ChatIncognitoBot Channel

Official channel of @chatincognitobot

We recommend to visit

Uncensored posts from the Office of Donald J. Trump

Reserved for the 45th President of the United States

Last updated 2 months, 1 week ago

Government of India's official channel on Telegram for communications and citizen engagement

MyGov homepage:

MyGov COVID19 page :

MyGov Hindi Newsdesk:

Last updated 1 year ago

EVP of Development & Acquisitions The Trump Organization, Father, Outdoorsman, In a past life Boardroom Advisor on The Apprentice
Son of Former President of the United States Donald J. Trump.

Last updated 3 weeks, 3 days ago

4 months, 2 weeks ago

?? About this, in case you didn’t know: we left media enabled on @betaincognitobot

?? A proposito di questo, nel caso non lo sapevate: abbiamo lasciato i media abilitati su @betaincognitobot

5 months, 2 weeks ago

?? ChatIncognitoBot ha una moderazione molto accurata e severa.
Siamo assolutamente contrari ad atteggiamenti illegali.
Leggi attentamente i nostri termini di servizio con /terms .
Riportaci chi viola i nostri termini con /report command.

Ultimamente abbiamo bannato decine di migliaia di persone che violavano i nostri termini di servizio, prima ancora che riuscissero a creare danni. ?

Circa due anni fa abbiamo vietato la possibilità di salvare media, per evitare scambi di materiale inappropriato.

Oggi abbiamo deciso di rimuovere totalmente l’invio di media. Vediamo i prossimi giorni come andrà…. ❤️* ?️‍♂️***


?? ChatIncognitoBot has a very accurate and strict moderation.
We are absolutely against illegal behavior.
Read our terms of service carefully with /terms .
Report to us those who violate our terms with /report command.

Lately we have banned tens of thousands of people who violated our terms of service, before they could even cause damage. ?

About two years ago we banned the ability to save media, to avoid exchanging inappropriate material.

Today we have completely removed the sending of media. Let's see how it goes in the next few days... ❤️*?️‍♂️***

6 months, 1 week ago

?? ChatIncognitoBot respect the laws and is against any illegal behavior! ?‍⚖️

You must NEVER commit illegal behaviors!
We take actions against every users committing illegal activities!

Read carefully our terms with /tos **command.

Use the bot /report command when you see users committing illegal activities!**

We disabled the ability to save media to prevent abuses

Regular Porn is legal, but ChatIncognitoBot has been created to meet and chat with nice people?, not for porn and you may consider to use instead @ChatIncognitoCAM (click only if you are 18+ years old!) ?


*?? ChatIncognitoBot rispetta la legge ed è contro qualsiasi comportamento illegale! ?‍⚖️*

Non fare mai nulla di illegale!
Prendiamo provvedimenti verso chiunque compie azioni illegali!

Leggi bene il regolamento del bot con /tos .

Usa il comando del bot /report ogni qualvolta vedi utenti commettere azioni illegali!Abbiamo disabilito il salvataggio dei media per prevenire gli abusi
Il porno normale è legale, però ChatIncognitoBot è pensato per conoscere e chattare con persone ? , non per il porno, altrimenti considera @ChatIncognitoCAM (solo per maggiorenni) ?

6 months, 1 week ago
1 year ago

21th February 2017
21th February 2024

Today @ChatIncognitoBot is 7 years old ??️‍♂️

2 years, 2 months ago

ChatIncognitoBot is not for porn!

If you are looking for porn you can use @ChatIncognitoCAM

? Only for adults 18+ years old! Don’t click if you are not adult 18+ years old!

2 years, 4 months ago

?? ChatIncognitoBot respect the laws and is against any illegal behavior! ?‍⚖️

You must NEVER commit illegal behaviors!
We take actions against every users committing illegal activities!

Read carefully our terms with /tos command.

Regular Porn is legal, but ChatIncognitoBot has been created to meet and chat with nice people?, not for porn and you may consider to use instead @ChatIncognitoCAM (click only if you are 18+ years old!) ?


*?? ChatIncognitoBot rispetta la legge ed è contro qualsiasi comportamento illegale! ?‍⚖️*

Non fare mai nulla di illegale!
Prendiamo provvedimenti verso chiunque compie azioni illegali!

Leggi bene il regolamento del bot con /tos .

Il porno normale è legale, però ChatIncognitoBot è pensato per conoscere e chattare con persone ? , non per il porno, altrimenti considera @ChatIncognitoCAM (solo per maggiorenni) ?

2 years, 4 months ago

?? ChatIncognitoBot respect the laws and is against any illegal behavior! ?‍⚖️ ? to avoid that users can share illegal media or make illegal stuff with received media, WE DISABLED THE ABILITY TO SAVE AND FORWARD MEDIA SENT BY THE PARTNER ? This will result…

2 years, 4 months ago

?? ChatIncognitoBot respect the laws and is against any illegal behavior! ?‍⚖️

? to avoid that users can share illegal media or make illegal stuff with received media, WE DISABLED THE ABILITY TO SAVE AND FORWARD MEDIA SENT BY THE PARTNER ?

This will result in an enhancement of our users security too! ?

You can tell us what you think about this with /feedback command in the bot


??ChatIncognitoBot rispetta la legge ed è contro qualsiasi comportamento illegale! ?‍⚖️

? Per evitare che gli utenti si scambino media illegali o per evitare che vengano compiuti atti illegali coi media ricevuti, DA OGGI NON SARÀ PIÙ POSSIBILE ESEGUIRE IL SALVATAGGIO O L’INOLTRO DEI MEDIA RICEVUTI DAL PARTNER ?

Questo comporta un aumento della sicurezza lato privacy per i nostri utenti ?

Se vuoi inviarci il tuo parere puoi farlo con il comando /feedback nel bot

We recommend to visit

Uncensored posts from the Office of Donald J. Trump

Reserved for the 45th President of the United States

Last updated 2 months, 1 week ago

Government of India's official channel on Telegram for communications and citizen engagement

MyGov homepage:

MyGov COVID19 page :

MyGov Hindi Newsdesk:

Last updated 1 year ago

EVP of Development & Acquisitions The Trump Organization, Father, Outdoorsman, In a past life Boardroom Advisor on The Apprentice
Son of Former President of the United States Donald J. Trump.

Last updated 3 weeks, 3 days ago