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Reklam üçün: 070-584-84-04

Last updated 1 Monat her

Əlaqə üçün: @tural_05 ?
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Depositlərinizi M10 və ya Master kartla edin.

Qaydalar sabit mesajda

Last updated 11 Monate, 2 Wochen her

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??? Economics • Capitalism • Finance





Last updated 2 Monate, 4 Wochen her

1 year, 9 months ago

Here are five common mistakes students make when preparing for exams 1: Not Starting Early Enough Studying for exams takes more time than you might anticipate, so make sure you get started early. 2. Memorizing, Rather Than Understanding: Try to understand the fundamental concepts rather than memorizing facts from notes, textbooks or answers from past questions. 3. Failure to Practice Past Questions: Make sure to practice past questions to get a better understanding of the exam format and what to expect. 4. Not Having a Goal: Make sure you have a clear goal in mind when studying for exams. 5. Not reading extensively: Make sure to read extensively and cover all the necessary material when preparing for exams.

1 year, 9 months ago
Star exams
1 year, 9 months ago

**Here are some ways to study effectively in less time for exams:

1. Give yourself enough time to study.**Make sure you plan your studies accordingly. It is possible to allocate certain exams more time to study than others, but you must find an equilibrium that you are at ease with.

2. Examine the previous year’s question papers (through books or mobile applications like "Star Exams").To do this, you need to gather the question papers from previous years for at least 5–10 years. Check the weight of questions in different chapters in order to determine which chapters have more weight and which are less essential. This helps you understand the most important topics in each chapter that you need to study for your exam.

3. Set a study schedule as per the priorities.You must now set the priority for your most important chapters according to the number of marks, questions, and level of difficulty. Determine the chapter’s time in accordance with the priority list. Then, begin with chapters that have more weight, such as simple chapters, so that you don’t have to put in the time and effort for difficult chapters.

4. Use visual clues for easy memorization.Put a few pieces of chart paper on your wall or in the cupboards. Write down dates, formulas, and mnemonics. You can also write down tidbits of crucial information that are difficult to master.

5. Concentrate more on core material.Up to 80% of the questions you will be asked on the exam will likely be based on the core materials. If you’re stuck with your incomplete syllabus, concentrate on the fundamentals of the various topics.

6. Don’t take frequent or long breaks while studying.Ideally, you should have 15 minutes of breaks for each 45-minute round of studying. Don’t split the 15-minute break into 5+10, 10+5, or 5+5+5, since you’ll get distracted by this. Therefore, in order to keep your concentration while studying, take a brief break over the course of an hour.

7. Sleep well and eat healthily.The most important aspect to keep in mind is to be healthy and rest regularly to ensure you are focused when studying. In order to do this, take a nap for 6-7 hours and eat healthy foods like vegetables, fruits, fruit juice, or smoothies.

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**Here are some ways to study effectively in less time for exams:
1 year, 9 months ago
Star exams
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Reklam üçün: 070-584-84-04

Last updated 1 Monat her

Əlaqə üçün: @tural_05 ?
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Wip Kanal ?
Depositlərinizi M10 və ya Master kartla edin.

Qaydalar sabit mesajda

Last updated 11 Monate, 2 Wochen her

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??? Economics • Capitalism • Finance





Last updated 2 Monate, 4 Wochen her