The Lil' Talk Show w/Brad!

Official Channel of "The Lil' Talk Show" w/Brad!

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#UPSC , #SSC #BPSC #STATE #PET #Banking, #Railway, #RRB, #IBPS, #SBI, #Defence, #Police, #RBI etc.

🇮🇳This Channel Has Been Established With The Aim Of Providing Proper Guidance To Youths Preparing For All Govt. Exam.

✆ Contact.👉 @abhi67899

Last updated 1 month ago

Ставим всех на место одной фразой?

По всем вопросам: @Makhmudjanov
(За скидкой ко мне! Оплаты через меня!)

Менеджеры: @sharp_rek

Last updated 2 years, 8 months ago

Last updated 2 years, 11 months ago

2 years ago
***?******?******?******?******?******??******?***Multiple studies have now found that …

????????Multiple studies have now found that egg yolk antibodies neutralize Covid! That’s right - Egg Yolk STOPS Covid! FYI, #1 - In case you’re still asleep and haven’t woken up yet, there just so happens to presently be a shortage of eggs ?‍♂️ and #2 - I’m suuuure it’s just coincidence ? but here’s an unbelievably exhaustive ? list of chickens being destroyed from 1/2021 - 6/2022! Are u finally starting to see the truth yet??? ???‍♂️ #depopulation☠️

2 years, 1 month ago

For the last 16.5 yrs, I have been blessed to “LIVE THE DREAM” - work from home, no boss, make BiG BiG $, and most importantly have Time Freedom w/My Family!!! I am currently looking to interview a FEW leaders, people I can personally work with, “show the ropes to”, and mentor, who truly desire to take their life, their family’s lives, and their income to the Next Level! These few individuals start part-time and MUST have the following Non-Negotiables: 1) Confidence 2) A Burning Desire ? 3) A Second-To-None Work Ethic 4) Coachability and Mental Toughness & 5) A “Whatever It Takes” Mentality!! I do realize that narrows it down but I’m just being straight. Our time is valuable. I don’t have time to play and I’m NOT looking for everyone. Serious Inquiries Only but IF this describes YOU, hit me up at [email protected] and I’ll look forward to talking w/you soon! God Bless! - Brad ?

2 years, 2 months ago

2023 is upon us! Question is friend "What are YOU going to do differently this year to better your family?? The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result! Friend, you don't have to be a victim of your circumstances! There's a BETTER WAY! ? IF u are truly sick and tired of being sick and tired, of being over worked & under paid, not to mention under appreciated - if you’re coachable, have a burning desire, a willingness to work, and would be interested in making a six figure income working from home, hit me up. It's a lifestyle truly unmatched. It's how I've rolled for the last 17 yrs! I'm looking for some good quality patriots that I can teach and mentor to success in this new year! If that's YOU, don't wait! Let's make 2023 YOUR YEAR for life-change! Shoot me an email NOW to [email protected]! God bless you all and Happy New Year‼️- Brad ❤️

2 years, 2 months ago

What they've done has proven to be a massive success on a global scale ... unfortunately for so many! We've got healthy young people passing left & right w/heart issues and foot long blood clots. This has NEVER been the case in history till now! It's so sad. We tried and tried and tried to warn folks in the midst of being laughed at, ridiculed, and considered crazy cuz we refused to give in to the peer pressure of the 'official company line' but people are so blame brainwashed by the cia nwo cabal controlled media they couldn't see it. I'm afraid it's only going to get progressively worse over the next 3 yrs as the truth will prove undeniable via the evidence of the massive amount of bodies piled up. It will prove to be the all time biggest crime ever to be perpetuated upon humanity. It's so so sad!?‍♂️? #pureblood #Godgivenimmunesystem

2 years, 2 months ago

I want to take a moment to express how much I ❤️ and appreciate every one of you my friends and to remind you to NOT let your hearts be troubled as it’s always the darkest RIGHT BEFORE THE DAWN! ?✝️???

2 years, 3 months ago

Friends, a lot of you have been asking me about great affordable healthcare. Well here it is‼️ I hope this will be as big a blessing to you and your family as it has been to mine. About 3 yrs ago, Kristin and I joined a health sharing company and it has changed everything for us in this crazy insane world of outrageous healthcare costs! I cannot begin to tell you how happy we've been as it has completely flipped our thoughts on healthcare! In fact, we've saved over 18K in premiums over the last 3 yrs!! ?While there are a few good health share companies out there, you will not find one quite like this. Where most all the other ones have YOU do and keep up w/ALL the paperwork dotting every i and crossing every t or they don't pay out, ours DOES IT ALL FOR YOU! We have a card just like regular insurance that we present and they take care of all that mess. It's so affordable and I know exactly where my money goes each month and that is NOT to a big FOR PROFIT corporation looking to control us more! In fact, get this: At the end of last year, they notified all members saying that because our community stayed so healthy last year THEY WERE GIVING BACK TO US by discounting all members' Nov. & Dec. rates! ? That saved us another $476!!! Finally, let me say that I have known the founder and president of the company on a personal level for more than a decade and can unequivocally attest that this company is founded upon Christian Conservative Values and a heart for ALL THINGS AMERICA! ?? It's also about providing value and transparency in healthcare which is something I appreciate! As I said earlier, I sure hope this will be as big a blessing to you and your family as it has been to ours! SIMPLY CLICK ON THE LINK HERE for a quick easy quote and how to access the same healthcare we use! It is AWESOME‼️ God bless you my friend and fellow patriot! ?? - Brad ❤️


What is Impact Health Sharing?

Impact Health Sharing, a not-for-profit organization, facilitates the sharing of members' medical bills. This means lower costs for you. See how much you can save.

2 years, 4 months ago

EVERYONE BEWARE‼️I just heard about this pyramid thing called a J.O.B.. OH MY WORD, I wasn't even aware this scam was even going on anymore! Basically, the way it works is you work for a boss, who is under a boss, who is under a boss, who is under the owner or sometimes even worse - under a Board of Directors or shareholders! The thing is -- it is VERY DIFFICULT to EVER move up in this pyramid ....... The kicker is -- you are OVER WORKED, UNDER PAID, and it is hard to get time off! Depending on the type of JOB it is, sometimes you could even have to ask permission to take a bathroom break! You rarely get bonuses, raises, or decent benefits -- and you can get fired or laid off at anytime. If you think that you presently work for one of these pyramids or are approached to work for one, RUN!!! If you want to BE YOUR OWN BOSS, OWN YOUR OWN BIZ, MAKE BIG $$$, have more quality time with your family, and retire within the next 24 months, hit me up at [email protected]. IT'S HOW I ROLL! ?

2 years, 4 months ago

Friends, a lot of you have been asking me about great affordable healthcare. Well here it is‼️ I hope this will be as big a blessing to you and your family as it has been to mine. About 3 yrs ago, Kristin and I joined a health sharing company and it has changed everything for us in this crazy insane world of outrageous healthcare costs! I cannot begin to tell you how happy we've been as it has completely flipped our thoughts on healthcare! In fact, we've saved over 18K in premiums over the last 3 yrs!! ?While there are a few good health share companies out there, you will not find one quite like this. Where most all the other ones have YOU do and keep up w/ALL the paperwork dotting every i and crossing every t or they don't pay out, ours DOES IT ALL FOR YOU! We have a card just like regular insurance that we present and they take care of all that mess. It's so affordable and I know exactly where my money goes each month and that is NOT to a big FOR PROFIT corporation looking to control us more! In fact, get this: At the end of last year, they notified all members saying that because our community stayed so healthy last year THEY WERE GIVING BACK TO US by discounting all members' Nov. & Dec. rates! ? That saved us another $476!!! Finally, let me say that I have known the founder and president of the company on a personal level for more than a decade and can unequivocally attest that this company is founded upon Christian Conservative Values and a heart for ALL THINGS AMERICA! ?? It's also about providing value and transparency in healthcare which is something I appreciate! As I said earlier, I sure hope this will be as big a blessing to you and your family as it has been to ours! Simply go to my website, and click on the yellow button that says HEALTH, fill out the little form and you can get a quote instantly!! God bless you my friend and fellow patriot! - Brad

2 years, 4 months ago

My biz truly offers people a way to make true passive residual income working from home and it is BLOWING UP‼️ ??? If you are sick and tired of being sick and tired and you’re looking for something better, don’t miss your chance! We’re building a Conservative Patriot Movement! Shoot me an email to [email protected] Friend, if you truly understood residual income, you would run through an absolute brick wall to get to it! Hit me up! Let’s do it‼️ ?❤️?

2 years, 4 months ago

Over the years, I’ve learned that as important as WHAT your actual biz is to your success, EVEN MORE IMPORTANT is WHO you’re actually in biz with! Nothing means more than character and integrity and I mean nothing!! Friend, I am so thankful to be in a “Recession Proof” biz that is literally bursting at the seams!! Understand I can’t promise ya anything cuz there’s too many unknowns in regards to your answers to the following HOWEVER, IF u are sick and tired of being sick and tired, of being over worked & under paid, not to mention under appreciated and you’re looking for a better way - if you’re coachable, have a burning desire, a willingness to work, and would be interested in making a six figure income working from home, know friend that THERE’S A BETTER WAY! ? Hit me up at [email protected]!

We recommend to visit

#UPSC , #SSC #BPSC #STATE #PET #Banking, #Railway, #RRB, #IBPS, #SBI, #Defence, #Police, #RBI etc.

🇮🇳This Channel Has Been Established With The Aim Of Providing Proper Guidance To Youths Preparing For All Govt. Exam.

✆ Contact.👉 @abhi67899

Last updated 1 month ago

Ставим всех на место одной фразой?

По всем вопросам: @Makhmudjanov
(За скидкой ко мне! Оплаты через меня!)

Менеджеры: @sharp_rek

Last updated 2 years, 8 months ago

Last updated 2 years, 11 months ago