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When Soviet-backed Israeli freedom-fighters destroyed an Israeli regime terror ship
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Soviet leaders, including Stalin, Expected a 1941 Nazi German Invasion, Anglo-American intelligence reveals.Anglo-American Imperialist and Khrushchevian media has frequently accused Stalin of being taken 'totally' by 'surprise' about the Nazi German invasion. Documents reveal the contrary, however.
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Stalin-era USSR funds General Sandino's Campaign
The renowned Nicaraguan revolutionary General Sandino, after whom the Sandinistas were named, has long been hailed by progressive bourgeois-democrats and communists for leading the popular rebellion against American imperialists in Central America. Less known, however, is the Soviet financial support for Sandino’s revolution via the All-American Anti-Imperialist League (AAAIL). In the words of a former fellow at the David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies:
The [US] State Department reported that the AAAIL sent $48,000 to Sandino in April, through Mexico, with an additional $15,000 from the Soviets directly to Mexico. (The Invaded: How Latin Americans and Their Allies Fought and Ended U.S. Occupations, Oxford University Press, Alan McPherson, 2014, p. 222) (IMG)
During “the Comintern’s VIth congress in 1928,” the CIA reported,:
a resolution praising the SANDINO revolt in Nicaragua was adopted…. (International Connections of Venezuelan Communism, CIA, January 22, 1959, p. 14) (IMG)
As such, as confirmed by the US State Department foreign service officer Cole Blasier:
The executive committee of the Communist International, attracted by the political turmoil in Central America, urged anti-imperialists everywhere to help Sandino in his fight against “American imperialism” and established the Hands Off Nicaragua committee to oppose U.S. policy. (The Giant’s Rival: The USSR and Latin America, University of Pittsburgh Press, Pittsburgh, PA, Cole Blasier, 1983, p. 136.)
Latin American communists affiliated to the Comintern communists formed the Anti-Imperialist League and the Hands Off Nicaragua committee, sending another $1000 through the latter to Sandino:
The Anti-Imperialist League was founded by the Anti-Imperialist Congress, which met in Brussels in February 1927…. The Latin American delegates included Gustavo MACHADO, as well as Julio Antonio MELLA (Cuba) and Eudocio RAVINES (Peru). A Continental Committee of the League was set up in Mexico with MELLA as its prime mover and MACHADO as a member. (International Connections of Venezuelan Communism, CIA, January 22, 1959, p. 14) (IMG)
Latin American Communists associated with the League organized a “Hands Off Nicaragua” Committee (Manos Fuera de Nicaragua – Mafuenic), which undertook to raise funds for SANDINO. The $1,000 that was raised was sent to SANDINO by means of MACHADO. (International Connections of Venezuelan Communism, CIA, January 22, 1959, p. 14) (IMG)
When elements in the Comintern and the North American communist movement began pursuing a Trotskyite, left-deviationist, and sectarian line, condemning General Sandino as a ‘petty bourgeois adventurer’, Joseph Stalin personally held a session with the heads of the Comintern, CPSU, and Latin American communists. According to a Sandinista journal, Stalin opined:
General Augusto César Sandino was a patriot who defended his country from the invasion of foreign troops. (El día que Stalin reivindicó a Sandino, La Voz Del Sandinismo, March 20, 2013) (IMG)
However, Stalin said,:
According to this resolution, he is a vulgar “petty bourgeois adventurer.” (El día que Stalin reivindicó a Sandino, La Voz Del Sandinismo, March 20, 2013)
He continued:
Comrades, I would like to know, on behalf of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, who are guilty of such a serious mistake…. (El día que Stalin reivindicó a Sandino, La Voz Del Sandinismo, March 20, 2013) (IMG)
Stalin finally declared:
as regards the Communist Party of the USSR and the Communist International, we will continue to consider General Sandino and his heroic companions as patriots who defend their country against foreign aggressors and that, in our opinion, the decision of the Colonial committee from the Communist Party of USA (CPUSA) is a gross mistake. (El día que Stalin reivindicó a Sandino, La Voz Del Sandinismo, March 20, 2013) (IMG)
Gomulka knowingly installed the Gestapo spy Spychalski at the helm of Poland's military and intelligence bodies
Spychalski has been known as the closest collaborator of Gomulka. And Spychalski was a Gestapo spy during WW2, betraying wartime militants to the Nazi secret service. After WW2, Spychalski was arrested by Poland's communist-dominated counter-Intelligence service (with help from Soviet intelligence) and officially accused of espionage activities for the Nazis and others. Gomulka was arrested with him.
The excerpt screenshot is the English translation of an article by Robert Spalek, a prominent anti-communist historian and employee of the Branch Office of Public Education of the current anti-communist Polish state’s Institute of National Remembrance in Warsaw. Spalek confirmed the accusations directed by the Soviets and Polish security against Gomulka and Spychalski. See my book (pinned post) for the link and screenshot of the original source and for more detailed info.
Gomulka and Spychalski were released in 1953 and by the time of the 1956 colour revolution of the Polish intelligentsia, they were installed at the heights of power in Poland. Gomulka always gladly planted the Gestapo spy Spychalski in key positions, knowing that - and because of the fact that - the man was a Nazi spy.
The Truth about the Stalin-era Soviet Stance on Israel A Summary of things you need to know 1. The USSR supported Israel's right of existence as an independent country and vehemently opposed the goal of destroying Israel as a country. At the same time, the…
The Truth about the Stalin-era Soviet Stance on Israel
A Summary of things you need to know. ??
The Third-Worldist thesis that "Imperialists bribe the workers through welfare-statist programs" is itself a Colonial propaganda line with an ostensibly "anti-colonial" coating.
Read the above post ^ for more info.
The Third-Worldist thesis that "Imperialists bribe the workers through welfare-statist programs" is itself a Colonial propaganda line with an ostensibly "anti-colonial" coating.
"... the infamous Third-Worldist theory of ‘bribes’. According to this Third-Worldist narrative, in order to bribe the proletariat into support for colonialism, the colonial bourgeoisie provide the proletarians a share of the ‘fruits of colonialism’; furthermore, according to this Third-Worldist narrative, welfare state projects such as free healthcare and education are ‘bribes’ by which to submit the proletarians into not launching a revolution.
"Actually, the Third-Worldist theory of ‘bribes’ is gravely incorrect. When the colonial bourgeoisie steal the wealth of the colonies, the colonial bourgeoisie, far too greedy to deliver anything to the proletariat beyond mere subsistence income, aim to retain the wealth for themselves. However, the class interests of the proletariat are inevitably in conflict with the interests of finance capital and mercantile capital, the class bases of premodern and modern imperialism respectively. As such, whether consciously or not, the proletariat engage in a proletarian internationalist solidarity with the colonized peoples by promoting welfare statist policies that compel the colonial bourgeois state to increase the welfare budget (e.g. healthcare and education budget) at the expense of the colonial military budget. In the context of revolutionary class struggles, more significant than increasing the budget of the welfare of the proletarians is cutting the budget of the armed forces of the sworn foes of the proletariat....
"Forget not: the colonial powers lose much more from the de-budgeting of their own military than they gain from welfare-statist ‘bribing’ the proletarians. For the colonial bourgeoisie, it is more efficient to suppress them whom they oppress than to bribe the oppressed into loving their colonial bourgeois oppressors. This applies not just to the peoples of the colonies but also to the proletarians living in the colonial heartland itself. It is more efficient to be feared than to be loved if not both. Welfare-statist ‘bribes’ can bring ‘love’ for the oppressors but are nowhere nearly as efficient as the low-cost suppressive power that a mighty military brings the colonial bourgeoisie. Had the imperialist bourgeoisie been seriously interested in bribing the proletarians into loving them, then the imperialists would have applied this policy of non-terrorism and non-suppression to all of the people whom the subjugated; all of the anti-colonial warriors would have been ‘bribed’ into loving the colonizers; capitalism and colonialism would have ceased to exist. No, welfare-statist ‘bribes’ are not really bribes, but rather constitute an attempt by the proletariat to de-budget the colonial military under the guise of and in the name of expanding the welfare of the citizens. The Third-Worldists, by arguing that the 'First World' proletarians are a type of a sub-bourgeoisie benefiting from colonialism, imply that the proletariat should not be fighting for their own welfare because that is colonial exploitation, a 'bribe', a case of proletarians 'selling out' to the bourgeoisie. Actually, in implying so, the Third-Worldists are sabotaging the proletarian attempts to, using the welfare issue, cut the financing of the colonial state's military. It follows that the Third-Worldist argument is the ally of the colonial militaries. The Third-Worldists are nothing short of a fifth column for the colonizers...."
Chapter 1: The Blueprint of History
"The History of the USSR & the Peoples' Democracies", p. 27
For the full text of the article, you can refer to this Twitter thread.
Please follow Sovinform on Twitter for the longer posts.
Migration to Israel - A Comparison of the Stalin Era vs. Khrushchev Era
Stalin-era USSR blocks Zionist-sponsored mass migration, whereas Khrushchev Gang promotes Zionist migration
See above ^
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