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2 months, 2 weeks ago
2 months, 2 weeks ago

*? *How to call someone who has reached a ripe old age?

?Senior citizen
?OAP (Old Age Pensioner)
?Oldster (colloq.)
?Older adult
?Octogenarian - a person in their eighties.
?Nonagenarian - a person in their nineties.
?Centenarian - a person over 100 years old.

#английский #vocabulary #elderly

2 months, 2 weeks ago


? Tag (салки) - one player is "it" and chases the other players in an attempt to touch (tag) one of them, who then becomes "it." The game continues with the new "it" player trying to tag others.
? Hide and Seek (прятки) - one player closes their eyes and counts to a predetermined number while the other players hide. After counting, the seeker tries to find all the hidden players. The first player found is usually the next seeker.
? Hopscotch (классики) - players draw a numbered grid on the ground with chalk and take turns tossing a small object (like a stone) onto a number. They hop through the grid on one foot, skipping the square with the object, and retrieve it on the way back.
? Freeze Dance ( чем-то похоже на нашу игру "море волнуется раз, море волнуется два....") - players dance when music plays and must freeze in place when the music stops. Anyone caught moving after the music stops is out. The last player remaining is the winner.
? Jump Rope (Double Dutch) (скакалка) - two long jump ropes are turned in opposite directions, and one or more players jump in the middle. The goal is to jump without tripping on the ropes. Players can perform tricks and keep count of successful jumps.

#английский #vocabulary #games

2 months, 2 weeks ago

? Can our readers guess where the following extract comes from?

I'm a great and famous wash-stand,
'Wash 'Em Clean' is what I'm called.
I command the other wash-stands,
I have troops of sponges bold!
If I stamp, or wave my hand.
All the troops at my command
Will come rushing to this room
With a clangour and a boom!
They will start to snort and howl,
They will stamp their feet and growl.
Though it won't be quite a whipping,
You'll be scrubbed until you gleam.
And a dipping, And a dipping,
They will give you in the stream!"
Then he smote his bowl of brass,
And he cried: "Kara-baras!"

This is the splendid translation of "Moydodyr" by Eugene Felgenhauer. In English, Moydodyr acquired the name "Wash 'Em Clean"?

#английский #poetry #translation

2 months, 2 weeks ago


? plush toy (Us) / soft toy (UK) - плюшевая игрушка / мягкая игрушка?building bricks - строительные кубики?jump rope (US) / skipping rope (UK) - скакалка?jigsaw puzzle - пазл?top (US) / spinning top (UK) - юла?pull-along toy - игрушка на верёвочке / игрушка-каталка?bead maze - лабиринт с бусинами?hula hoop - обруч?Rubik's Cube - кубик Рубика?slinky - слинки

#английский #vocabulary #toys

2 months, 3 weeks ago
2 months, 3 weeks ago


? Velvet painting refers to an art form where the painting is done on velvet fabric, typically black velvet. This unique medium creates a distinctive effect, as the dark background and the texture of the velvet make the colors appear more vibrant and the images more luminous. The technique gained popularity in the mid-20th century and is often associated with kitsch art. Common subjects for velvet paintings include portraits, animals, landscapes, and religious or pop culture icons.

#английский #funfact #art

2 months, 3 weeks ago

? The movie "Mona Lisa Smile" was released quite some time ago. However, when something is done well, it stands the test of time. A short clip from this movie illustrates how controversial artwork can be and how fascinating it is to reflect on the emotions and thoughts it evokes in us.

#английский #video #art

2 months, 3 weeks ago
***?*** IELTS cue cards can be …

? IELTS cue cards can be an effective tool for improving your speaking skills. Here are some cue cards on the topic of art. Try to speak for two minutes without pausing or hesitating. Remember to use advanced vocabulary related to the topic.

#английский #IELTS #art

2 months, 3 weeks ago
***?*** Слово дня:

? Слово дня:
Seascape – морской пейзаж.

Turner captured the serene beauty of the ocean in his breathtaking seascapes, with vibrant hues and intricate details that transported viewers to a tranquil coastal paradise.

#английский #word #словодня

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