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10 months ago
If you are reading this scheduled …

If you are reading this scheduled message, means we are now representing Telegram in paradise, but still here too. We will share a message we wrote almost 1 year ago, that we never changed in the last time. We released tons of updated messages to our family. It's their decision if they want to share worldwide such messages or not. Our new update are our channels!

No matter what, we will continue to fight for facts, human / animal and planet rights where we are now.

For us the most important thing you need to do is to treat the world in proper way @MeteoTelegram @ClimateChangeTelegram and act rationally @DieWelleTelegram with facts @FactsTelegramChannels

It's time that this planet get a revolution @LawsTelegram @HumanRightsChecklist @EthicalDilemmaHumanRights @MissionPlaneta because we ignored too many things for too much time and our planet is just full of missing rights and discrimination! But there is a good news! We can improve!

We already know that no one can replace what we did, in the same way, but at the end such decision was done by evaluating multiple factors.

Again, treat the planet in proper way, because we are @WinterFreaks and @AnimalFreaks and this is our planet!

Ciao ciao from DefenceTelegram and all our 100+ brands we launched in the last 10+ years in 10+ languages about tons of topics.

If such project will continue or not, it's a decision of our family. At least for 1 year they should work, where we are not posting things manually.

You can find such message on @GoodbyeMessage

It's time to love our planet. It's time for a worldwide revolution!

For your planet. For YOUR future!

10 months ago

It's time to be a better world!

10 months ago

Learn with Norway : what we need to learn for a bad day happened in Norge to live with more security / rights / equality

10 months ago

Mission ? worldwide revolution is starting to reach 100% after months / years of hard work to archive such goal - Now is time to go to the next level.

You can be part of this mission too! by don't keep eyes closed!

Not just about climate change! but EVERYTHING!
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For a better planet. For better laws. For better security. FOR A BETTER FUTURE! FOR YOU! FOR FUTURE GENERATIONS!

Because we cannot keep eyes closed and because we never forget the past! Because we want to learn from errors making things better than what they are now.

10 months, 1 week ago
Let we go back to crimes …

Let we go back to crimes we support and our laws / politicians or whatever need to have much more respect on that

Like said previously, we disagree at all with people doing correlations! using bullshit stats / manipulated / 10% of the informations or whatever!

Now, let we check which crimes we need to respect more!

First crime, you should already know ...

a) RAPE! Rape should get much more respect than what is happening now!

We talk about child or women rape, but we forget that animals and men get raped too! NO DIFFERENCE! Same sentence if you rape a women or an animal!

b) like said, all people bullying / discriminating / being the cause of suicide or whatever need to get sentenced properly!

0 deaths during a terror attack? Same sentence like if you kill 100!

c) Implement theriocide and ecocide properly!

and start to sentence all mafious people once at all!

We don't want MAFIA IN POLITICS AND GOVERNMENTS! and we don't want innocent in prison too!

d) it's time to sentence crimes on internet / social network or that are the source of terrorism / criminality / propaganda or whatever!

We want that police start to track internet once at all!

and it's time to make a difference between the privacy of criminals and privacy of innocents!

Again, social network need to respect laws! and if there are "bad trends" or "bad influencers" they should be banned and sentenced!

10 months, 4 weeks ago
Today we read (in part) another …

Today we read (in part) another court session of Breivik ... they talked about 4 lawyers and the fact it's ok if the main lawyer is not present today ...

Seriously?? 4 lawyers for a similar criminal ?‍♂️ How our governments are ? for wasting money with criminals, ? to give a shit to things that really matter, ? to ignore previous cases redoing same errors and ? to waste more money with 1000x no sense parole / human rights complain court sessions

More we investigate, MORE RIDICOULUS IS GETTING!

4 lawyers MAYBE only before you get executed! but this is not the case of Breivik at all ... But even in this case is ridiculous having FOUR lawyers! while an innocent get just 1!

Ok 4 judges, since they take such decisions and should not corrupted! (with 1 it would be just ?), but NOT 4 lawyers!

Aufsichtskommission über die Anwältinnen und Anwälte (§ 18 AnwG ZH): Sie setzt sich aus vier Mitgliedern (und vier Ersatzmitgliedern) des Obergerichtes sowie drei Vertreterinnen/Vertreter (und drei Ersatzvertreterinnen/Ersatzvertreter) der Zürcher Anwaltschaft zusammen (§ 19 Abs. 1 AnwG ZH). Sie tagt jeweils in Fünferbesetzung (drei Vertreter des Obergerichtes und zwei Vertreter der Anwaltschaft, § 20 AnwG ZH).

I løpet av dagen kom det fram at Breivik har ønsket å sone sammen med Philip Manshaus

During the day it emerged that Breivik wanted to serve time together with Philip Manshaus.

Why not putting Breivik, Zaniar Matapour and Philip Manshaus together???

I 1999 ble han først dømt til 10 måneders fengsel for knivstikking på en nattklubb. Da ankesaken gikk i lagmannsretten, ble han frikjent på flere av tiltalepunktene

In 1999, he was first sentenced to 10 months in prison for a stabbing in a nightclub. When the appeal case went to the Court of Appeal, he was acquitted on several of the charges

Well done Norway! ?‍♂️

Our answer? All three deserve death penalty!

11 months ago

Facebook leaked facts : we ask our governments to put Mark Zuckerberg in prison for multiple crimes / indifference & fake sorry!


Facebook leaked facts : we ask our governments to put Mark Zuckerberg in prison for multiple crimes / indifference & fake sorry!

@FacebookOps @InPrisonNOW! A project by @WomenRightsTelegram @SuicideRape @EmpathyTelegram @DefenceTelegram @GenRevolutionOfficial @FactsTelegramChannels @FactsTelegramFreaks @LawsTelegram

Facebook leaked facts : we ask our governments to put Mark Zuckerberg in prison for multiple crimes / indifference & …
11 months ago

24 February, 22 July, 11 September and 7 October ARE THE MOST IMPORTANT DATES for us! and will always remain! Without them, we would never be what we are now!

1 year, 2 months ago

Waffen und Pyros (Short)

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