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Last updated 6 days, 21 hours ago
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Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago
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Last updated 3 weeks ago
? The result of snaring
From a young age, Afrikaners are raised with a deep respect for hunting, done ethically and with reverence. However, the use of snares to capture animals by the neck or leg leads to slow, agonising deaths through strangulation or injury. This barbaric practice contradicts the principles of ethical hunting, which emphasise swift and humane kills. In contrast, using a gun allows for precise and controlled takedowns, minimising unnecessary suffering. Poachers from the townships often kill multiple animals, leaving them to rot while they are away and wasting precious meat.
~Pictured above: We recently found the scene where a poacher wasted a snared Koedoe.
If you would fight to protect the farms of Boers from farm attacks & to protect the animals of SA contact @Seloot for advice.
If you support us but you can't put your boots down on the ground yourself, please consider supporting us financially here:
Med man is an Egyptian friend of ours who has supported our projects and who supports the Boers. His channel contains excellent news coverage of North Africa and the Middle East, go follow him.
Mediterranean Man
For news and personal ranting, owner is @MedManTG - feel free to DM for whatever and whenever.
Whites Are South Africa's Problem
BITCHUTE: Kaaplander\_Boer TELEGRAM (managed by others, not me): @saffercentral2 X: @The\_Kaaplander
*?*?? Hackers steal $16.6 million from the South African ministry**
The Department of Public Works and Infrastructure has experienced such losses over the past 10 years, Dean Macpherson, who’s been heading the ministry since June 30, said at a briefing on the first results of the audit.
*? “In order to build trust with South Africans, we must be transparent about the problems we face us,”* he wrote on X.
Macpherson said the department's most recent cyberattack occurred in May. Then, according to the minister, the attackers stole 24 million rand (about $1.3 million). He added that hackers are increasingly using AI to hack ministerial networks.
South African security forces took part in the audit. Four ministry officials, including some from its senior leadership, were suspended as a precaution. Investigators also seized 30 laptops from ministry employees.
Executive Outcomes: A Mercenary Army For Hire In South Africa | The War Business (1997) | Full Film
We uncover the bloody truth of the world's most successful private army, Executive Outcomes. Sent wherever mineral resources like diamonds or oil promise wealth, these mercenaries, trained as soldiers in apartheid-era South Africa and equipped with state…
Boer nationalist organisation Bittereinders Jeugbeweging relaunched check out their website here:
Community chat:
Last updated 6 days, 21 hours ago
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
📱 App: @Blum
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💬 Chat: @BlumCrypto_Chat
Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago
Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
Join @tapswap_bot
Collaboration - @taping_Guru
Last updated 3 weeks ago