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Athena’s Army 驛站

Athena’s Army runs events and services in support of comrades in exile.
- Enquiries @athenasarmyuk
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Contact : @Esalat
Sponser : @l_ahmadreza_l

Last updated 4 months, 3 weeks ago

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Last updated 3 days, 4 hours ago

1 year, 6 months ago
報平安: 英國警方通知Drew將不會向佢作出起訴。

報平安: 英國警方通知Drew將不會向佢作出起訴。


1 year, 9 months ago
1 year, 9 months ago

Drew Pavlou (澳洲籍香港民主運動活躍人士)日前於倫敦中國領事館示威期間,中國領事館向英國警方投案,指控Drew企圖發動恐怖炸彈襲擊被捕事件消息更新:

Drew母親將出席明天澳洲時間下午5:30於布里斯本英國領事館(British Consulate, Brisbane)的Bring Drew Home Rally,就今次拘捕事件向英國領事館請願。


1 year, 9 months ago

一直支持香港社會運動戰友Drew Pavlou訪英期間於倫敦中國大使館抗爭被大使館偽造企圖發動恐怖襲擊的證據被捕,將有可能面臨七年冤獄。


X (formerly Twitter)

Drew Pavlou 🇦🇺🇺🇦🇹🇼🇨🇾 (@DrewPavlou) on X

Social democracy and liberalism. Anti-CCP, anti-totalitarian. “Hostile political element'' - Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs. “F**king idiot” - Nassim Taleb

一直支持香港社會運動戰友Drew Pavlou訪英期間於倫敦中國大使館抗爭被大使館偽造企圖發動恐怖襲擊的證據被捕,將有可能面臨七年冤獄。
1 year, 9 months ago

我哋嘅反共戰友 - 澳洲嘅Drew Pavlou,佢喺2019-2020年期間就曾經因支持香港民主運動而差啲被University of Queensland移取學籍。早前亦於溫布頓網球公開賽聲援彭帥而被當地當作「恐怖份子」去處理。Drew兩日前原本約咗我哋Athena's Army攞港獨旗為之後嘅活動所用,但其後Drew卻因為獨自一人於倫敦中國大使館抗爭而被捕,CCP將佢交給英國警方時稱佢為炸彈襲擊嘅恐怖份子,而家Drew好有可能面對七年徒刑!!!

希望大家能夠支援Drew,唔好令Guildford Four嘅悲劇再度發生。

From Drew:
please tell everyone. I just got out of british prison cell after 23 hours. They held me incommunicado, they wouldnt let me tell anyone where i was - i went to chinese embassy to hold a taiwan flag and the Chinese embassy reported me as a bomb threat. the chinese embassy produced a fake email saying ''this is drew pavlou today i will bomb the chinese embassy for the uyghurs.'' police treated me like terrorist, cuffed me behind my back painfully for 3 hours. its nuts they took my phone they said i cant leasve the country. they only got me in contact with lawyer after 20 hours. they monitored the call and kept it to 4 minutes

2 years, 4 months ago
2 years, 4 months ago
我們今天和一班香港成員發起 [#RebelRepublic](?q=%23RebelRepublic) [#反抗共和國](?q=%23%E5%8F%8D%E6%8A%97%E5%85%B1%E5%92%8C%E5%9C%8B) 收集香港人對成立流亡政府的意見。

我們今天和一班香港成員發起 #RebelRepublic #反抗共和國 收集香港人對成立流亡政府的意見。


日期: 12月13日 星期一
- Tenzin Lekshay 藏人行政中央發言人
- Dorjee Tseten 西藏流亡議會成員
- 許穎婷 We are Hongkonger 創辦人


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Atlas 在全球有20,000支持者遍佈130國家,我們在2020年7月開始#FridaysForFreedom 示威,聲援香港及世界各地的抗爭者。了解更多:https://www.atlasmovement.org/

2 years, 5 months ago

【驛站專欄 —— Bob James 第四期】Sweets to the sweet

// The importance of art and the importance of stories in a movement cannot be understated, they become symbols to stand behind that are more striking and lasting than any living individual can be. While we need individuals to stand up and take action, individuals can be discredited, they can be killed and wiped from memory. Stories which are harder to kill, even if they are the story of an individual – this is the birth of Urban Legends.

We need to keep telling stories about the struggle for freedom, for people to rally around. A good Urban Legend needs a face – might one day someone like Chan Yin-Lam, might her story one day become the stuff of legend, could she become Hong Kong’s Candyman, an avenging spirit invoked to fight injustice. Could we fight behind such a banner? //


About Author
Bob James

From Manchester, UK. Grew up in local area before spending 8 years abroad in Mexico, Colombia and Turkey. Returned in 2018. Published short-story writer interested in learning more about Hong Kong and giving a local's perspective.

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2 years, 6 months ago

【Hong Kong Cultural Community Screening Series - Tyranny: Imagination and Reality】
Hong Kong Cultural Community (HKCC), in partnering with Haven Productions, is delighted to present Mancunians, our very first exciting screening series – Tyranny: Imagination and Reality. Our series is selected to bring the audience a vision of a tyrannical future, to reflect upon the present. **There will also be an after-movie screening discussion with award-winning director/producer Mr Ka-leung Ng.

Tickets are now available at https://hkculturalcommunity.square.site/ Screening of Ten Years*Venue: Heaton Moor United Church, Stockport, SK4 4HL
Date: Saturday, 13 November 2021
Time: 5:30 - 8pm
Hong-kongese style light refreshments will be provided.
Price: Standard £8.50; Concession £6; Donations welcome.

Screening of Night is Young and Red FlagVenue: The Performance Space, Manchester City Library, M2 5PD
Date: Monday, 22 November 2021
Time: 5:15 - 7:30pm
Price: Standard £8.50; Concession £6; Donations welcome.
HKCC is a non-profit organisation. After costs (e.g. movie license, venue hire), all proceeds will support future developments and cultural activities. Donations welcome.

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香港文化社 Hong Kong Cultural Community

香港文化社為英國註冊非牟利機構,致力保育及推廣香港文化 Hong Kong Cultural Community (HKCC) is a registered non-profit organisation in the UK, dedicated to preserving and promoting Hong Kong culture.

【Hong Kong Cultural Community Screening Series - Tyranny: Imagination and Reality】
2 years, 6 months ago

【驛站專欄 —— 栩翎 第一期】失根的遊子




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Contact : @Esalat
Sponser : @l_ahmadreza_l

Last updated 4 months, 3 weeks ago

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⚠ telegra.ph/风险提示-03-18
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Last updated 1 day ago



Last updated 3 days, 4 hours ago