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Last updated 2 weeks ago


Last updated 1 week, 3 days ago

Phase 1 - fair mining.
Play: @theYescoin_bot

Ambassador: https://forms.gle/zxgCJLZe5NMz2AHt5

Mod/CM hiring: https://forms.gle/HmEgyETipj7u3efg8

Yes, everything is possible!

Last updated 1 week, 2 days ago

3 days, 15 hours ago

"Presumably if you put your money into a CBDC account Alistair, you're then going to want an interest rate on it to keep your money there. How are they going to pay that interest? They're then going to have to lend that money out. I mean, if it looks like a bank, it smells like a bank, it is a bank, but it's controlled by the provider of money."

Alistair Harding drops in for the latest edition of Our Digital Future. This week, he speaks to wealth management expert Simon Angelo about the effect CBDCs will have on the banking system, and Farzin Irani about what it's like to live in India with the Digital ID system that has become compulsory in everything but law.

Listen to the full replay here ⤵️

3 days, 17 hours ago

"90% of Australia's large companies are foreign-owned and since 1953 have paid little to no tax"

Senator Malcolm Roberts of the One Nation Party dials in from Queensland to share what is happening in politics across the ditch.

Listen to the full replay here:

5 days, 1 hour ago

"It's dreadful. I was shocked to discover that my then eight year old, he's now nine, was hiding in the toilets for an hour a week. And he would refuse to do Maori song and dancing. And he'd just go to take himself to the toilet. When I found out, I was horrified. I couldn't imagine anything sadder than a little boy in the toilet."

Rodney responds to feedback, with a little personal experience and reflection.

Listen to the full show replay here:

1 week, 4 days ago

"So I think the subsidy for the Symphony Orchestra, for every dollar that a person pays for a seat to go and watch the Symphony Orchestra, the taxpayer pays another $20 on top of that. Or something, it's a ridiculous number."

"Well have you looked into Te Huia, the train? It's like $220 a seat subsidy.”

Cam asks his buddies what they think about the Budget; is it good, bad or ugly?

Listen to the full replay here:

1 week, 4 days ago

"Now I've accepted that from the time I land on a Monday ‘til the time I get home, I will have very little sleep and I will work non-stop. Now I've accepted that. So it's okay for me, and believe it or not, some days I don't have time to eat lunch and you'll know what that's like. You just go from meeting to meeting and then you go into the House and…Tanya, you're speaking on this Bill.”

Simon is joined by New Zealand First MP Tanya Unkovich, and hears about her life before parliament and how this has shaped her political journey.

Listen to the full replay here:

1 week, 5 days ago
Coming up on The Dialogue with …

Coming up on The Dialogue with Dieuwe de Boer from 1 - 3pm... 🕐

👉 Dieuwe is joined by New Zealand historian John McLean from Tross Publishing to talk about his new book, The British Empire: A Force for Good.

👉 William McGimpsey is back for The Weekly Roundup. Dieuwe and William discuss some feedback on Treaty settlements, the investigation into Te Pati Maori’s alleged privacy breach in the last election, the removal of agricultural emissions from the Emissions Trading Scheme, and more.

📲 Drop us a line: text 2057 or email inbox@realitycheck.radio & have your say!

Listen live online! ⤵️
www.realitycheck.radio 🚀

2 weeks, 5 days ago

"How can you have something that's unlawful go ahead? I mean, isn't that what the courts are about? If you go to the court and they go … yes, no … that's illegal; they can't go yes - that's illegal - but you can do it anyway. So for all of us ordinary people, it completely does not make sense”.

Alistair Harding speaks to Fluoride Free New Zealand’s Mary Byrne about the High Court’s decision to allow Hastings to continue to fluoridate, and the chilling message it sends about our Bill of Rights.

Listen to the full replay here:

Find out more about Fluoride Free NZ: fluoridefree.org.nz

2 weeks, 5 days ago

"That's right. Your cherished backyard blooms might just be secret agents of colonialism, and every petal or leaf in your culturally enriched garden could be a silent testament to centuries of botanical pillaging”.

Paul brings us a selection of RCR Bites news, including this item from the 'Clown World' section.

Get RCR bites delivered to your inbox daily by signing up to our Foundation Members Club here: https://realitycheck.radio/members/

Find original article here: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/05/23/colonial-plants-your-garden-cancelled-woke/

Stay tuned. Stay sharp! ⤵️

2 weeks, 5 days ago
Coming up on The Crunch with …

Coming up on The Crunch with Cam Slater from 4 - 7pm... 🕓

👉 Kathryn Ennis-Carter, Senior Development Consultant, returns to continue her conversation with Cam. This week they discuss the budget and the Maori Renaissance that is being institutionalised into public policy in relation to the Treaty.

👉 Political commentator and seasoned blogger Olivia Pierson joins Cam to discuss the current geopolitical landscape, plus an announcement!

👉 Cam asks his Buddies what they think about the Budget; is it good, bad or ugly?

📲 Drop us a line: text 2057 or email inbox@realitycheck.radio & have your say!

Listen live online! ⤵️
www.realitycheck.radio 🚀

4 weeks ago

"The issue here is it's supposed to be in an advisory role, and they've set themselves up in a sort of adversarial stance where they're summonsing ministers, that they can basically put them on the stand and cross-examine them like a lawyer in a trial”.

Dieuwe is joined by public policy professional William McGimpsey to review the week's political developments: the Court of Appeal’s decision on the powers of the Waitangi Tribunal to summon government ministers; the morphing of the Christchurch Call into a foundation; free speech issues here and in Australia; and the return of charter schools, and what that means for the future of New Zealand.

Listen to the full replay here:

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Last updated 2 weeks ago


Last updated 1 week, 3 days ago

Phase 1 - fair mining.
Play: @theYescoin_bot

Ambassador: https://forms.gle/zxgCJLZe5NMz2AHt5

Mod/CM hiring: https://forms.gle/HmEgyETipj7u3efg8

Yes, everything is possible!

Last updated 1 week, 2 days ago