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Last updated hace 5 meses, 3 semanas

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Last updated hace 5 meses, 2 semanas

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Last updated hace 1 mes, 3 semanas

6 days, 3 hours ago
6 days, 22 hours ago
***🚨*** UK Gov Caught in Secret …

🚨 UK Gov Caught in Secret iPhone Data Grab! 🚨 The UK secretly pressured Apple to backdoor encryption for 2 billion iPhones or face criminal charges. Rather than comply, Apple disabled encryption in the UK—forcing users to stay vulnerable while the rest of the world remains protected (for now). Meanwhile, Imran Ahmed (CCDH), a key player in global censorship, is being rewarded with $300,000. Watch my interview on Black Out Media: 🚨

1 week ago

ICYMI: President Trump speaking at the Governors meeting discusses how it's unacceptable and unbelievable how rates of autism have gone from approximately 1 in 20,000 15+ years ago to 1 in 34 (or 1 in 36) now. He also mentions how within the Amish population there's a distinct difference as they gave much healthier outcomes and almost no autism in their community.

He even questioned if perhaps some type of chemical exposure could be responsible for the high rates of autism in America vs. the rest of the world.

10 months, 1 week ago

Anyone develop a healthy skepticism about these wild claims in the mainstream misinformation channels related to the apparently validated discovery of bird flu virus in milk that they are saying is also not harmful? Are they warming us up for another clown world scenario??

1 year, 2 months ago

Your Body's Hidden Power to Transform Elements

⚛️What if our bodies could actually create some atomic building blocks from scratch or change certain minerals into others? It sounds fantastical, but a several hundred year old and growing body of research reveals this hidden capability within us. ⚡️

?The process is called biotransmutation – the ability for living organisms to transmute, or transform, basic elements into entirely different ones. It challenges the materialist belief that the fundamental materials of life always stay fixed and nature can't cook up something from nothing.

?But as far back as 1800s, scientists showed plants could yield more of certain elements than they absorbed from soil. Chickens also produce more lime for egg shells than provided in their feed. And in recent decades, dedicated researchers have unlocked more proofs that bacteria and yeasts can change elements like magnesium and calcium into one another through biotransmutation.

?The mechanisms involve capturing neutrons and protons from the surroundings to remake atomic structures. And even radioactive materials like cesium can sometimes get converted to alternate radioactive versions that decay harmlessly far faster. Pretty mind-bending stuff!

?But the big revelation is that these biological element-shifters live inside us too! Our microbiome teems with bacteria essential for health and susceptible to element-swapping alchemical transformationss, including our miraculous mitochondria. Early clues even suggest bacteria within our microbiome might neutralize environmental radioisotopes - all by quietly rearranging subatomic parts into less nasty pieces. ?

⚡️In essence, we're still unraveling the enormous regenerative capacities hiding within our trillions of bodily bacteria. But such in-house atomic rebuilding shops make complete sense when we think of our bodies as complex ecosystems rather than just clunky machines. So perhaps it's time to envision ourselves at one with nature's astonishing biological alchemists!

?If you are interested in learning more about biological transmutation and many other fascinating aspects of the new biophysics, read Sayer Ji’s international, best selling book available in 8 languages and audible (recorded in his own voice) REGENERATE: Unlocking Your Body’s Radical Resilience through the New Biology:

You can also download a free chapter here:

1 year, 2 months ago
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Last updated hace 5 meses, 3 semanas

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Last updated hace 5 meses, 2 semanas

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Collaboration - @taping_Guru

Last updated hace 1 mes, 3 semanas