The Alarmist

Climate crisis is here! Water (or fire) will come!
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13 hours ago

Проект называется «одеяло Будыко»: новое это хорошо забытое старое

13 hours ago

“The real energy transition will rely on local, decentralized power systems,” said Hindou Oumarou Ibrahim, an environmental activist and geographer from Chad. “We can build local smart grids, free of fossil fuel, working with communities to have them produce their own energy.”

Beyond producing fewer planet warming emissions, the creation of small-scale renewable energy can help raise living standards, too. “It can enable women, rural population, and increase their revenues and also create job for youth,” said Ms. Ibrahim.

Yet even as prices of solar panels fall, it remains maddeningly difficult for many countries in the developing world to access the cost-competitive capital needed for larger clean energy projects, which will still play a role in powering big countries with massive economies including Kenya, India, Pakistan and Nigeria.

Loans for renewable projects in the developing world are often charged higher interest rates than loans for fossil fuel projects. The World Bank and other multilateral organizations are working to make such loans more affordable, and the issue is expected to be a main topic at the United Nations climate summit in Azerbaijan in November.

But for now, many poor countries that need more reliable energy remain saddled with crippling debt that makes it hard to invest in upgraded infrastructure.

“Financing is lagging and bankability is lagging, and all these countries are facing the post-Covid global inflationary shock, a kind of hangover that it means that no one is able to invest, and the countries are broke,” said James Mwangi, a clean energy entrepreneur from Kenya. “So instead of flying into these new technologies, there’s just no liquidity to invest in them, and you end up with energy poverty and slow adoption.”

13 hours ago

The world’s largest river is parched.

The Amazon River, battered by back-to-back droughts fueled by climate change, is drying up, with some stretches of the mighty waterway dwindling to shallow pools only a few feet deep.

Water levels along several sections of the Amazon River, which winds nearly 4,000 miles across South America, fell last month to their lowest level on record, according to figures from the Brazilian Geological Service.

In one stretch in the Brazilian state of Amazonas, the river was 25 feet below the average for this time of year, according to the agency, which began collecting data in 1967.

Parts of three of the Amazon River’s most important tributaries — major rivers in their own right, each spanning over 1,000 miles — have also fallen to historical lows.

3 months ago

With the rapid expansion of China’s aluminium and semiconductor industries, these ongoing high levels of fluorocarbon emissions could pose a particular threat to China’s carbon neutrality goal and global climate mitigation. The country is aiming to achieve “peak carbon” emission by 2030 and become “carbon neutral” by 2060.
The authors suggest that with technological innovation and incorporation of the aluminium industry into the carbon market, or a national carbon trading scheme allowing emitters to buy or sell emission credits, it is possible that these rising levels could be reduced.
While being a significant source of CO2 emissions, aluminium production is also essential in the energy transition from fossil fuels to cleaner renewable energy sources by helping produce many low-carbon technologies such as solar panels, electric vehicles and wind turbines.

Aluminum is a Key Material for Renewable Energy | The Aluminum Association

With its lightweight strength and unmatched corrosion-resistance and durability, aluminum is widely used to build renewable energy platforms like solar panels and wind turbines. 

3 months ago

Emissions of two of the most potent greenhouse gases have substantially increased in China over the last decade, a study has found.

Perfluorocarbons are used in the manufacturing processes for flat-panel TVs and semiconductors, or as by-products from aluminium smelting. They are far more effective at trapping heat in the atmosphere than CO2, and can persist in the Earth’s atmosphere for thousands of years, unlike CO2 which can persist for up to 200 years.

3 months ago

Если бы вместо спора о том, кто виноват в изменении климата и как быстро должен идти энергопереход мы просто ставили дешевые китайские солнечные панели, на юге не пришлось бы отключать электричество из-за жары, потому что пик производительности батарей и пик жары совпадают во времени. Почему мы этого не сделали? Потому что эско-контракты так и не заработали: никто в России не мог заработать на снижении издержек через технологическое обновление генерации или освещения, хотя многие хотели, включая меня, но это только одна из причин

3 months, 1 week ago

Южные регионы России должны развивать солнечную генерацию, или останутся дураками на счетчиках с веерными отключениями и после войны. Нельзя ? верить тому, что говорят о возобновляемой энергии нефтяники, газовщики и угольщики, а аффилированные лица, короче все, кто набрал полные карманы сырьевых активах в девяностые и теперь рядятся в патриоты. Из компетентность ограничена, а возможность признать ошибки отсутствует, потому что они чиновники или связаны с госаппаратом, либо спецслужбами

3 months, 1 week ago

Добро пожаловать в эпоху бедствий и катастроф, сообщать о которых будут только Иноагенты. Патриотам очевидно не до этого. Есть дела поважнее

3 months, 1 week ago

Ну хорошо хоть про пожары не забывают. Скажется ли это на масштабах потерь? Увидим

3 months, 2 weeks ago

Ох уж эти иностранцы. Просто иностранец с немецким акцентом как Воланд

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