Telegram stands for freedom and privacy and has many easy to use features.
Last updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago
Sharing my thoughts, discussing my projects, and traveling the world.
Contact: @borz
Last updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago
Official Graph Messenger (Telegraph) Channel
Download from Google Play Store:
Last updated 7 months, 1 week ago
## Changelog:
- Fixed YouTube songs not downloading completely.
- Fixed slow YouTube download speeds.
- Fixed YouTube Playlists not importing.
- Fixed Spotify Public Playlists not importing.
- Fixed Playlists Imported from JioSaavn not playing.
- Fixed keyboard not removing from screen when tapped on any suggestion while searching.
- Fixed only results getting played when something is searched in playlists.
- Fixed delete button not showing in search inside playlists.
- Fixed background colour issue with playlist search.
- Fixed Artist Image not showing on full screen for notch devices.
- Fixed Radio button not showing for songs.
- Fixed Status bar Color not changing according to theme for some devices.
- Fixed upcoming song not showing on top in Up Next Queue
- Fixed dense MiniPlayer not showing in settings.
- Better gesture controls for volume in player screen
- Fixed non relevant songs getting imported.
- Fixed landscape padding issue with notch screens
- Fixed downloads not showing on iOS
- Fixed backup not working on iOS
- Fixed Local music not showing up on iOS
- Fixed Downloads, databases, cache and other paths not organised on macOS
- Fixed Spotify Sync Lyrics not working
- Fixed app language getting reset to device default whenever app is restarted
- Fixed overflow in YouTube Home Screen for devices with slimmer width
- Fixed youtube returning low quality when high quality is selected
- Fixed app not auto downloading update for current device
- Fixed issue where different cache was used for ytm recommendations
- Fixed Recommendations showing YouTube data instead of ytm
- Fixed issue with saavn downloads getting corrupted on iOS
- Better Volume Gesture Controls
Thanks for using BlackHole:)
For easy download of any specific version, download from our website.
If you aren't sure which android version to download, check our guide here. On how to install the app on iOS, please take a look at scarlet or altstore. You can even refer to our guide here.
Difference between Arm64 & Amreabi
What's the difference between arm64 and armeabi
BlackHole v1.15.9-beta1
- Fixed YouTube songs not downloading completely.
- Fixed slow YouTube download speeds.
- Fixed keyboard not removing from screen when tapped on any suggestion while searching.
- Fixed only results getting played when something is searched in playlists.
- Fixed delete button not showing in search inside playlists.
- Fixed background colour issue with playlist search.
- Fixed Artist Image not showing on full screen for notch devices.
- Fixed Radio button not showing for songs.
- Fixed Status bar Color not changing according to theme for some devices.
- Fixed upcoming song not showing on top in Up Next Queue
- Fixed dense MiniPlayer not showing in settings.
- Better gesture controls for volume in player screen
- Fixed non relevant songs getting imported.
- Fixed landscape padding issue with notch screens
- Fixed downloads not showing on iOS
- Fixed backup not working on iOS
- Fixed app language getting reset to device default whenever app is restarted
- Fixed overflow in YouTube Home Screen for devices with slimmer width
If you aren't sure which one to download, check our blog
Note: App version will still show as an older version. But it's a newer version. I'll change the version only in the final stable version. All beta versions will contain older versions only.
Difference between Arm64 & Amreabi
What's the difference between arm64 and armeabi
BlackHole v1.15.9
- Navigation Bar and Miniplayer are now persistent
- Added option to change default navigation tabs
- Revamped settings menu (thanks to @k12onos)
- Pages now remain in the state for each tab
- Search UI changes
- Live search is also now tracked in the search history
- Combined Saavn, YtMusic & YouTube search
- Added top result to YtMusic search
- Added view all option to YtMusic songs
- Added option to rearrange playlists
- Added data saver
- Fixed proxy (VPN no longer required for those who aren't from India, just turn on proxy from app settings)
- Fixed multiple share pops
- Fixed incorrect lyrics when the song changed rapidly
- Fixed duration in Song Info
- Fixed issue when same playlist is imported twice.
- Fixed Miniplayer UI issue
- Fixed App UI settings not opening for few users
- Fixed empty playlists showing on home screen.
- Fixed few podcasts not playing
Download from our Website
Available for Android, iOS & macOS
BlackHole v1.15.9-beta2
- Combined Saavn, YtMusic & YouTube search
- Added top result to YtMusic search
- Added view all option to YtMusic songs
- Added data saver
- Fixed issue when same playlist is imported twice.
- Fixed Miniplayer UI issue
- Fixed App UI settings not opening for few users
- Fixed empty playlists showing on home screen.
Note: The app version will show as 1.15.8 only until stable release.
BlackHole v1.15.9-beta1
- Navigation Bar and Miniplayer are now persistent
- Added option to change default navigation tabs
- Revamped settings menu (thanks to @k12onos)
- Fixed proxy (VPN no longer required for those who aren't from India, just turn on proxy from app settings)
- Pages now remain in the state for each tab
- Fixed multiple share pops
- Fixed incorrect lyrics when the song changed rapidly
- Search UI changes
- Live search is also now tracked in the search history
- Fixed duration in Song Info
Note: The app version will show as 1.15.8 only until stable release.
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Ankit Sangwan
Hey ***👋***, Thank you for your support :)
BlackHole v1.15.8
- Added different streaming quality for Wifi
- Remember Equalizer settings
- Added support for macOS
- Fixed last queue not having the latest state
- Added synced lyrics support (Need to signing to Spotify to use)
- Fixed lyrics not changing on song change
- Added option to block home sections
- Fixed lyrics not showing for a few songs
- Fixed full gradient theme
- Fix last session images
- Completely removed database dependency. Updates will be fetched directly from GitHub now.
- Increased offline image quality
- Track youtube in recently played
- Fixed seekbar overlay issue
- Fixed navigation bar color not matching for a few devices
- Added folders support to My Music
- Added support to open last session from home only.
Download from our Website
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Telegram stands for freedom and privacy and has many easy to use features.
Last updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago
Sharing my thoughts, discussing my projects, and traveling the world.
Contact: @borz
Last updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago
Official Graph Messenger (Telegraph) Channel
Download from Google Play Store:
Last updated 7 months, 1 week ago