
Revolt Against the Modern World
“The salvation of the world is in the will of souls who believe.”
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4 months ago

As a reminder for men, women look up to you when you are a gentlemen, strong, smart, having a set of values and beliefs.

Even if a majority of modern women does not care for these things, the woman who appreciates such beliefs and actions will gravitate toward you. I know modernity has warped the sexes into something radically different from their respective natural archetype but do not let that bother you.

I cannot speak on women completely considering I am a man, so for my male followers remember these things; treat women with respect, if you are dating remember that the women you’re dating is someone’s daughter. Treat her as something to be cherished and respected if reciprocation follows. Hold doors open for women, help a woman who drops her things to the ground. Get out of your seat if a pregnant woman needs to sit, help an old lady cross the street, and remember young men to smile at the young women you’re interacting with her.

As something as simple as giving a quick smile when walking into a building, talking with a woman, locking eyes and giving a genuine smile goes a long way. If she is genuine she will shoot you back a genuine smile and admire you. Trust me, it has worked many times.

I will not spout the nonsensical bullshit that you have to be a 6’ 4” “gigachad” with a 6 pack, that you must practice mewing and must attain a 6 figure salary who drives sports cars while spending his trust fund money on prostitutes and materialistic shit that does not elevate his soul. No, leave the Andrew Tate stuff for the “Sigmas”. Let’s see what they attract with that outlook.

What matters most is that you do take care of yourself and try your best to live by the morals you believe in. Cultivate confidence, strength and if you fail, remember your faults and try again. Many young men suffer from a lack of self-confidence and social anxiety but this must stop. Realize you’ve got all the charisma, strength and smarts you need if you call upon it. Believe in yourself. Belief is the seed of possibility. Mixed with practice comes probability and success.

Carry yourself with dignity and self-respect. I will say this for the women too. Be the best person you can be. Improve yourself physically, mentally, and spiritually. Life’s too short to let insignificant things trouble you and break you down into something you don’t want to be. For men and women NEVER settle for less.

I write of this because I have been disappointed at the amount of weak, cowardly and childlike men I have encountered as of late. I wonder if some of them have a working brain stem. A great deal of their ancestors would be ashamed, but I digress.

In conclusion, it’s not about being a “nice” man but a GOOD man. Be patient and remember to give your love and affection to those deserving of it. Don’t get aggravated with those who don’t give you the time of day. In reality that is a blessing. Even if you have to search the world over to find your other half, you must do so. You will succeed.

4 months ago
4 months ago
5 months, 3 weeks ago

Adolf Hitlers peace offers 1933-1940 pdf

Including: A Final Appeal for Peace and Sanity, July 1940, by Adolf Hitler; Hitler’s Political Testament, April 1945; Hermann Göring’s Last Letter to Winston Churchill, Nuremberg, October 1946, and Neville Chamberlain in The Forrestal Diaries: “The World Jews Have Forced England into the War.”

Written by Germany’s foremost diplomatic historian of the early twentieth century, this work maps out all the numerous times that Adolf Hitler made unconditional offers of peace to all the nations of Europe—and how the major anti-German belligerents, France and Britain, turned down these offers each and every time.

5 months, 4 weeks ago

“After 1945 Hitler was accused of every cruelty, but it was not in his nature to be cruel. He loved children. It was an entirely natural thing for him to stop his car and share his food with young cyclists along the road. Once he gave his raincoat to a derelict plodding in the rain. At midnight he would interrupt his work and prepare the food for his dog Blondi. "He could not eat meat, because if meant the death of a living creatue.”” - Léon Degrelle

“As I grew older, I would see less and less of him, the last time was during the later stage of the war in Berlin. He asked me if I had a boyfriend yet, and said, with a tear in his eye he was sorry the war turned out the way it had. He seemed to be apologizing for the world that would be left if we lost. That made such a deep impression on me; I will take it to my grave.
It showed the deep love he possessed for our people. Therefore, while there are many who throw scorn on him today, I saw a great man who loved his people deeply, and was deeply loved, until forced allied brainwashing changed that view in many.” - Irene Rosenberg, daughter of Alfred Rosenberg.

“My sizing up of the man [Hitler] as I sat and talked with him was that he is really one who truly loves his fellow man, and his country, and would make any sacrifice for their good. He is a man of deep sincerity and a genuine patriot. As I talked with him, I could not but think of Joan of Arc. The world will yet come to see a very great man. He is distinctly a mystic…” – Mackenzie King, Prime Minister of Canada

5 months, 4 weeks ago

135 years ago possibly the most misunderstood and vilified man in history was born. Despite what mainstream history claims, and what the masses may think, Adolf Hitler was a revolutionary figure in European history and world history at large. The man who saved his people from destruction, degeneracy, a conspiracy to eliminate the European people and break down the world into a soulless and materialistic “system” between Marxism and Capitalism, orchestrated by Judeo-Bolshevism and their gentile henchman, was thwarted by this man. It is this reason he, and other similar leaders are vilified and lied about.

What is not told in the mainstream is that Hitler ended sex trafficking in Germany, got rid of prostitution, pornography, degeneracy — how he rid Germany of usury that was drowning the German folk into debt and how he established his own bank, independent of international finance, which ultimately drew attention from conspirators to bring Germany back under control of the banks.

Hitler was responsible for one of (if not the most) prosperous, technologically advanced and strongest nations history has seen. He, along with other NS leaders and figures pioneered a new path, an ideology that successfully merged socialism without Marxism and capitalism without usury into a working synthesis. In addition, this new ideology was a European Renaissance that breathed new life into the people. It gave Europe the template to defend herself from external conspirators and offered the ability to uphold the iron laws for a nation to thrive: race, family, faith, order, aristocracy, discipline.

Despite of what mainstream history touts, if Hitler’s plans succeeded, Communism would have been defeated. Communism likely wouldn’t have spread to China, Vietnam, Cambodia, Cuba, North Korea, and all through the world, preventing hundreds of millions of deaths from such an ideology. No cultural Marxism and liberalism reshaping the minds of millions, no degeneracy across the Western world, no radical feminism, no multiculturalism and the genocide of the European diaspora. No creation of the state of Israel which has now led to the death of millions and soured relations between Westernkind and the Arab world. The Jews would NOT have been exterminated (considering this was never part of Hitler’s plan) but would have been relocated to Madagascar. I could go on but you get the point.

To those skeptical of these words, or just beginning to unearth the truth of this man, please remember to have an open mind and heart. Think for yourself, do your own research and educate yourself. There are plenty of resources you can educate yourself on this man, his ideology and that time in history. If you don’t do your research then you will remain where you are. If you are willing to look deeper, I commend you for your curiosity. Since the world is upside down, imagine if you invert the most “evil” man in history and see what the results are.

“The victor was never asked if he told the truth.” - Adolf Hitler

Leader, warrior, artist, visionary, revolutionary, prophet — Adolf Hitler, the Eagle of Europe. April 20, 1889, - April 30, 1945 ♾️

8 months ago
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