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Contact admin: @Llenyap atau @Kunrhang
Archive: @Acrchived
Status: closee
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Last updated 2 years, 3 months ago

The channel strictly adheres to the requirements of the official Telegram community. All content is for adults (over 18 years old).

1 year, 7 months ago

Gua bakal open, tapi buat catalogue #Starmoon doang.

1 year, 7 months ago

Siapa kangen engravee open?

2 years ago
2 years ago

Yoow Engravee open, boleh banget tanya-tanya semisal ada yang mau ditanyakan. Bisa langsung kirim format ke sini ya.

@ #Starmoon Closeee.
@.Kunrhang #Blackmoon closee.

2 years ago
2 years ago


Alpiela Store : OPEN

[ for my Mutuals & anyone who see my message, please help forward ] Hello bello! Alpiela store will reopening on July 18th, 2022! Buat kalian yang mau jajan aplikasi premium bisa banget cek pricelist kita! Oh ya, kita ada promo opening nih :D [PROMO OPENING]…

2 years ago


Plation : OPEN

[ To anyone who saw this message, we gladly pleased to share it to the every channel you have. We are very grateful to anyone's to do this, for the feedback immediately contact @PlationRobot as an authorized contact. ] @Plations finally will open their…

2 years ago


Insignia, OPEN.

{Shout to our miscellaneous allies to encourage us to broadcast this letter, much obliged to everyone before!} ୨୧ Endearing pleasant jiffies with the petite dove scatter the information to the crowds, as the artists of @Insiignia will open their day-to-day…

2 years ago


EayJey Open

It is now time. Where traffic will be backed up. And everyone will beam with joy. Because @EayJey will once again destroy the earth. With works of art that will never be surpassed. They'll become more insane. Because the time is now. Tomorrow, 19.00 WIB the…

2 years ago
We recommend to visit

Last updated 2 years, 3 months ago

The channel strictly adheres to the requirements of the official Telegram community. All content is for adults (over 18 years old).