Storm Poetry

Poetry supporting God & you. I come with angels, Jesus is my King
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Last updated 7 months, 3 weeks ago

EVP of Development & Acquisitions The Trump Organization, Father, Outdoorsman, In a past life Boardroom Advisor on The Apprentice
Son of Former President of the United States Donald J. Trump.

Last updated 2 months ago

6 months, 3 weeks ago

Just imagine, 7 billion
People dancing in the brilliance
Of the heart of Jesus Christ
Whose radiating sparks of light
Cascade down upon the thirsty
Meek & meager & unworthy
People looking from below
High up to the sky for hope
For on earth their hurt‘s as real
As the dirt stuck to the heels
Of their shoes & in the nails
Of their worked & struggling
Breaking fingers which now cling
To the Cross of Jesus King
Begging that their suffering
All their misery & pains
Fade away beneath this rain
Of immaculate & holy
Brilliant light that Christ’s unfolding
Far too long has darkness kept them
From the dawn they need to step in
Despite the dire, desperate
Situation & they’re shit
Never are they stuck alone
Or Left behind they have a home
All they have to do is knock
Repent their sins & hold His rock
They can thencan let go, let God
Deliver them back to His flock
Guide them from their dumb temptations
That create the isolation
Which does make them feel forsaken
When it’s really them escaping
Into sin & slowly wasting
All the grace & mercy given
Every single living Christian
For you see it’s much more easy
To fall prey to all their seedy
Dim desires than resist them
Or stand up to Satan’s system
It takes strength & weak they are
From the angst & all the scars
All the wounds they have incurred
Believing every other word
Then the One The Lord did say
Was His only son & way
So of course when I envision
The entire world forgiven
From accepting Christ the Risen
In their hearts I start to cry
& dance myself beneath his sky

6 months, 3 weeks ago

She’s sincerely captivating
Effervescent, scintillating
Heaven sent & radiating
meant for me! To be! Amazing!
For whose lips I’ve been awaiting
Patiently anticipating
All the bliss we’d be creating
When we kissed- invigorating!
It would be intoxicating
While her heaving & pulsating
Breasts did press against my chest
I confess I’d lose my breath
& turn into a trembling mess
We’d be lovers, soaking wet
Covered in each others sweat
There would be no hesitation
Awkwardness nor reservation
When we’d kiss just pure elation
Eternally we would be frozen
In that fateful, perfect moment
That for us the Lord had chosen
To its memory we’d cling
Wide awake & when we dreamed
We would make our song to sing
About how strong our love did seem
But for now I’m left to wonder
Just how loud our love would thunder
Or how bright the lights could shine
In our hearts if we entwined
I know that she does not know me
Soon she will & she will hold me
It’s our fate & destiny
That in this life we two shall meet
Somewhere out there she must be
Also wandering of me
& how it is to kiss my lips
Brush my hair & pull my hips
Toward her hips until they hit
& collide in cosmic bliss
Though I do not even know her
& of me she doesn’t either
True Love’s winds to me will blow her
To my arms & heart that find her
As for now we’re relegated
Just to dreams with made up faces
Only can we think, imagine
Of the magic in the passion
Of our kiss when it does happen
She’s a vision to me truly
Bearing all of Eden’s beauty
I can only seem to see
Electricity indeed
Only every spark & glimmer
That could ever shine or shimmer
Finds my mind when I do picture
What she looks like, I just kiss her
To her lips I take to first
So I can taste that kiss I thirst
As quick as possible & burst
Into a supernova growing
Until all of me’s exploding
I am sure the same’s for her
That when we kiss all is a blur
To her my eyes are just these summer
Skies erupting with their thunder
Bolts & lightning strikes so bright
That when I smile they ignite
Look at me, how long I’ve taken
Describing what upon I’m waiting
All these rhymes & words I’ve woven
Like tapestry into this poem
Speaking to two lover’s wish
To bring to life their dream kept kiss

6 months, 3 weeks ago

Just imagine, 7 billion
People dancing in the brilliance
Of the heart of Jesus Christ
Whose radiating sparks of light
Cascade down upon the thirsty
Meek & meager & unworthy
People looking from below
High up to the sky for hope
For on earth their hurt‘s as real
As the dirt stuck to the heels
Of their shoes & in the nails
Of their worked & struggling
Breaking fingers which now cling
To the Cross of Jesus King
Begging that their suffering
All their misery & pains
Fade away beneath this rain
Of immaculate & holy
Brilliant light that Christ’s unfolding
Far too long the dark has kept them
From the dawn they need to step in
Despite the dire, desperate
Situation that they’re in
Never are they stuck alone
Or Left behind they have a home
All they need to do is knock
Repent their sins & hold His rock
Then they can let go, let God
Deliver them back to His flock
Guide them from their dumb temptations
That create the isolation
Which does make them feel forsaken
When it’s really them escaping
Into sin & slowly wasting
All the grace & mercy given
Every single living Christian
For you see it’s much more easy
To fall prey to all their seedy
Dim desires than resist them
Or stand up to Satan’s system
It takes strength & weak they are
From the angst & all the scars
All the wounds they have incurred
Believing every other word
Then the One The Lord did say
Was His only son & way
So of course when I envision
The entire world forgiven
From accepting Christ the Risen
In their hearts I start to cry
& dance myself beneath his sky

8 months, 2 weeks ago
The Well

The Well

Come draw near
Release & vanquish
All your fears
So dank & rank with
Rotten tears
That seem to languish
From those years
Of pain & anguish
Let us tend
To all your needs
We’ve been sent
To intercede
& we lend
Our wings, to thee!
Come to mend
& stitch your feelings
Patch your heart
To start your healing
By this well
We angels meet
So by this well
So shall we
Upon this hill
The Lord decreed
That this little well
Would be
With ecstasy
Flowing with
His bliss so sweet
For those who wish
To knock & seek
Now they can
With angels speak
Hold our hands
& drink the sweet
Holy Spirit
God bequeathed
To this well
Upon this peak

8 months, 3 weeks ago

We are holding
Lines & tightly
To that cross
We cling so mighty
Praying, praying
Praying, pleading
Crying, saying:
From the clutches
locks & chains
Of all who fuck us
With such pain
Lift our burdens
Lift our heads
Do so urgently
For dread’s
At our doorstep
With despair
Pushing death
Upon us fair,
Meek & meager
In your flock
We believers
Told to knock
pounding, knocking
Praying, hoping
That your door
We bang on opens
We’re upon
A precipice
Beyond the rubicon
It sits
Won’t be long
Until we get
To stand upon
It’s ridge & cliff
& stare beyond
This great abyss
That awaits us
Less we fix
What’ is great
about our gift
& what “they” hate
About us, which
Happens to
be Unity
strength thru
Numbers which is key
To pursue
life, liberty
All it’s happyness & peace
Which our Mighty
Lord decreed
To be our right
We’ll hold the line
The wine & pray
Bend the knee
Then seize the day
Be we will
Who prophets said
Would fulfill
The law we read

8 months, 4 weeks ago
The ‘kingdom of Heaven’ is a …

The ‘kingdom of Heaven’ is a condition of the Heart - not something that comes ‘upon the earth’ or ‘after death.’

Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche

Trust your heart
increase your faith
& from the start
Right out the gate
All that’s dark
You’ll truly make
Bright as light
& lit in ways
That will turn the night
To day
That will burn thru
Any ice
Put before you
In your life
Not only must
You trust your heart
Must you trust
that gut you got
In it churns
The gift you need
To discern
The chaff from wheat
You will find
The more you pray
The more you’ll shine
& be ablaze
You will blind
All of the hate
& you’ll bind
The wolves & snakes
You’ll remind them
Why God’s great!

#Love #Light #JesusChrist

9 months ago
Storm Poetry
9 months ago

Twas as if her lovely lips
Were dipped in candy coated bliss
She was but this blazing, lit
Radiating gem who wished
Upon a ⭐️ when they 1st kissed
That no other ❤️ that lived
Would ever part her ❤️ from his
2 her his eyes were filled with skies
Filled with a million fire flies
When he blinked she’d think she’d died
She would drink each tear he cried
& swallow them deep down inside
Just to help his pain subside
He would hold her close & run
His fingers through her hair, his thumbs
Behind her ears in which he hummed
Rubbing softly as he sung
Lullabies about how suns
Do love the skies from which they’re hung
Like snowflakes love the taste of tongues back & forth they’d rock as one
Every muscle fiber neuron
Found inside her now was turned on
Every single bone he had
Once breaking all alone & sad
Now vibrated to the rhythm
Of the love that she was giving
they were but the perfect picture
Of True Love in all its vigor
He a star & she it’s wisher
She a spell & he it’s wizard
Elementally this mixture
Of a solar flare & blizzard
Two extremes that now together
Share each other’s dreams & pleasures
Who do seem by every measure
Meant to be in love forever

9 months, 1 week ago
Catalectic Trochaic Heptameter

Catalectic Trochaic Heptameter
For any hurting lurkers …

Falling to the floor & fading
Fastly I do focus
On what seems in my dreams
to be a shining Lotus
From my palms & knees I’m bleeding
long I’ve wallowed here
Down on this floor before the Lord
drowning in my tears
Clawing, crawling, every evening
scraping up my skin
In & out of breath & seizing
Wrestling my sins
Yet this Lotus i do notice
While I writhe away
Despite the pain which still remains
It won’t go away
It keeps glowing, growing, growing
& like HIS heart ignites
Counteracting all this blackness
Of my long, dark night
Shining bright upon the madness
That I face & fight
Reminding me that even sadness
Has its place in life
For me it spawns, just like the dawn,
A quintessential light
Which manifests into these bless’ ed
Poems which I write
& might in you it manifest
In ways that can delight

9 months, 1 week ago
It’s as if the Lord had …

It’s as if the Lord had picked
From the midnight skies
The brightest stars He ever lit
& tossed them in her eyes
Where no bluer seas exist
Nor none as deep to dive
Soft as silk her snow white skin
Smells of cinnamon & spice
Shining like fine porcelain
Dipped in pale moonlight
It’s as if each tiny fiber
In her that does spark
Was woven by Grandmother Spider
Right onto my heart
A flower planted as a seed
By Our Father’s hand
In His Garden just for me
Was she my love so grand!

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Uncensored posts from the Office of Donald J. Trump

Reserved for the 45th President of the United States

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Last updated 7 months, 3 weeks ago

EVP of Development & Acquisitions The Trump Organization, Father, Outdoorsman, In a past life Boardroom Advisor on The Apprentice
Son of Former President of the United States Donald J. Trump.

Last updated 2 months ago