IELTS | Atabaev | 9.0

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managed by @lazizatabaev_BB (L:9.0 R:9.0 W:9.0 S:8.0)
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2 months, 2 weeks ago


Word precision is a crucial aspect of achieving success in the IELTS Writing test. It refers to the careful selection and use of words to convey ideas accurately and effectively. Mastering word precision not only demonstrates your command of the English language but also enhances the clarity and coherence of your writing. While checking essays, I often come across this issue. This is exactly what's been stopping you from LR: 8.0/9.0.

Let's break it down with an example:

Consider the sentence: "The government should take measures to reduce pollution."

Now, let's apply word precision:
"The government should implement stringent environmental regulations to mitigate air and water pollution caused by industrial activities.

See the difference?

In this revised version, we've replaced the vague term "measures" with "stringent environmental regulations," providing a clearer and more specific solution. Additionally, we've replaced the general term "pollution" with "air and water pollution caused by industrial activities," offering a more precise description of the problem.

Here are some tips to enhance word precision in your writing:

1️⃣ Instead of using general or vague words, opt for precise terms that accurately convey your intended meaning.

2️⃣ Incorporate descriptive language to paint a vivid picture and add depth to your writing.

3️⃣ Eliminate redundant words or phrases that do not add value to your writing and may confuse the reader.

Keep practicing and stay tuned for more tips and strategies to ace your IELTS Writing test! 😎

2 months, 2 weeks ago

The episode is coming out this Saturday. Stay tuned!

2 months, 2 weeks ago

📌If you want to get some feedback on your writing/speaking, let me know. @lazizatabaev_BB

2 months, 2 weeks ago

Reflection post p.3📣 My writing score history 2017-2024 and sources of progress: 6.5 (IELTS simon, IELTS advantage writing skills) 6.5 (no prep) 7.5 (Pauline Cullen: key to IELTS T2) 8.0 (Pauline Cullen: key to IELTS T1) 7.5 (no prep) 7.5 (no prep) 8.0 (samples)…

2 months, 2 weeks ago

Reflection post p.3*📣***

My writing score history 2017-2024 and sources of progress:

6.5 (IELTS simon, IELTS advantage writing skills)
6.5 (no prep)
7.5 (Pauline Cullen: key to IELTS T2)
8.0 (Pauline Cullen: key to IELTS T1)
7.5 (no prep)
7.5 (no prep)
8.0 (samples)
9.0 (guess the source)

✔️Top tips:
1️⃣Read more than you write
2️⃣Understand band descriptors
3️⃣Seek feedback on your work

Other more nuanced tips and tricks will be covered in my video courses soon. 🤫

5.05.2024 exam thoughts:

I did a ton of research and increased my chances of getting a familiar topic. So, guess what? I did. I've looked through over 100 essays questions both in and outside my classes. This alone played a tremendous role in getting the 9.0. I got the question I prepared for with my students a few days before the exam. But that's not news to me, I have successfully "predicted" my exam questions before. This is the 3rd time. Besides, some of my students also got familiar questions on their exams.
I wrote 329 words for my T2 and 212w. for the T1. Finished both in 50min and started editing and polishing here and there.

And I guess the craziest fact about me:
I have only written about 100 IELTS essays in my entire life. That's not a lot, is it? 🤯

2 months, 2 weeks ago

Reflection post p.2*📣***

Before I go any further, let me give you some context and background, as I have never been active in the IELTS community before. So I guess you know nothing about me.

Basically, I am an IELTS instructor with no educational background in terms of either English or writing. I am not some kind of skilful journalist who does writing and editing for a living. On top of that, I didn't have English as my major at uni (it was finance).

Anyway, I studied, and enhanced my writing skills more or less on my own. At this point, I have been teaching English and IELTS for over 6 years. I have taken the test 8 times. A lot of you seem confused, if not shocked, with my 7.5 for S. Well, bad luck I guess, or bad Kevin (the examiner). With that said though, I have had 8.5 for S. twice before, so I am quite confident about my speaking skills per se.

By the way, I did apply for EoR, so I hope it's just a matter of time, and justice will be on my side.

Regarding OSR, I am planning to seize my chance to get straight 9s, but not in the nearest future, maybe I will take my time to prepare, prolly in late May.

I will make a separate post about my study plan and writing styles a bit later. If you have any more questions, leave a comment below.

2 months, 3 weeks ago

Reflection post p.1*📣***

So, I guess I'll start my reflection with what I got on the exam. Tomorrow I'll try to recreate what I wrote during the exam. For now, please support the channel with likes and comments I guess.

2 months, 3 weeks ago
Task 2:

Task 2:

Large companies should pay higher salaries to CEOs and executives compared to other workers.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

2 months, 3 weeks ago

Hey folks! So much has happened over the past hour or two, and right now I'm a little overwhelmed. I'll definitely make a reflection post, and answer all your questions. Thanks for the support.

2 months, 3 weeks ago
First 9.0 in Writing - Laziz …

First 9.0 in Writing - Laziz Atabaev

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