Telegram stands for freedom and privacy and has many easy to use features.
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Sharing my thoughts, discussing my projects, and traveling the world.
Contact: @borz
Last updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago
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Last updated 7 months, 1 week ago
Today’s Trend with Alif Uz Corp ?
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#SalesOperator for a Logistics Academy
HIRING SALES OPERATOR for a Logistics Academy
Work experience: NO NEED⌛️*
*Salary: will be discussed (will be good)
Location: ?Mirobod (Oybek metor) , Tashkent ??****
Working hours: 09:00-17:00 ( UZB time)
Contact: @Dawson205
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#Dispatchers for Logistics company
HIRING Dispatchers
Work experience: At least 1 year
Commission: Up to 1.5% commission in the first year.
Salary: Will be discussed ?
Career advancement: Opportunities for career growth and advancement within the company.
Location: ?Tashkent. Qoraqamish 1/3
Interested candidates, send your CV and tell about her/himself through voice message in English to @HR_Shaina
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#Updater for a Logistics Company
HIRING UPDATERS for a Logistics Company
Work experience: 6-12 month experience *⌛️
*Salary: will be discussed.
Location: ?Tashkent ??****
Contact @unclenolan
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#Updater for a Logistics Company
HIRING UPDATERS for a Logistics Company
Work experience: 1 year ⌛️*
*Salary: will be discussed.
Location: ?Tashkent ??****
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Hiring without expereince, if your english is good and willing to work in logistics company in the night time, 8 hours shift. We have offer for you we will teach you everything and you can start making money after a month of training, DM me for more -
Office in Tashkent!
Hr Recruiting sohasini nega aynan Sardorbek Ergashevdan o'rganishingiz kerak?
Bizning kursimizni bitirib logistikada kompaniyalarida HR ya’ni amerikaliklar bilan gaplashib $500 $1000 va $2000 daromad qilishingiz mumkin. Logistika kompaniyasi Ozbekistonda fililallari kop lekin asosiy filliali Amerikada joylashgani uchun bundan ham ko’p…
Hr Recruiting sohasini nega aynan bizdan o'rganishingiz kerak?
Kursni boshlash uchun to'lov qilishingiz kerak, bu sohada online ishlash va kursda ham online qatnashish imkoniyatlari ham bo'ladi. To'lovingiz sizga ishingizda tezroq muvaffaqiyatga erishishingiz ehtimolini oshirish uchun ishlatiladi. Masalan: Kurs davomida praktika uchun data baza olish, lidlar olish, offline oqisangiz office uchun to'lov va asosiysi amerikaliklar bilan qanday gaplashish kerak, ularga qandey taklif berish kerak kabi savollarga javob bo'luvchi "0"dan boshlab, offline viloyatda bo'lsangiz online trening uchun sarflanadi. Undan tashqari sizni har bir qadamda qo'llab turish uchun mentorlik uchun to'lanadi va amaliyot jarayonining o'zidayoq $50-$300 daromad qilish imkoniyati ham bo'ladi. Harajatsiz harakat nolga teng deganlaridek, kursni bitirib $1000 - $2000+ oylik daromad topish uchun qancha sarmoya qila olasizmi?
Kursga yozilmoqchi bo’lsangiz aloqaga chiqing: @hrrecruitinglogistics
?? Are you looking to revitalize your trucking company’s recruitment, PR, and marketing efforts? Look no further! With a proven track record of success, we’ve assisted over 100 American trucking companies just like yours in reaching their goals.
Telegram stands for freedom and privacy and has many easy to use features.
Last updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago
Sharing my thoughts, discussing my projects, and traveling the world.
Contact: @borz
Last updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago
Official Graph Messenger (Telegraph) Channel
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Last updated 7 months, 1 week ago