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The Man in the Moon.
The face of the moon.
Different translations of the same verse: **Job 26:9
He covers the face of the full moon And spreads His cloud over it.
He dims the face of the full moon by veiling it with his clouds.
He covers the face of the full moon and spreads over it his cloud.
He covers the face of the full moon and spreads over it his cloud.
hid the face of the full moon, spreading his cloud over it;
He covers the face of the ·moon [or throne], spreading his clouds over it.
He shuts off the view of his throne by spreading his cloud across it.
He obscures the face of Histhrone And spreads His cloud over it.
He holdeth back the face of His throne, and spreadeth His cloud upon it.
So** much to uncover within the Bible and cosmology.
But so much time wasted on thinking it’s a history book. Imagine what else we could collectively uncover if we shifted our focus to the reality in front of us.
Hopefully, you got to see the ‘man in the moon’ during this month’s full moon.
The Face of the moon.
Face means: to see or to look.
Go have some face time with the moon…
You can still see it tomorrow!
What does Divine Feminine mean?
To me—it means to be a leader with constructive energy.
That could be a man too.
We all carry both constructive and destructive energy because we are birthed from a torus field.
Women tend to lean more towards constructive energy.
It just is.
What about Natural Law? How would you feel about a society that functioned from natural law? I hear a lot of talk about it in these circles I’m in. Both as a desire and an societal impossibility.
I personally, having unschooled my now two adult kids and ran a one room school house, can see how natural law would work. I’ve always said i could go into any public school and transform it with unschooling. It’s a kid version of natural law.
It’s not about “doing something” it’s about allowing others to do for themselves and find their gifts and grow in their gifts, and having responsibility for your actions.
So here’s the big question:
If these qualities were on a presidential ticket-
1) would you be awake enough to see it? Your divine eye open enough to see it right in front of you? Could you then recognize the constructive and natural law energy in a candidate?
2) would you have courage enough to vote for it? Even if it wasn’t the popular thing to do. Would you muster the courage because it aligned with your consciousness?
Or would you be so stuck in savior mode: this other popular guy is going to save us with less work on my part.
Or could you see that the popular guy was purely there to teach a lesson.
Or stuck in fear mode of: even if it was true, it would never happen, so therefore I’ll stick with the savior popular guy.
Or do you put your money where your conscience is, and take the leap? Just fricken go for it and toss the fear away?! Our lowest chakra is our fear based chakra. The red.
If you had the chance to vote with your highest chakra wide open would you listen to it or get dragged down into the old fear based narratives? “We got to vote this way otherwise our country will be destroyed!” The beating of the fear drum.
OR do you sit back and toss your hands up—i’m not voting, pointless anyway. (I said that a few times).
Check out this video of the Kennedy campaign with Nicole Shanahan and Ron Paul discussing Natural Law.
This is a VERY unique time in history where the sands are shifting and you WILL get to make this choice on a Presidential ticket. Kennedy now on the ballot in every state.
The question is: are you awake enough to even notice that the sands are shifting? That the REVIVAL is happening now! The ringing of Independence. Just as George Washington was an Independent.
So, you can hold on to pipe dreams of the election not happening or something coming to save you, but when the election does come around you will want to be educated on this unique opportunity to vote with your highest consciousness!
What a gift. ?
The Keystone
Torus Field In Nature. Adam and Eve. Noah’s Ark. Rumble Link. ***🔗*** Dielectric series. Sine wave series. Law of the Luminaries Mini series. The Keystone.
Destructive and constructive nature of the Torus field. You cannot have creation without destruction.
It’s the nature of all things down the core of their energy field. What makes a magnetic field is deconstructive and constructive energy. Thats what gives magnetic energy its “shape” under a ferrocell.
The beautiful patterns consist of deconstructive (black) and constructive (light) energy.
Magnetism and dielectric.
Sun and moon.
Day and night
God and satan.
It will always have to be this way. Its the nature of it.
But society leaning into deconstruction can help the collective self correct…
Future deconstruction will not need to be so intense, but deconstruction will always be there in order to have constructive energy.
Nothing else in the world exists but this ying and yang ☯️.
To make the assumption that only evil exists or only good exists—would be foolish—the energy field that everything is doesn’t not operate in this way.
Stick with me for a verse:
Hosa 4:6
“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.”
What this means is not a “rejection” like “you’re out”…there is no “out” only recycling of energy.
It means deconstructive energy in order to be constructive energy.
It means knowledge of source energy. Which is the magnetic field. It means understanding the nature of life, in order to live.
By live I mean—move on. Both now, and after death.
The alternative is being recycled back into the same thing here, in this Soul System called Earth.
The Bible, Enoch, even Qu’ran:
”Verily, verily, your God is one! -
Lord of the heavens and of the earth, and all between them, and Lord of every point at the rising of the sun!”
There is only one source needed to understand all of Source energy: the magnetic field. Magnetism and the dielectric within the aether IS the aether.
This is shown in the physical realm, Earth, for us in the way our local Sun moves on its vortex. A vortex similar to how the magnetic field energy moves or vibrates.
“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” -Tesla
Enoch shows us exactly how the sun moves and it’s exactly the same as we witness today.
Syncretism. It’s all explaining the exact same thing: Energy.
En means: IN
Ergy, ergo means:
In and out of.
Creation, destruction.
Constructive, destructive: makes vibration which makes a sound “wave,” which makes illumination, which is you, light. Which is the sun, the moon, the stars.
Syncretism Whorl-d
My definition of syncretism can be found here. Truth is always in plain sight: the word World is the Whorl-d. A whorl being: 1. A form that coils or spirals; a curl or swirl. This is your Earth Toroidal field. The whorling formation of energy ***♾️***. It’s…
Outdoor class:
-How Jews (Zionists) are keeping you away from the Sun with a Lunar Calendar model.
Father (Aether)
Son (Sun)
Holy Spirit (Water)
Write up here.
-What is Aether?
-What is a “sun sign” and how do you find it?
-Why does it matter?
8 years.
The moon has a cycle in terms of years.
It’s first crescent in any month, starts in one sign and doesn’t return back to that sign the following year.
And it does NOT return the next year either.
It will return in 8 years, THEN it will not return again for 19 more years.
Then 8 years again, then 19 years.
So, 2016 (an interesting year) the moon was in its specific sky position (Tropical Astrology only), and in 2024–8 years later—the moon is returning back to the same start position.
Then it won’t return again for 19 more years.
This year is the 8 year cycle.
8 reminds me a lot of a boomerang. ?
Let’s see what comes back and hits everyone in the ass this year.
Easter! March 24th to the morning hours of March 25th is Easter.
The Sun is the position of Aires, Mid-Sky going up the vortex and the Moon is in its full light with the 7th portion of the light of the Sun. The Full Moon. With a partial eclipse.
This is the true Easter!
When the Sun and Moon reach their full glory.
Jesus (The Sun) died in the winter. Less light in the day time. Many proofs of the winter death in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.
Then the Sun starts to rise up the vortex to the places where the light over takes the night at the equator. That’s called Easter. The Son (Sun) has risen!
But back at winter Jesus says…”Forgive them. They know not what they do.”
This is what the Bible is talking about when it also says to stay away from divination, sorcerers, prophets, soothsayers, dreamers. Etc.
Not because these people are bad but because they are using the improper method.
Like if someone says don’t take your car to that auto body store—they are using the wrong type of oil for cars.
The Bible only uses the Sun and moons path on the Sign wave. Which are positions in the sky.
Constellation are named after the positions, so it gets confusing.
Remove all the stars in the sky for a minute.
Just the sun and moon—how do you explain where they are? Well, they have different heights.
Aries we will call mid sky (lamb, ram, beginning. Spring. Easter).
Cancer we will call at the top, water, baptism, scarab, John the baptist.
That’s it.
No stars.
99% of people don’t understand that the sun is traveling let alone traveling up and down and its THE PATH that gives us the clues.
NOT the stars moving behind it.
And the reason they don’t know this is because ALL the apps are based on the stars moving behind the sun.
So they are getting things completely wrong.
Part 2:
Now the reason the bible uses the sun’s path and not the star constellations, is because the sun’s path NEVER changes. All the positions are always the same since the dawn of time. Its a electromagnetic path that can’t be changed.
The stars, however, are rotating behind the sun so their positioning changes every 2000 years. The constellation Aries, will not be in the same spot 2k years from now. It will be where Taurus is.
Therefore you can’t use that system. It’s not consistent for all of time.Theconstellation system is only correctly used for telling the Age we are in. Learn how to know what age we are in here.
More on the 7th portion of the light of the Sun.
The Breakdown 1718
Winter solstice. What does that mean for the Sun? A turning. The position of the Sun is over top the Tropic of Capricorn today. Visually, it’s at its lowest position in the sky. You will never see it lower this year. This lowest place is called The…
High Resolution Gleason Map with Extra info. Click the link and download to get the most out the High Resolution.
Gleason Map HiRes.pdf
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