will be, at the heart of my government’s agenda’

All the Prime Ministers and Presidents of the collective West are essentially the Prime Ministers and Presidents of Ukraine, Taiwan and Israel.

They have no desire to serve their own people and nations.

7 months, 3 weeks ago
Glazyev: The US national debt has …

Glazyev: The US national debt has long been growing like a financial pyramid: the Treasury is borrowing more and more money to pay off previously assumed obligations. The Fed prints the money needed for this. The only question that remains is: how long can this continue? The sooner we create a non-dollar new global currency settlement system, the sooner this financial pyramid will collapse.

7 months, 3 weeks ago

Never let truth, ethics and public health come in between insidious ideology (depopulation, gene editing) and Big Pharma profits!

7 months, 3 weeks ago

Dan Cohen:

A few initial thoughts on the attempted assassination of Donald Trump:

As president, Trump was mostly faithful to the permanent war uniparty's agenda. He ordered the assassination of Qassem Soleimani, sanctioned Russia, sent lethal weapons to Ukraine and escalated the cold war with China.

However, he is a political aberration that was never supposed to become president. He does not always adhere to the diktats of the deep state intelligence cult. His unpredictable nature makes him an unreliable operator of the empire's controls. He is prone to negotiations, as we saw with North Korea. He doesn't necessarily oppose diplomacy, as we saw with the Helsinki summit with Putin, which gave the establishment nightmares.

He often makes revealing comments (ie: US troops in Syria "only for oil") that cause serious damage to the empire's image.

The uniparty ran political and character assassination campaigns and tried to imprison him, but those failed.

The US has no problem assassinating foreign political figures deemed a threat to its agenda. Only the most naïve and ignorant people think that can't happen at home.

There is no evidence yet of who is behind the shooting. It could be a deep state plot or a lone wolf nut job. We may never know for certain. But it's clear that the permanent war uniparty wanted to see him removed from the political sphere, and the assassination would've accomplished that.

Instead, it sent him soaring.

7 months, 4 weeks ago
According to the revisionist historian Michael …

According to the revisionist historian Michael Hoffman the Vatican has long been penetrated by dark forces and the Roman Church had departed from fourteen hundred years of Catholic orthodoxy and embraced institutionalized equivocation and deceit, usurious money power and diabolic occultism.

His book regarding the subject is **The Occult Renaissance Church of Rome.

(**Only the Eastern Greek Orthodox Church has retained the teachings and practices which are closest to early Christianity)

10 months, 1 week ago
Creators of Sars Cov2 chimera.

Creators of Sars Cov2 chimera.

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