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*⛳️Vocab Master For All Competitive Exams |04-07-2024 Mahendra Guru@The_Hindu_Vocabs *1.COHERENT (ADJECTIVE): (स्पष्ट): logical
Synonyms: reasoned, reasonable
Antonyms: incoherent
Example Sentence:
They failed to develop a coherent economic strategy.
2.CONSOLIDATE (VERB): (मजबूत बनाना): strengthen
Synonyms: secure, stabilize
Antonyms: weaken
Example Sentence:
The company consolidated its position in the international market.
3.ABSTENTION (NOUN): (परहेज): temperance
Synonyms: sobriety, abstinence
Antonyms: promiscuity
Example Sentence:
Abstention from drinking and smoking is the only way to improve your poor health.
4.TACTICAL (ADJECTIVE): (सामरिक): calculated
Synonyms: planned, plotted
Antonyms: unwise
Example Sentence:
In a tactical retreat, she moved into a hotel with her daughters.
5.DISPASSIONATE (ADJECTIVE): (अभावुक): unemotional
Synonyms: non-emotional, unsentimental
Antonyms: emotional
Example Sentence:
She dealt with life's disasters in a calm, dispassionate way.
6.INTENSIFY (VERB): (बढ़ाना): escalate
Synonyms: step up, boost
Antonyms: lessen
Example Sentence:
The dispute began to intensify.
7.DIVISIVE (ADJECTIVE): (बांटनेवाला): alienating
Synonyms: estranging, isolating
Antonyms: unifying
Example Sentence:
Abortion is a highly divisive issue.
8.PROLIFERATE (VERB): (संख्या में बढ़ना): multiply
Synonyms: mushroom, snowball
Antonyms: decrease
Example Sentence:
The science fiction magazines which proliferated in the 1920 s.
9.SHIRK (VERB): (बचना): evade
Synonyms: dodge, avoid
Antonyms: confront, face
Example Sentence:
I do not shirk any responsibility in this matter.
10.CURB (VERB): (नियंत्रित करना): restrain
Synonyms: hold back, keep back
Antonyms: release
Example Sentence:
She promised she would curb her temper**
*⛳️The Vocab Master For All Competitive Exams |01-07-2024@The_Hindu_Vocabs *1.DISCLOSE (VERB): (प्रकट करना): reveal
Synonyms: divulge, tell
Antonyms: conceal
Example Sentence:
They disclosed her name to the press.
2.ABSTRUSE (ADJECTIVE): (गूढ़): obscure
Synonyms: arcane, esoteric
Antonyms: clear
Example Sentence:
She made an abstruse philosophical inquiry.
3.INDUCE (VERB): (कारण बनना): bring about
Synonyms: bring on, cause
Antonyms: prevent
Example Sentence:
None of these measures induced a change of policy.
4.FACTUAL (ADJECTIVE): (वास्तविक): truthful
Synonyms: true, accurate
Antonyms: fictitious
Example Sentence:
He backed a mixture of comment and factual information.
5.SORE (ADJECTIVE): (पीड़ादायक): hurting
Synonyms: hurt, aching
Antonyms: healthy
Example Sentence:
She was suffering from a sore threat.
6.DEFY (VERB): (अवज्ञा करना): disobey
Synonyms: go against, flout
Antonyms: obey
Example Sentence:
A woman who defies convention is considered amoral.
7.UNDERMINE (VERB): (क्षीण करना): subvert
Synonyms: sabotage, threaten
Antonyms: enhance
Example Sentence:
Your mistakes could undermine years of your hard work.
8.DISQUIET (NOUN): (बेचैनी): unease
Synonyms: uneasiness worry
Antonyms: calm
Example Sentence:
There is disquiet in public about elections.
9.IMPLICATION (NOUN): (निहितार्थ): suggestion
Synonyms: inference, insinuation
Antonyms: explicit statement
Example Sentence:
The implication is that no one person at the bank is responsible.
10.DISPARATE (ADJECTIVE): (असमान): contrasting
Synonyms: different, differing
Antonyms: homogeneous
Example Sentence:
They inhabit disparate worlds of thought.**
*⛳️The Vocab Master For All Competitive Exams | 23-04-2024@The_Hindu_Vocabs *1.PRESTIGIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (प्रतिष्ठित): reputable
Synonyms: distinguished, respected
Antonyms: disreputable
Example Sentence:
He works at a much more prestigious academic post.
Synonyms: following, succeeding
Antonyms: previous
Example Sentence:
The theory was developed subsequent to the earthquake of 1906.
3.RECOMMENDATION (NOUN): (अनुशंसा): advice
Synonyms: counsel, guidance
Antonyms: Criticism
Example Sentence:
The committee put forward forty recommendations for change.
4.REVEL (VERB): (आनंद लेना): celebrate
Synonyms: make merry, party
Antonyms: mourn
Example Sentence:
They spent the evening revelling with their guests.
5.OUTBREAK (NOUN): (प्रकोप): eruption
Synonyms: flare-up, upsurge
Antonyms: pacification
Example Sentence:
The origin of the outbreak is uncertain.
6.WITHOLD (VERB): (रोक लेना): hold back
Synonyms: keep back, conceal
Antonyms: reveal
Example Sentence:
The name of the dead man is being withheld.
Synonyms: difference of opinion, dispute
Antonyms: agreement, accord
Example Sentence:
These issues caused bitter dissension in the party.
Synonyms: magnanimity
Antonyms: meanness
Example Sentence:
I was overwhelmed by the generosity of friends and neighbours.**
*⛳️The Vocab Master For All Competitive Exams | 22-04-2024@The_Hindu_Vocabs *1. DEVOUT (ADJECTIVE): (समर्पित): dedicated
Synonyms: devoted, committed
Antonyms: apathetic
Example Sentence:
He is the most devout environmentalist.
Synonyms: acquiescent, biddable
Antonyms: uncooperative
Example Sentence:
Parents who have amenable children are blessed.
Synonyms: beginning, arrival
Antonyms: end
Example Sentence:
The onset of the flu was abrupt with fever followed by vomiting.
Synonyms: accommodating, willing
Antonyms: disobliging
Example Sentence:
He is one of the most obliging students I’ve ever seem.
Synonyms: unanticipated, unforeseen
Antonyms: expected
Example Sentence:
Both tried to behave as if nothing untoward had happened.
Synonyms: detach, disentangle
Antonyms: attach
Example Sentence:
I disengaged his hand from mine.
Synonyms: crafty, clever
Antonyms: honest, artless
Example Sentence:
She asked me out with a sly smile.
Synonyms: renunciation, abandonment
Antonyms: confirmation
Example Sentence:
The breach is not so serious as to amount to a repudiation of the whole contract.
Synonyms: nullify, neutralize
Antonyms: confirm
Example Sentence:
Alcohol negates the effects of the drug.
Synonyms: spontaneous, unprepared
Antonyms: premeditated
Example Sentence:
It was a totally unpremeditated attack.**
*⛳️The Vocab Master For All Competitive Exams | 19-04-2024@The_Hindu_Vocabs *1. BAR (PREPOSITION): (के अलावा): apart from
Synonyms: but (for), other than
Antonyms: observe
Example Sentence:
His kids were all gone now, bar one.
Synonyms: revengeful, avenging
Antonyms: forgiving
Example Sentence:
The criticism was both vindictive and personalized.
Synonyms: forbidding, redoubtable
Antonyms: comforting
Example Sentence:
In debate he was a formidable opponent.
Synonyms: uninspiring, unimaginative
Antonyms: inspired
Example Sentence:
No excuses were made for the team's lacklustre performance.
Synonyms: glaring, obvious
Antonyms: inconspicuous
Example Sentence:
The blatant defiance was so sweetly uttered, he didn't know how to respond.
Synonyms: spirited, active
Antonyms: half-hearted
Example Sentence:
The city is a dynamic metropolitan area.
Synonyms: convince, get
Antonyms: dissuade
Example Sentence:
The pickets induced many workers to stay away.
Synonyms: dispute, argument
Antonyms: agreement
Example Sentence:
There was no dissent from this view.
Synonyms: tire, fatigue
Antonyms: invigorate
Example Sentence:
The hot sun enervated her to the point of collapse.
Synonyms: race, dash
Antonyms: stroll
Example Sentence:
I was in such a scurry.**
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