Redbad's Hall

A channel dedicated to the study of low-country Germanic religion, folklore, mythology and culture.
Curated by @Red_Cedar
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7 months, 1 week ago

Please donate if you can to big Dave and his family. He does great work with Bizarchives and in the American heathen scene.

7 months, 1 week ago


As many of you know, Big Dave has had a medical crisis in his family and it has caused them extreme financial hardship. We've set up a fundraiser to help him make ends meet:

Please give what you can and share this around. Dave is a great man and one of the most beloved voices in our scene.

7 months, 1 week ago
8 months, 3 weeks ago

The physical and metaphysical nature of our Gods and ritual worship are discussed frequently on a multitude of platforms. But what’s rarely seen are observances to the scale of our Gods and the importance of physical ritual worship to know Them.

Narration: Þórr siðr
Featuring: The Chad Pastoralist

8 months, 3 weeks ago

This sort of sentiment is fine and understandable for Americans & other colonials since they have very little remaining folk tradition and are usually of mixed ancestry, but I don't think it is the right approach for Europeans. Yes, there are often a lot more commonalities than differences and we all use sources from other regions, but an integral part of this whole thing is reviving and honouring local traditions and customs. I feel like people often forget that this isn't just religion or theology, it's EVERYTHING, a complete way of life with laws, holidays, traditions, values, agricultural practices, language, etc. etc.
It's not just as simple as saying "Woden = Odin.... therefore it's all the same!"
Just my two cents on it.


The Sacred Stew

What does it mean to be Pan-Germanic? It is the worldview that all Germanic folk (Angles, Saxons, Jutes, Frisians,  Norse etc.) share the same origins and cosmological worldview. It means we recognize that our shared beliefs and way of life are ancient,…

9 months ago

Are Noahide Laws compatible with Gnosticism or Paganism?

Much has been speculated regarding the Noahide Laws, these laws are currently being promoted via various channels including the United Nations. These laws are said to bring about ‘world peace’ however the very understanding of ‘peace’ within this context means submission to the Noahide Laws. For more information see the following post on ‘the true meaning of peace’.

The implementation of such seemingly universal laws for many Christians and Muslims would likely be welcomed as they appear to be in alignment with their faith however as many Gnostics and Pagans stand in opposition to all forms of universalism we can anticipate that such laws would be intolerable.

The first of the seven laws from the Babylonian Talmud Sanhedrin 56a-b is to not worship idols. The worship of idols doesn’t only prohibit graven images, statues and shrines but also considers the worship of Gods other than the god of Israel to be considered ‘false gods’ and therefore ‘false idols’. Within the mystical tradition of Kabbalah elements considered to be ‘forbidden’ by the off-planet father god are said to derive from the ‘impure shells’ (kelipot ha-temei’ot) meaning that they are ‘intrinsically evil’.

The Noahide Laws also impose a specific perceptual framework through which nature must be observed and understood. Both Pagans and Gnostics have an animistic view holding nature to be sacred with Gnostics seeing the earth itself as the body of the Wisdom goddess the Aeon Sophia. We can see that such laws are a direct affront to our perception of nature and our relationship to it.

Neo-Paganism in the Public Square and Its Relevance to Judaism, Dr. Manfred Gerstenfeld, Volume 11:3-4 (Fall 1999) link

*“In today’s fragmented society a large number of religious and secular neo-pagan expressions have emerged and are gathering strength. An increased interest in nature is a central element in many of its manifestations. Expressions of this attitude are found among neo-pagan believers, neo-Nazis and some extreme environmentalist currents.

The ancient revulsion with regard to paganism felt by adherents of Judaism links up with the need to take stock of these contemporary phenomena. The return of paganism forces Judaism to focus on Jewish law and tradition, which proclaim that God is central in the world. Nature is not sacred and its laws represent barbarity; the Noahide laws represent civil society. There are many reasons for Jewish observers to watch attentively which direction the powerful, renewed interest in nature will take, and what consequences this may have for world Jewry.”*


In short, the Noahide Laws are completely incompatible with the Pagan or Gnostic worldview. We must therefore oppose them in order to preserve our pact or bond with the greater forces of the environment so that we can exercise sovereignty over our own minds and that practising Pagans and Gnostics alike can thrive alongside nature in a sane and harmonious manner.


Gnostic Intel

The True Meaning of ‘Peace’ Maimonides AKA ‘the Rambam’ the most prolific and influential Jewish philosopher points out that the commandment for ‘righteous deceit’ from the off-planet father god Yahweh is clear within the Torah (the first 5 books of the…

9 months, 3 weeks ago


Months in the making, the Declaration of Tradition is now OPEN for all Germanic Pagans to sign today!

Working with various Pagans, the DOT has been devised so as to represent the traditional values we are to adhere to as followers of Germanic Paganism.

The Declaration of Tradition serves as a means of unifying sincere followers of Germanic Paganism with a framework we can refer to and use to take collective action.

If you are a Germanic Pagan and believe in the traditional values taught to us by our Gods and ancestors, become a signatory today. You can sign as an individual or as an organisation if you have a gathering.

Special thank you to WodenWyrd and Þórr Siðr for their valuable assistance in the Declaration's creation, to Dan Capp / The Fyrgen for the website building, and to all individuals and organisations that have become signatories.


10 months, 2 weeks ago
Redbad's Hall
10 months, 2 weeks ago
Redbad's Hall
1 year ago
Episode with the link to the channel



Old Gods New World Episode 2: "Heiden" in Plain Sight (Interview with a Dutch Pagan)

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