Surge Channel


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Last updated 3 months, 1 week ago

Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market

Last updated 3 months ago

Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
Join @tapswap_bot

Collaboration - @taping_Guru

Last updated 3 days, 5 hours ago

5 months, 1 week ago

#Mac #Beta

Version 5.7.5-2814

- Panel is now available in Surge Mac.
- When adding a rule for the current webpage, you can choose to add to an existing ruleset.
- Bug fixes.

Official Channel: @SurgeTestFlightFeed

5 months, 2 weeks ago

#Mac #Beta

Version 5.7.5-2812

- Panel is now available in Surge Mac.
- When adding a rule for the current webpage, you can choose to add to an existing ruleset.
- Bug fixes.

Official Channel: @SurgeTestFlightFeed

5 months, 2 weeks ago

#iOS #TestFlight

Surge 5 5.100.0 (3274) is ready to test on iOS.

What to Test:

- 修正 UI 编辑规则时的一些细节问题,如开启状态和注释
- 优化在外部资源页面查看巨型资源时的表现
- 其他细节问题修正

Official Channel: @SurgeTestFlightFeed

5 months, 3 weeks ago




5 months, 3 weeks ago

#Surge #Panel #脚本 #限行查询



#!arguments-desc="loo:填写本地车或者外地车\ncartype:填写汽车种类,如燃油车\ncity缩写可前往 查看"

车辆限行Panel = script-name=xianxing, update-interval=3600

# Panel
xianxing = type=generic, script-path=, timeout=60,argument=city={{{city}}}&loo={{{loo}}}&cartype={{{cartype}}}

7 months, 4 weeks ago

#Mac #Beta

Version 5.7.1-2747

- Optimize the matching performance of small rule sets, especially evident on older CPU models.
- The external resource update page can display error information generated by rule set processing.
- Automatically ignore invalid empty lines in the rule set.
- Fixed an issue where applying temporary rules would not interrupt existing connections if a policy change occurred.
- Fixed an issue when using Ponte policy within Smart group, if the target device is itself, it was not automatically switched to DIRECT policy.
- Corrected the time error displayed in request logs for Ponte device requests.
- Fixed a low probability crash that occurs when external policy group content changes.
- During the initialization phase of Smart group, no longer display most used tags to avoid misunderstanding .
- Fixed a crash that could occur when adding a policy group if an external policy was selected but no URL was provided.
- Corrected an issue where items did not correctly display their storage location after being moved on the key management page.

Official Channel: @SurgeTestFlightFeed

7 months, 4 weeks ago

#Mac #Beta

Version 5.7.1-2746

- Optimize the matching performance of small rule sets, especially evident on older CPU models.
- The external resource update page can display error information generated by rule set processing.
- Automatically ignore invalid empty lines in the rule set.
- Fixed an issue where applying temporary rules would not interrupt existing connections if a policy change occurred.
- Fixed an issue when using Ponte policy within Smart group, if the target device is itself, it was not automatically switched to DIRECT policy.
- Corrected the time error displayed in request logs for Ponte device requests.
- Fixed a low probability crash that occurs when external policy group content changes.
- During the initialization phase of Smart group, no longer display most used tags to avoid misunderstanding .
- Fixed a crash that could occur when adding a policy group if an external policy was selected but no URL was provided.
- Corrected an issue where items did not correctly display their storage location after being moved on the key management page.

Official Channel: @SurgeTestFlightFeed

7 months, 4 weeks ago

#Mac #Beta

Version 5.7.1-2745

- Optimize the matching performance of small rule sets, especially evident on older CPU models.
- The external resource update page can display error information generated by rule set processing.
- Automatically ignore invalid empty lines in the rule set.
- Fixed an issue where applying temporary rules would not interrupt existing connections if a policy change occurred.
- Fixed an issue when using Ponte policy within Smart group, if the target device is itself, it was not automatically switched to DIRECT policy.
- Corrected the time error displayed in request logs for Ponte device requests.
- Fixed a low probability crash that occurs when external policy group content changes.
- During the initialization phase of Smart group, no longer display most used tags to avoid misunderstanding .
- Fixed a crash that could occur when adding a policy group if an external policy was selected but no URL was provided.
- Corrected an issue where items did not correctly display their storage location after being moved on the key management page.

Official Channel: @SurgeTestFlightFeed

7 months, 4 weeks ago

#Mac #Beta

Version 5.7.1-2744

- Optimize the matching performance of small rule sets, especially evident on older CPU models.
- The external resource update page can display error information generated by rule set processing.
- Automatically ignore invalid empty lines in the rule set.
- Fixed an issue where applying temporary rules would not interrupt existing connections if a policy change occurred.
- Fixed an issue when using Ponte policy within Smart group, if the target device is itself, it was not automatically switched to DIRECT policy.
- Corrected the time error displayed in request logs for Ponte device requests.
- Fixed a low probability crash that occurs when external policy group content changes.
- During the initialization phase of Smart group, no longer display most used tags to avoid misunderstanding .
- Fixed a crash that could occur when adding a policy group if an external policy was selected but no URL was provided.
- Corrected an issue where items did not correctly display their storage location after being moved on the key management page.

Official Channel: @SurgeTestFlightFeed

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Community chat:




Last updated 3 months, 1 week ago

Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market

Last updated 3 months ago

Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
Join @tapswap_bot

Collaboration - @taping_Guru

Last updated 3 days, 5 hours ago