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Last updated 1 month, 1 week ago
┊? ᧘с: @kay_nes . ᥰ᧐дδ᧐ρκᥙ: ? ?୧ ㅤ۫
┊ ♡ ? ? ׂɞɓ,σʒσʜ,α᧘υκ ?
╰︎╮ ꒰ ܸ ◞ ◟ܸ ꒱ ρϱκ᧘αɱα: @mechtanyashekprice
ᶻ ? ? στʒыɞы-ηρƴϕы: @otzyvm3 ? ° ? ᰍ?᧘υɥʜыύ τӷκ: @kaynesdauniha ~`
Last updated 2 months, 2 weeks ago
You cannot save a slave who has fallen in love with his chains.
Children of the Sun are never scared of the Sun ☀️
Mali is reclaiming their gold. A news source is saying that Barrack a western gold refining company owes Mali $300 million dollars.
They are reclaiming everything. And it starts with gold. Ijs
- Built a school for €270,000
- Built a hospital for €530,000
- Gives every family €70 a month
- Provides free clothes for kids
- Brought 4G network to his village through a partnership with Orange
- Opened a gas station with Oryx Senegal
A True and pure Son of Senegal ?? and Africa. Sadio Mane ??
STEPHEN BANTU BIKO in his book " I write what I like" says the following amongst others.
What is a character of a defeated race?
- A race that brags about expensive clothes that they wear, that are produced by another race.
- A race that brags about cars that they drive, that are manufactured by companies owned by another race.
- A race that brags about their houses that are financed by financial institutions owned by another race.
-A race that takes their kids to school to be taught by another race.
- A race that will celebrate their wedding in the style of another race.
- A race that has fully adopted language and religion of another race.
- A race that will hate each other defending another race.
- A race that will get excited to work for another race.
- A race that the only freedom it has is the freedom to vote and not economic freedom.
- A race that will kill each other just to have a political position and be in office and not be in power.
- A defeated race is that race that is in majority but it's survival relies on the minority race.
Are you part of the defeated race? Sadly I am.
"The first step therefore is to make the black man come to himself; to pump back life into his empty shell; to infuse him with pride and dignity, to remind him of his complicity in the crime of allowing himself to be misused and therefore letting evil reign supreme in the country of his birth."
Tattooing has a long history in many African cultures and has been practiced for thousands of years. In some African tribal societies, tattoos were used as a form of cultural identity, spiritual protection, or even for medicinal purposes. Today traditional tattooing is still practiced in some African communities. African tattoo designs are becoming more popular as tattoo choices for people around the world for preserving cultural heritage. The first evidence of tattoos leads back to the mummies in Kemet. The oldest tattoo was found on the mummy of Amunet, a priestess of the Goddess Hathor, during 2160-1994 BC. The mummy’s simple tattoos were parallel lines on her arms, legs, and an elliptical pattern below her navel.
In Maasai culture, tattoos were traditionally used as a symbol of passage from childhood to adulthood, and were also used to signify warrior status. For Maasai boys, the tattooing process was part of a coming-of-age ceremony called Eunoto, which marked the transition from boyhood to warrior status. The tattooing process for Maasai women was different and typically involved small dots or lines on the face, usually around the mouth and chin. These tattoos were seen as a sign of beauty and were often applied before marriage. Tattoos among the Fula people of Mali. The Fula or Fulani women’s symbol of beauty and courage are black lips tattoos. They uphold a “Tchoodi” ceremony that is a cultural identity and ritual performed exclusively by women and the tradition serves as a right of passage, a sign that girls have achieved womanhood.
Another ethnics group that practice the culture of face tattooing is the Wodaabe also known as the Mbororo or Bororo, who are a small subgroup of the Fulani ethnic group. They are traditionally nomadic cattle-herders and traders in the Sahel, with migrations stretching from southern Niger, through northern Nigeria, northeastern Cameroon, southwestern Chad, western region of the Central African Republic and the northeastern of the Democratic Republic of Congo. The Wodaabe tattoo their faces with traditional designs some of which, like the triangular pattern at the corner of the mouth, offer protection against the evil eye.
Africa, Amplify (2021-02-08). "A Brief History of African Body Markings". Amplify Africa. Retrieved 2023-03-13. #Africa
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┊? ᧘с: @kay_nes . ᥰ᧐дδ᧐ρκᥙ: ? ?୧ ㅤ۫
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ᶻ ? ? στʒыɞы-ηρƴϕы: @otzyvm3 ? ° ? ᰍ?᧘υɥʜыύ τӷκ: @kaynesdauniha ~`
Last updated 2 months, 2 weeks ago