Telegram stands for freedom and privacy and has many easy to use features.
Last updated 1 week, 5 days ago
Sharing my thoughts, discussing my projects, and traveling the world.
Contact: @borz
Last updated 1 week, 2 days ago
Official Graph Messenger (Telegraph) Channel
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Last updated 7 months, 2 weeks ago
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May 11, 2023 - version 0.3.5- The contacts screen has been redesigned.
Now it is "Balances activity screen, with contacts" in a similar way to messengers "Chat activity screen, with contacts". In other words the lines are now sorted by the latest activity.
Also, the loading speed of this screen has been increased many times.
- Logic of balances has now been added to deals.
When fixing a deal, balances between users are automatically changed now. In other words to close the deal each user should transfer his part of the deal and change the balance, returning it to its original state. The automatic deal closing on balances movement will be added in future versions. Now it is necessary to change balances and deal statuses manually to close the deal. When cancelling a deal, balances return to their original state automatically. Message with the current balances state is sent in the deal chat immediately after a deal creation, as well as after each balances change.
- Adding contacts logic has been updated.
Now any user can add a contact. And even those who were authorized without an invitation in the application. Also, it is possible to choose in advance the language for the future user on the stage of invitation generation.
- Now balance calculation can be started with absolutely any contact. Before it was possible to create balances only manually by provider and through Telegram bot.
- Added localization of balances system messages.
- Fixed a bug that showed up in the system bot work when creating a deal chat.
- Fixed an error where the same user could have a number of balances at once.
- Added system messages with a request to add the application system account to friends to maintain the stability of automatic adding to deal chats.
- Fixed a bug by which the balance between the parties was not added to the deal chat.
- Many other technical/infrastructural fixes and improvements have been made.
April 26, 2023- version 0.3.4
- Users' balances are now automatically shown in their deals. Now there is no need to do it manually anymore. To change balances along with money movements in a deal has become much more convenient.
- Formalized currencies display in balances. Now there is no duplicating and any case is brought to a single form - capital letters, for example "USD", instead of "usd" or "Usd".
- The ways of transferring money, cash or transfer, are also localized now.
- Many technical and infrastructural improvements have been made.
April 19, 2023- version 0.3.3
- Redesigned the selection of providers. Now everyone, who broadcasts their offers to the user, is at the top, similar to Instagram stories circles (highlights). Selecting a provider and adding a new one has become much more convenient.
- The appearance of the provider offers calculator has been redesigned. The settings buttons are now more visible and user-friendly.
- Reworked status messages inside the chat of the deal. Now the messages language corresponds to the language of the user. Also, all participants of the deal are now notified about the deal status change, with the possibility to change the status further in a more convenient way.
- Reworked the authorization process for new users. Users now have less confusion when they open the invitation link from the Telegram chat. The PWA application installation process has also been simplified.
- Now when launching a balance change transaction, it is always suggested to choose the changeable balance currency from a list of possible currencies. And adding a new balance currency has become more intuitive.
- Now all users automatically have the opportunity to use balances.
- Added a technical possibility to customize avatars and names of your contacts. (Backend is just for now)
- Added technical option to localize ways to transfer exchange positions. (Backend is just for now)
- Turned off the option to "minimize" balances on a user page.
- Fixed a bug where the bottom navigation bar could slide up or down.
- The app now handles a scenario where a user tried to add themselves to providers.
- Improved automatic uploading of statistics on the number of users and deals to the monitoring chat.
- A lot of other technical and infrastructural improvements have been made.
April 12, 2023- version 0.3.2
- Now any system user can add friends. Not just the one, who received an invitation.
- Now all system messages and status change buttons in the chat are in the user's language. Earlier everything was in English.
- Setting the profit percentage for different deals volumes for clients has become more accurate. The step has decreased to a hundredth of a percent. This is especially important for personal commissions setting for different intervals of large amounts.
- Creating a transaction to change the balance has become more convenient. The transaction currency no longer needs to be entered manually every time. The choice of currency is now offered from the dropdown list.
- The popup window for launching a balance transaction now can be closed by tapping anywhere outside the popup boundary. Previously, you could close the popup only by clicking the "Close" button.
- Improved parameter input form to launch the balance transaction. Now you cannot launch an "empty or incomplete" transaction.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the application icon to be displayed in low(pixel) quality.
- Made many technical and infrastructural improvements.
April 6, 2023- version 0.3.1
- The main page of has been updated. It can be seen only to unauthorized users and now it is clear for them where they have entered.
- Now balances history and balances themselves are always displayed in a correct color and with a correct sign.
- Contacts balances list has become more informative since zero balances stopped being showed.
- Scrolling logic of deals and balances history has been updated on the contacts screen. Now the entire screen can be scrolled and not only some bounded area.
- Buttons of the balance adding in a new currency have been updated on the user’s screen. Their work logic has been adjusted.
- Balances list has become unhidden by default.
- Colours of change balances amount input forms, telling about flow of funds orientation, have been improved.
- User contacts counter has been added on the screen «Network» again.
- CI/CD process for a new balances service has been created. Now automated application assembling and autodeploy work.
- Telegram bot work logic has been updated. Now the bot sends a clear common greeting message and not random systemic ones in the private chats with the users.
- Bot behavior, when it gets in the new chats, has been updated.
- App stability has been improved. Fixed lots of bugs.
March 8, 2023- version 0.2.3
- Now, after changing the deal status in the chat to indicate that both parties have received their items, the deal is automatically closed and all chat participants are removed. This is necessary to get rid of multiple chats. However, a user from any side of the deal can re-enter the chat if necessary from the history of all deals in the app.
- The API of the calculator has been refactored. Different methods decomposition have been made for different initialization and amounts calculation cases with the provider. The provider calculator in the customer profile has also been updated with saved data in local storage or without it.
- The provider calculator has been updated. Now, the client is no longer offered positions that their provider does not broadcast.
- The total income is now calculated only for deals in which the commission currency is USDT.
- The provider commission currency is no longer hardcoded to USDT.
- A separate authentication path has been created for users on PCs.
- A new animation for the invitation link copying on the invitation creation screen has been implemented.
- Error messages have been added to cases of failure of the user's provider offer list loading.
- The infinite loading provider widget has been removed for users who do not have a provider.
- The interface now displays error messages during the initialization of the provider calculator.
- The provider calculator now stores the last entered data by provider. When changing the provider currency, the data will be changed to those which were last selected with that particular provider.
- When changing the provider, the amounts are recalculated now.
- Fixed a bug, occurred when ticks could not be unchecked in the provider offer interface. Extra zeros in values have also been removed.
- Fixed a bug, that caused loss of pricing relevance for the provider offers.
February 27, 2023- version 0.2.2
- Now a provider has a convenient interface for tracking what they offer to their clients and at what prices.
1. In this interface they can see not only all of their own offers, but also all offers of their providers. This logic works, of course, taking into account the providers commission and the set intervals of positions quantity and relevant prices.
2. In this new interface, it is possible to manage (turn on and turn off) the broadcasting of any offer down the chains.
- Now second-level providers, and further, will no longer automatically resell all possible offers of the higher-level provider by default. They need to select from the list what they want to resell and what they do not.
Currently there are 2 rules for broadcasting offers down the chain:
- Plus and minus buttons have been added on the page with the amounts intervals and corresponding provider commissions for more convenient commission setting.
- A special provider role has been added, that can upload their offers lists.
- It has been improved the input field for recipient details before creating a deal. Now it allows conveniently enter a long text.
- Fixed a bug, due to which commissions intervals did not work for some of the users. Because of this bug commissions in some deals were calculated in inappropriate currency, but the interest was taken correctly. It will be necessary to recalculate profit from these deals manually.
- Found and fixed one more bug, due to which the bot, in rare cases, did not send its message with the change statuses buttons in the chat.
- The field with provider’s commission setting has been deleted in the contacts list and in every contact profile.
- Now in the history of deals, new users will see those deals, in which they participated before registering in the application.
- Telegram usernames synchronization has been added. Since usernames can be changed, synchronization happens during users authorization (previously only regular names and surnames were synchronized).
- Notifications have been added to the monitoring of new attempts to use already used invitations in the system.
- Fixed a bug that caused an automatic attempt to make the user an admin in the chat, when the user leaves the chat, which led to malfunctions.
February 20, 2023- version 0.2.1
- It has been added a technical possibility for all providers to download their positions lists with prices and not only inherit offers of a current provider.
- It has been implemented the architecture, where each provider can choose which offers of their providers he will broadcast to their clients, and which no.
- Provider’s offers calculator has become smarter for a client. Now it can analyze all possible inheritance of all providers’ offers.
- It has been added an architectural change, in which a provider now can set direct prices for positions and not only with USDT transportation currency and double currency conversion.
- Interface updates now happen more seamlessly. There is no longer a necessity to unload the application.
- A "stale pricing" essence has been added for provider positions. In the future, this will help to maintain the relevance of all provider offers, and users will have a request mechanism for updates if necessary.
- Fixed a bug where the assistant could not create deals with the provider, who he helps.
- Images and SVG icons optimisation.
- The application interface now uses autogeneration of data type, which are used for work with API backend .
- The login button on the main page has been moved to the lower right corner.
Telegram stands for freedom and privacy and has many easy to use features.
Last updated 1 week, 5 days ago
Sharing my thoughts, discussing my projects, and traveling the world.
Contact: @borz
Last updated 1 week, 2 days ago
Official Graph Messenger (Telegraph) Channel
Download from Google Play Store:
Last updated 7 months, 2 weeks ago