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?Mars was destroyed by a nuclear strike by an aggressive civilization?
The theme of War, with the use of nuclear weapons quite often appears in the stories of the death of ancient civilizations of the Earth. Atlantis went to the seabed as a result of a nuclear catastrophe. The Red Planet did not escape the fate of the Red Planet either - Mars was destroyed by a nuclear strike of an aggressive civilization.
Dinosaurs - and those did not please the aliens by the fact that they occupied a planet suitable for the Mind, the verdict was unequivocal - to destroy! And as direct evidence of nuclear strikes on Earth, the Indian city of Mohenjo-Daro, whose excavations still hold high ionizing radioactivity.
Today, the version that Mars died from a nuclear catastrophe that destroyed the planet's atmosphere is popular. Now it does not matter if it was the forces of the invasion colonization fleet, or other reasons for the demise of Mars. But as the scientist Brandenburg sees the planet's past, Mars was hit by a powerful nuclear strike.
Over the past few years, researchers have increasingly complained to NASA about the paucity of information from Mars. And meanwhile, Professor Brandenburg made public his conclusions based precisely on information obtained from the space agency's instruments.
There was life on Mars.
According to the scientist, the Martian civilization died as a result of a nuclear war. By the way, this leads to the conclusion that life on Mars unambiguously existed, because there was someone to resist the invading forces.
To prove the theory, the scientist puts the data about the planet obtained by the automatic vehicle "Mars Odyssey".
Sensors of the research robot revealed very high levels of xenon-129 in the atmosphere of Mars. In addition, uranium and thorium were found directly on the surface of the planet.
An obvious assumption, Brandenburg explains, is that a nuclear strike from space destroyed the Martian civilization. This is indicated by the high isotope content both in the atmosphere and on the surface of Mars. Similar results are observed at the hydrogen bomb test site.
The plasma physics specialist is not a prophet or a predictor, but he expresses a fear; if the Martian civilization really died from a space nuclear strike (or an analogue), then this is seen as a danger for the Earth as well.
The Martian race and planet were destroyed by an older space civilization. And the genocide also served as an example for other civilizations of the universe. That is why the Earth's civilization is in danger, says Dr. Brandenburg's version depressingly.
In fact, we don't know the reasons for what happened; perhaps the Martians were the first to show aggression. After all, in our mythology, Mars is represented as a very militant planet.
Earlier theories about space battles, in which we, according to ufologists, can be drawn by aliens visiting the Earth, have already been voiced.
Returning to the seriousness of the statement should be noted that any statement about the place of the event where no researcher has set foot will not be devoid of meaning, no matter how shocking and sensational assumption was not.
Thus, a number of Martian artifacts, examined in photographs, perfectly fits the scientist's version of the war on Mars. In the light of the proposed theory, the artifacts are silent witnesses of terrible orbital strikes.
In this image, researchers of Martian photographs examined the remains of a structure with regular walls. Nature can't build something like this, not even on a plain with no rock formations.
There are a lot of interesting hypotheses about Mars, but returning to the Martian War we cannot ignore the strange artifacts.
Here are not only conclusions of scientists about the products of a nuclear explosion, but also outlandish "formations" - incredibly reminiscent of artillery guns.
On September 16, 1975, Stangl, in consultation with A. Rodewick (a Jesuit), on the basis of the first paragraph of chapter 1151 of the Code of Canon Law, sent Alta and Salvatorian A. Renz to the girl to perform the rite of exorcism...
Continued in the next article
Annelise Michel or Emily Rose!?
The mysterious story of Anneliese is the basis for several feature films. It took place more than 35 years ago and has never ceased to arouse interest among people.
Many people don't know that this is the real story of a German girl...
What happened to her and whether she was really possessed can be read in the article below:
The question on everyone's mind as to what really happened to the girl is whether she was truly possessed or her death was the result of a serious illness. Almost 40 years later, no one has been able to give an accurate answer to this question. In 1976, when Anneliese was twenty-four years old, her life caught the attention of society and the media. The news of the unusual and high-profile trial of a group of Catholic clergymen accused of having caused Anneliese Michel's death was closely watched by her fellow citizens at the time.
Anneliese Michel's ("Emily Rose") Youth
The girl was born in 1952 in a small Bavarian village to a Catholic family. A. Furg and J. Michel, Anneliese's parents, were devout Catholics, overly conservative, in many respects - orthodox. The Michel family did not accept Vatican II and celebrated the Feast of Our Lady of Fatima every month on the 13th. Among the role models in the family was often cited by neighbor B. Weygand, who walked five hours to the Capuchin church to receive the votive vestments there.
The girl regularly attended church services 2-3 times a week, recited the rosary and made constant attempts to do more than was necessary (for example, sleeping on the floor in the cold winter). In 1968, the first case of a "seizure" occurred: the girl bit her own tongue because of a spasm. Twelve months later, she had night-time attacks, during which Anneliese's body became rigid, she felt a strange heaviness in her chest, she was unable to speak - Anneliese was unable to ask her parents or her sisters for help herself.
After the first "attack," the girl felt devastated and exhausted for the first time, she could not find the strength to attend school. Seizures were replaced by periods of calm and the girl did not often spend time playing tennis.
The Beginning and End of "Emily Rose"
In 1969, Anneliese woke up in the night due to breathing complications, she was also paralyzed throughout her body and could not move. G. Vogt, the family physician, referred the girl to a psychiatrist for evaluation. On 08/27/1969, an electroencephalogram was performed and no changes were found in Anneliese's brain.
Very soon the girl was diagnosed with tuberculosis and pleurisy, and in early 1970 she was admitted to a hospital in Aschaffenburg. On February 28 the girl was transported to Mittelberg. On the night of June 3, the seizure began again. A new electroencephalogram again showed nothing suspicious to the doctors, but Dr. W. Galler advised treatment with medication. He did not reverse his decision even after receiving a third and fourth EEG, which showed the same result.
In Mittelberg, the girl began to see the faces of demons for the first time. In the spring, Michele began to hear some pounding. Dr. Vogt, after examining Anneliese and finding nothing suspicious, sent Anneliese to an otologist, who also found nothing, and the knocking that Anneliese heard was also heard by her sisters.
Anneliese herself confessed that she first began to think she was possessed at the age of 13. One of the first people around Anneliese who realized that something mysterious was happening to the girl was a woman named Thea Hein. She had accompanied Anneliese on a pilgrimage trip to San Damiano in Italy.
Even then, Hein noted to herself that the girl had bypassed one of the images of Jesus Christ and did not want to drink water from the Lourdes sacred spring. Four years of therapy, which included the use of anticonvulsants like Tegretal and Centropil, made essentially no difference in Anneliese's condition.
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