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بسم الله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله وعلى آله وصحبه وسلم
I have been granted permission to share the above pdf file.
It is an excellent edition of the renowned Al-Qāʿida al-Nūrāniyya & related texts. An essential teaching aid for students of the Holy Qurʾān.
The editor of the work, Shaykh al-Qāri Dr Abdullah al-Dawlat, welcomes all teachers and students at Cordoba Academy to pay him a visit and obtain as many physical copies as is needed. He only conditions that they must not be sold on. (As can be heard in the recording below)
As many of you will be travelling for umrah in the upcoming months, I recommend that you visit the Shaykh at the Bukhārī Waqf opposite Masjid Bilal ibn Rabah in the Holy City of Madina.
The location:
You may find the Shaykh's contact details in the pdf.
May Allāh ﷻ make us all keys to the opening of goodness and the locking away of evil.
P.S. As mentioned in the sound clip, it is important to consider how you will get the books back to your country.
The program started with a beautiful recitation of the Holy Qurʾān
Blessed Days in Luxor
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
By the grace of Allah ﷻ, I was able to attend the Egypt Ḥadīth Convention, made possible by the noble efforts of Cordoba Academy, from July 27 to August 3 of 2024 in Luxor, Egypt. It was a blessed convention as we finished a complete reading of Sunan Abī Dawūd, a partial reading of the Muwaṭṭa of Imām Mālik, and covered various works in Naḥw, Adab, Sīrah, and more.
Three aspects stood out during my time at the convention: the suḥba with scholars, the deep respect for knowledge shared by the members of the Sāḥa, and the inspiring examples of service to others that I witnessed.
Cordoba Academy generously covered all costs for accommodation, food, and transport to and from the airport for students who came from abroad. This allowed students to focus solely on their studies during the convention. The rooms provided had air conditioners, which proved invaluable as temperatures reached near 109 degrees Fahrenheit. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner were provided daily. As for the daily schedule, we started with the reading of Sunan Abī Dawūd from 9 a.m. until 2 p.m. We would then have a break until ‘Aṣr, which was at 5 p.m. Lessons would then continue until Maghrib around 7:40 p.m. Students had time to themselves after Maghrib ṣalāh.
With such a packed schedule, it was easy to get overwhelmed. Shaykh Mohammed Daniel (حفظه الله) took students outside to restaurants or sightseeing on multiple occasions. This not only served as a great way to relax within such a demanding schedule, but to also spend time with scholars and learn from their character. Shaykh Abdul Waḥīd (حفظه الله), a student of Mawlāna Zakariyya Kandahlawī (رحمه الله), had also joined us during one of these trips to a restaurant. He was constantly making dhikr unless someone spoke to him or he had closed his eyes to find moments of rest. This was the first time I had seen such an adherence to dhikr as described in the books that I had read. A group of students were also able to visit Shaykh ‘Alī Sāliḥ al-Azharī (حفظه الله) with Shaykh Mohammed Daniel after the lessons had ended. During the visit, Shaykh ‘Alī mentioned that he had read over 60,000 books and that he read the tafsīr of Imām Qurṭubi more than 60 times, cover to cover. I believe this without a doubt due to the way he would teach us texts pertaining to the Arabic language. Texts were chosen at random during the afternoon classes, but Shaykh ‘Alī Sāliḥ taught them on-the-spot as if he had prepared to teach them beforehand.
The students at the Sāḥa were another important part of this trip. They had the utmost respect for scholars and were trying to take pictures with those visiting. When asked why they were taking so many pictures, they answered that they love scholars and wanted to remember them. Kids as young as five years old were a part of the group of kids who were taking pictures. They truly regarded scholars as superheroes, much like how most kids admire famous comic book or movie characters. The locals also shared this sentiment. During a visit to a local store to get ice cream, the shopkeeper tried to prevent us from paying for whatever we were ready to buy. Her excuse was that she had already stopped taking orders and only wrote ṣalawāt upon RasūlUllāh ﷺ on Fridays. Service to others was a common characteristic of those at the Sāḥa, from the teachers to the students. Students would serve us during all meals, taking offense at our attempts to stop them.
These are but a few experiences from the many during this blessed trip. I have deliberately chosen not to delve into the learning experience at the Convention and our studies there, as they merit an article of their own. The surrounding experiences, though easily overlooked, offer a vivid illustration of how the knowledge we are acquiring profoundly influences those around us and becomes woven into the fabric of society. May Allah ﷻ reward Shaykh Daniel, Shaykhah Umm Ibrāhīm, the visiting scholars, everyone at al-Riḍwāniyya, and all those who made this Ḥadīth Convention possible. Āmīn.
Cordoba Academy student from the USA, Shaykh Abdul Qādir wrote these heartfelt words regarding his recent participation at the International Hadīth Convention Luxor 2024.
For brevity, the telegram article has been summarised from the full article available in PDF.
The highest and best quality chain in the world today is one of many that Shaykhah Umm Ibrāhīm (may Allāh preserve her) narrates through.
قيمة الأدب
مَنْ عَاشَ صِفْرًا مِنَ الأَخْلَاقِ والأَدَبِ
يَـحيَا فَقِيرًا وَ لَو يَمْشِي على الذَّهَبِ
مَا قِـيْمَــةُ الـمرْءِ إلَّا طِــيبُ جَـوْهَـرِهِ
لا مَا حَوَاهُ مِنَ الأَمْوَالِ و الـحَسَـبِ
- جهاد جحا الدمشقي -
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